单词 | usp | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 |
采用该工具,不仅可对可能违规的测量进行监测(例如:ISO 13320:2009与USP<429>标准),还可获得优化SOP的建议。 malvern.com.cn | Using this, you can not only detect measurements [...] which may be out of specification (such as [...] ISO 13320:2009 andUSP<429>)but also obtain [...]the advice you need to optimize your SOPs. malvern.com |
需要使用化学纯氢氧化钠,USP(美国药典)级矿物油和去离子水。 cn.lubrizol.com | Chemically pure [...] sodium hydroxide, USPgrade mineral oil [...]and demineralized water should be used. lubrizol.com |
您可以立即确定您的测量是否符合规范,或在标准规定的限值以内,例如 ISO13320标准以及USP<429>,免除了对方法开发的推测。 malvern.com.cn | This enable you to immediately determine if your measurements meet specifications, or are [...] within the limits specified by standards [...] such as ISO13320 and USP<429>,removing the [...]guess work from method development. malvern.com |
在Imerys-LQM,我们所生产的沉淀碳酸钙因他的高品质,低铅含量,重金属含量低,也符合加州65号提案,USP/FCC认证,也是一份GRAS添加剂以及符合KOSHER (犹太教食品规格),被我们的客户选择为生产原料。 imerys-lqm.com | PCC Imerys-LQM, is elected by our business partners for our high quality, low lead content, low content of heavy metals because it is a GRAS additive and meets the requirements of California Proposition 65, USP, FCC and Kosher certification. imerys-lqm.com |
该种硅橡胶产品具有纯度高、 不含有机增塑剂和稳定剂的特点, 并且经过依照ISO 10993标准和USP(美国药典)第VI级所指定的检测证明具有生物相容性。 wacker.com | Marketed under the SILPURAN® trademark, these products are highly pure, free of organic plasticizers and stabilizers, and have passed selected tests for biocompatibility according to ISO 10993 and US Pharmacopeia Class VI. wacker.com |
在国家层面,信息与传播技术中心包括圣保罗大学(USP),巴伊亚、米亚斯吉拉 斯、南大河州和巴西利亚联邦大学,圣保罗和巴拉那宗座天主教大学;在国际层面正在与以 [...] 下学校商谈合作:蒙特利尔商学院(HEC Montreal)(加拿大),密歇根大学(UM)(美 [...]国),伦敦经济学院(LSE)(英国)。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The cooperation of CETIC at national level includes the [...] University ofSao Paulo (USP), the FederalUniversities [...]Bahia, Minas Gerais, Rio Grande [...]de Sul and Federal District Brasilia, the Catholic Universities PUC of Sao Paulo and Parana; at international level, cooperation is being discussed with École des hautes études commerciales (HEC) Montreal (Canada), University of Michigan (UM, USA), London School of Economics (LSE, UK). unesdoc.unesco.org |
山都平热塑性硫化弹性体医疗牌号符合USP级VI和ISO 10933规范。 exxonmobilchemical.com | Santoprene TPV medical grades [...] are compliantwith USPClassVI and ISO [...]10933 regulations. exxonmobilchemical.com |
同SILPURAN®系列其他产品一样, SILPURAN® 2410 A/B也不含有机增塑剂和稳定剂, 并经ISO 10993标准和USP(美国药典)第VI级规定的检测证明, 具有生物兼容性。 wacker.com | Like all products in the SILPURAN® series, SILPURAN® 2410 A/B is free of organic plasticizers and stabilizers, and has passed selected tests for biocompatibility according to ISO 10993 and US Pharmacopeia Class VI. wacker.com |
凡购买以上产品 10 件,即可免费获赠UNIUSP-200萤光笔 粉红色(赠品) 1 件。 bigboxx.com | For every 10 of these unit(s) you purchase, you will [...] receive 1 unit(s) of UNIUSP-200 Promark View Pink [...](FREE) . bigboxx.com |
Noveon AA -1聚卡波非符合美国药典(USP)专论对聚卡波非的要求。 cn.lubrizol.com | Noveon AA-1 polycarbophil meets the requirements of the [...] U.S. Pharmacopeia (USP) monographfor Polycarbophil. lubrizol.com |
我们是根据ISO 10993和USP的要求研制出这些产品,并对其生物兼容性进行了测试。 quadrantplastics.com | These grades have been developed and tested for biocompatibility according [...] to ISO 10993and USP requirements. quadrantplastics.com |
特瑞堡密封系统公司生产符合美国药典(USP)VI级标准的用于生命科学及其加工行业的全系列医疗级和食品级硅胶 产品。 tss.trelleborg.com | Trelleborg Sealing Solutions manufactures a complete line of medical and food grade silicone products for the life sciences and processing industries that meet U.S. Pharmacopeia (USP) Class VI standards. tss.trelleborg.com |
美国药典USP(US PHARMACOPEIA) 认证的提取物品质,纯度和效力,都通过USP严格的认证程序。 arco-plant-cells.com | USP(U.S. PHARMACOPEIA, The standard of Quality) verifies the quality, purity, and potency of the extracted ingredients andpassed USP's rigorous verification [...] processes. arco-plant-cells.com |
该器件简化了 USB 到 I²S 的音频数据传输过程,无需进行任何代码研发,从而缩短了 USB 音频配件的面市时间,如USP扬声器、USB 耳机、USB 音乐盒以及 VolP 系统。 digikey.cn | It simplifies the process of transferring audio data from USB to I²S without any code development, speeding time to market for USB audio accessories such as USB speakers, USB headphones, and USB music boxes, as well as VoIP systems. digikey.ca |
在“电梯开关”部分,你会看到在井道、轿厢和机房中广泛应用的各种电梯开关:平层和精确定位开关,肯定断开门触点,位置开关,磁簧开关,遥控报警系统以及USP超声波电梯定位系统。 schmersal.net | In the "Lift Switchgears" section, you will find lift switchgears for various applications in the shaft pit, the lift car and the machine room: floor and fine-adjustment switches, positive-break door contacts, [...] position switches, magnetic reed switches, remote alarm [...] systems aswellasthe USP ultrasonic elevator [...]positioning system. schmersal.net |
跨骏的生命科学级产品组合在材料生物相容性测试上,符合FDA、ISO 10993和USP指标,因此可节约测试成本和时间,同时可提供从原材料到型材的全程跟踪。 quadrantplastics.com | The Quadrant Life Science Grades [...] portfolio includes plastics which comply with [...] FDA, ISO10993 andUSP guidelinesfor biocompatibility [...]testing of materials, saving [...]testing costs and time while providing full traceability from raw material to stock shape. quadrantplastics.com |
为确保在长期上架存储前培养皿是无菌的,按 照《美国药典》(USP)中厌氧细菌和需氧细菌的 试验方法随机测试试样。 www2.dupont.com | To ensure that the petri dish was sterile prior to long-term shelf storage, [...] samples were randomly tested following the United [...] States Pharmacopoeia (USP)methods forboth [...]anaerobic and aerobic bacteria. www2.dupont.com |
撒哈拉腐蚀清洗系统不使用酸式解决方案,而采用DI或USP级水及70%异丙醇或乙醇,这些物质每周使用一次很安全,因而能使设备始终保持可以随时接受检查的状态,并支持公司通过ISO [...] 14001及OHSAS 18001认证。 tipschina.gov.cn | Instead of using an acid-based solution, The [...] Sahara Corrosion Cleaning System requires [...] the useof DI or USP-gradewaterand 70% [...]isopropyl or ethyl alcohol, which can [...]be used safely on a weekly basis. tipschina.gov.cn |
由于新的电梯定位技术(比如USP,位置和磁开关)的应用,精确平层开关现几乎专门用做备用开关。 schmersal.net | Considering the use of new [...] technologies (e.g.USP,position and magnetic [...]switches) for lift positioning, the floor and fine [...]adjustment switches today are almost exclusively utilised as spare part. schmersal.net |
请注 意,有些USPVI级测试和 ISO 10993 部分的测试内 容会有重叠,这意味着通过USPVI级测试的材料也 非常可能达到 ISO 10993 的标准。 elastotpe.com | Note that there is an overlap betweensome tests in USP Class VI andtests described in parts of ISO 10993, meaning that [...] the material is highly [...]likely to pass parts of ISO 10993 when having passed USP Class VI. elastotpe.com |
马里兰州罗克维尔2010年6月24日电 /美通社亚洲/ -- 中国疾控中心营养与食品安全所 (NINFS) 和美国药典委员会(USP)今天签署了一项将双方潜在合作领域细化的谅解备忘录 (MOU),两大机构都认识到确保公众获得品质放心的食品成分非常重要。 jlstevia.com | June 23 /PRNewswire-Asia/ -- Recognizing the importance of ensuring that food ingredients of assured quality are made available to the public, the National Institute of Nutrition and Food Safety-Chinese Center for Diseases Control and Prevention (NINFS) and the U.S. Pharmacopeial Convention (USP) today signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) detailing potential areas of collaboration. jlstevia.com |
为了防止影响 Mediprene® 化合物的医学特性,色母 应通过USPVI级或同等测试。 elastotpe.com | Not to violate the high medical status of the Mediprene compound, the colour masterbatch [...] should have passedUSP Class VI orcomparable tests. elastotpe.com |
在医院或者相关的实验室越来越多的关键程序要求集中式的UPS系统取代更常见的分散式静态USP系统。 hitecups.com | Increasing number of critical processes in hospitals and related laboratories call for centralized UPS systems instead of more common decentralized static UPS systems. hitecups.com |
在Imerys-LQM,我们有广泛,高品质和高纯度的产品线,其中ACALA™产品系列是市场中铅含量最低的,并且符合加州65号提案,USP/FCC标准,也是一份GRAS添加剂以及符合KOSHER(犹太教食品规格),因此ACALA™ [...] 被最苛刻的行业,例如: 食品,制药和个人护理业选为生厂过程需要的重要原料。 imerys-lqm.com | Acala™ has low lead content, meets the requirements of California Proposition 65, [...] and the specifications ofUSP/EP. imerys-lqm.com |
自2007年起,梁博士参与兴建和管理位於香港大埔科学园符合GMP要求的生产厂房,有系统地编制相关的GMP文件,其所开发研制的功能性聚乙二醇(PEG)合成产品符合GMP规范并达致USP品质要求。 bio-cancer.org | He has systematically finalized BCT’s documentation system in compliance with GMP requirements. He [...] has also developed a patentable technology for the chemical [...] synthesis of the USP-grademodified Polyethylene [...]Glycol (PEG). bio-cancer.org |