侦听公共端口或者 Web 服务实现 的URI(在部署后,在服务的 WSDL 中所定义),以获得 [...]SOAP/HTTP 绑定。 huihoo.org | Listening on a well [...] known por t or on the URIof the Web service [...]implementation (as defined in the service's WSDL after deployment) for SOAP/HTTP bindings. huihoo.org |
在3.5中,WCF包含 了URI模版,负责映射 Web地址和HTTP动词,这是为了实现JSON和RSS格式,以及实现二进制流。 infoq.com | With 3.5, WCF includes URItemplates for mapping [...]web addresses and HTTP verbs, for implementing JSON and RSS formats, and for binary streams. infoq.com |
总干事接到荷兰王国外交部 长UriRosenthal 先生 2011 年 6 月的来信,信中代表库拉索 [...]岛申请接纳该岛为教科文组织准会员。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The Director-General received from the [...] Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of [...] the Ne therlands,MrUri Rosenthal, a letter [...]dated June 2011, applying on behalf of [...]Curaçao for its admission as an Associate Member of UNESCO. unesdoc.unesco.org |
配置工具-整合在Fiorano [...] Studio中的一个新的工具,用来配置选定的配置文件,允许一些简单的配置比如数 据URI、用户名/密码、命名服务绑定等等。 evget.com | Configuration Tool - A new tool integrated within Fiorano Studio for configuring a selected [...] profile, allowing simpler configuration of [...] options lik e DatabaseURI,username/password, [...]Naming Service bindings and more evget.com |
如果您尝试传递相 对URI,浏览器就会提示出现安全错误。 html5rocks.com | If you attempt [...] to pass arelative URI, thebrowser will [...]complain with a security error. html5rocks.com |
容器提供者需要支持 [...] ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY,从而使组件能够动态地将存根/代理重定向至不同 的URI。huihoo.org | A container provider is required to support the ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY to allow components to dynamically redirect a [...] Stub/proxy t o a differentURI. huihoo.org |
当时,施维茨州(Schwyz),下瓦尔登州(Unterwalden)和乌里 州(Uri)的代表在卢塞恩湖上的吕特里原野(Rütli)会面,发誓结为联盟,并达成协议为自由而互相帮助。 swissworld.org | The representatives of [...] Schwyz, Unte rwaldenand Uri met on the Rütli [...]field, high above Lake Lucerne, to swear a bond of brotherhood, [...]and agree to act jointly if their freedoms were threatened by outside aggressors. swissworld.org |
子 Worker 中 的URI应相对于父 Worker 的位置进行解析(与主网页不同)。 html5rocks.com | URIs withinsubworkers are resolved [...]relative to their parent worker's location (as opposed to the main page). html5rocks.com |
该信息等级包括IP地址和用户访问该网站的计算机的域名、被请求资源的地址 (URI)、请求的时间、被用来指向请求网站服务器的方法、文件获取作为响应的尺寸大小、数字代码包括由网站服务器提供的响应状态(成功、错误等)以及其它有关操作系统和用户的IT环境的参数。 diniargeo.cn | This class of information includes the IP addresses or the domain names of the computers of users [...] visiting the website, the addresses of [...] requested r esources (in URI, Uniform Resource [...]Identifier format), the time of the request, [...]the method used to forward the request to the web server, the size of the file obtained as response, the numerical code indicating the status of the response provided by the web server (successful, error, etc…) and other parameters relative to the operating system and to the user’s IT environment. diniargeo.com |
2007 年 6 月 27 日,耶路撒冷区法院裁定,不得剥夺阿拉伯公民被任用进入 [...] Keren Kayemeth Le’Israel (KKL) ――犹太民族基金――董事会的资格,该基金是一 [...] 个致力于平等原则的双重实体(OP 529 9/06,UriBank诉 Keren Kayemeth Le’Israel [...]KKL 案)。 daccess-ods.un.org | On June 27, 2007, the Jerusalem District Court determined that an Arab citizen could not be disqualified from being appointed to the board of directors of Keren Kayemeth Le’Israel (KKL) – the Jewish National [...] Fund, which is a dual entity committed to the principal of [...] equal ity (OP5299/06 Uri Bank v. KerenKayemeth [...]Le’Israel KKL). daccess-ods.un.org |
必须能够 将URI移交至视频标记。 html5rocks.com | It must be a ble to hand a URI to thevideo tag. html5rocks.com |
请注意,如果 WSDL 在端口中指定了地址语句,它 的URI地址就会被忽略。 huihoo.org | Note that if the WSDL specifies an address statement [...] within th e port, its URIaddress is ignored. huihoo.org |
一位出色的以色列和平活 动 家UriDavis 早在 1987 年就开始在他的《以色列: [...]一个种族隔离的国家》一书中记录以色列的种族隔 离政策。 daccess-ods.un.org | An outstanding [...] Israeli pe ace activist,Uri Davis,had begun documenting [...]Israeli apartheid as far back as 1987 in his book [...]“Israel: an apartheid State”. daccess-ods.un.org |
以色列着名政治人士,包 括前国防部长和外交部长Moshe Arens、现任议会议员Reuven Rivlin、议会议员 Tzipi [...] Hotovely和亚沙定居点委员会前主 席UriElitzur分别呼吁采取这种解决 [...]办法。 daccess-ods.un.org | Prominent Israeli political figures, including Moshe Arens, the former Defence Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs; member and current Speaker of the [...] Knesset, Reuven Rivlin; Knesset member [...] Tzipi Hot ovely; andUri Elitzur,former [...]chair of the Yesha Council of Settlements, [...]have each separately called for such a solution. daccess-ods.un.org |
保证数据云 [...] 的一致和可靠的一种方法是重用现有的本体(词汇表) 和URI。conference.ifla.org | One of the ways for ensuring persistency and reliability of the data cloud is to reusing existing ontologies [...] (voc abularies)and URIs. conference.ifla.org |
Berners-Lee, 2009)其他重要 的原则包括能够参引给定 的URI、使用超文本交换协议(Hypertext Transfer Protocol, HTTP)来 获取特定 的URI所指涉的相关的信息、使用RDF/XML这样的数据格式、使用词汇表来定义语 言,比如RDFS和OWL、使用称之为SPARQL的检索语言、最后但也很重要的是,在数据集的 [...]内外整合各个方向的链接,于是丰富数据并且提供在情境上的重要性。 conference.ifla.org | Other essential principles include an ability to [...] derefere nce a given URI, using Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), in order to retrieve relevant information as to what this particular URI refers to; use of [...]data formats, such as [...]RDF/XML, use of vocabulary definition languages, such as RDFS and OWL, and use of query language known as SPARQL; and last but not least is the incorporation of inbound and outbound links within and outside the data sets, thereby enriching the data and providing contextual significance. conference.ifla.org |
不过,他们将被小心地 从URI显示字符串中删除,以保护您的隐私。 software.evget.com | They, however, are [...] discreetly omit ted from theURI display strings in [...]an effort to protect your privacy. software.evget.com |
在HTMLUI控件中包含了一些额外的,深入的HTML渲染概念,它们包括使用控件 从URI,text,和XML中渲染HTML页面。 evget.com | Some additional, in-depth concepts of HTML [...] rendering that come with the HTMLUI control include the use of the control in [...] rendering H TML pages from URI, text, and XML. evget.com |
协议允许应用程序使 用URI启动其他应用程序,就像你启动某个网站一样。 infoq.com | Protocols allow applications to launch other [...] applicati ons using URIsmuch asyou would [...]launch a website. infoq.com |
使 用URI用于元数据元素的名称、标签和关系减轻了元素使用中命名和发现的冲突。 conference.ifla.org | The ut ilisation of URIsfor metadataelement [...]names, labels, and relations alleviates naming and identification conflicts in the use of elements. conference.ifla.org |
结合媒体片 段URI,跟踪可以提供强大的机制,供您查找和导航到音频和视频中的内容。 html5rocks.com | Combined [...] with m edia fragmentURIs,tracks couldprovide [...]a powerful mechanism for finding and navigating to content within audio and video. html5rocks.com |
前军情局 长UriSaguy 少将的 话就是许多例子中的一个,他曾参加 [...]2000 年比尔·克 林顿组织的 Shepherdstown 会谈,在 其 最近出版的题 为“僵硬的手:为什么以色列惧怕与叙利亚的和平甚 过惧怕战争”的书中,Saguy [...]先生认为,以色列千方 百计破坏与叙利亚的任何解决方案,而前总理埃胡 德·巴拉克使与叙利亚的和平进程夭折。 daccess-ods.un.org | One example among many are the remarks by [...] Major GeneralUri Saguy, former [...]head of military intelligence, who took part in [...]the 2000 Shepherdstown talks organized by Bill Clinton, in his recently published book daccess-ods.un.org |
名称空 间URI(常规形式是“ some-URI”)表示 RFC2396 [14 ] 中定义的与应用程序相关或与内容相关的某 个URI。huihoo.org | Name space URIsof the general form "so me-URI"represent some application-dependent or context-depe ndent URI as defined in RFC 2396 [14]. huihoo.org |
资源的位置由用户使 用URI(统一资源标示符)指定。 html5rocks.com | The location of the resource is specified by [...] the user usinga URI(Uniform resource [...]Identifier). html5rocks.com |
此类信息包括IP地址、用户连接网络使用的计算机名称、所需资源 的URI地址(统一资源标识符)、申请时间、提交申请至服务器的方式、回复内容的长短、服务器显示的回复状态代码(完成、错误等)以及用户的计算机操作系统和环境等其他参数。 mercerizingtechnology.com | This category of data includes IP addresses or [...] domain names of computers used by users who [...] connect tothe site, URI(Uniform Resource [...]Identifier) of requested resources, [...]the time of the request, the method used to submit the request to server, the size of the file obtained in reply, the numerical code indicating the status of the response from the server (successful, error, etc..) and other parameters regarding the operating system and computer environment. mercerizingtechnology.com |
两 个URI必须相关,并且必须与清单文件同源。 html5rocks.com | B oth URIs mustbe relative [...]and from the same origin as the manifest file. html5rocks.com |
用户名和密码会被保存为您的部分会议 和URI资源,可以供您日后使用。 software.evget.com | Your username and password are saved as part of your session and as [...] part of t heresource URIs so that they are [...]available to you for later use. software.evget.com |
混合元数据方式(根据标准的元数据以及社会构建的元数据)、以及额外得到关联数据 (URI、RDF、OWL、SPARQL)的语义和技术能力支持的数字图书馆系统能够提供更丰富和 [...]更完整的对于信息对象的元数据描述,更精确的反映出用户所采用的各种解释和术语。 conference.ifla.org | A digital library system underpinned by mixed metadata approaches (standards-based and socially-constructed metadata) and augmented by the [...] additional semantics and technological [...] capabilities of L inked Data(URI, RDF, OWL, SPARQL) [...]would be better situated to provide a richer [...]and more complete metadata descriptions of information objects, more accurately reflecting the various interpretations and terminologies employed by users. conference.ifla.org |
提供了一个新的@MatrixVariable注解,可以从请 求URI中提取出矩阵变量(路径分隔中的名值对)。 infoq.com | A new @MatrixVariable annotation which adds support for extracting matrix variables (name-value pairs within path [...] segments) fro m the request URI. infoq.com |
在他 的Ted演说中,Berners-Lee(2010)重新提到了他关联数据的愿景,并且引用了一组国际、地 [...] 区和社区层面上的倡议计划和项目,这些项目采用了关联数据的原则,并且通过使 用URI和RDF技术让它们的数据开放可得。 conference.ifla.org | In his TedTalk, BernersLee (2010) re-iterates his vision of Linked Data by citing a number of international, regional and community-based initiatives and [...] projects that have adopted Linked Data principles and thereby made their data [...] openly ava ilable using URIsand RDF technologies. conference.ifla.org |