关于更多货币的服务或附件信息,请联系企业Ag encyofSecurity FE NIX,a.s.。industrystock.cn | For more product information about the topic Money, [...] please contact A gency of Security FENIX, a.s.. industrystock.com |
尽管使用者可以为备份指派任何名称,但很多使用者仍倾向於使用自动命名,以下资讯对检 视Windows档案总管中的备份存档储存内容十分有用。 seagate.com | Though users may assign any name to backups, many would still prefer using automatic [...] naming and the below information may come in handy when viewing the contents of a backup [...] archi vestoragein Windows Explorer. seagate.com |
服务内容包括协调和完成信息系统的一般审查和应用系统的监控点有效性的审查 - SSAE16 验证(即以前的SAS70等)、信息系统的一般监控审查和其他特别审查、 按美国萨班斯-奥克斯利 (Sarbanes-Oxley) [...] 法案的要求作信息系统的监控及实施和协助企业进行测试的工作、为数据中心及其信息系统在应用系统的监控和一般信息系统的监控作审查 、内部网络审查 - [...] 如IBM的AS/400、Unix、 Micro softWindows和其他操作系统核实其安全性、建立IT审计方法和工作方案以协助进行内部和外部审计等。 crowehorwath.net | In recent years, Ester is providing IT auditing and consulting services to the clients in Hong Kong and in the United States covering manufacturing, retail businesses, education, banking and financial services industries, etc. Details of services include coordinating and completing information systems general and application controls SSAE16 (previously SAS70) examinations, Information Systems General Control Reviews and other specialized reviews; assisting organizations with the implementation and testing of Information Systems in support of Sarbanes-Oxley Act requirements; performing Information Systems reviews of data centers, focusing on application controls and general control areas; experience reviewing network and [...] operating system’s security such as IBM [...] AS/400, UN IX, MicrosoftWindows andothers;assisting [...]in creation of IT audit methodologies [...]and work programs for both internal and external audits performed. crowehorwath.net |
一位业界代表问,如英式早餐茶包(English Breakfast Tea Bags)在包装上 标明,茶包混合了锡蘭茶与印度 茶(ablendofCeylon and Indian tea),在配料 表上不标示“锡蘭茶葉及印度茶葉”(Ceylon tea leaves and Indian tea leaves)是 否可以接受。 cfs.gov.hk | One trade representative enquired if a package of English Breakfast Tea Bags marked on the packaging that it contained a blend of Ceylon and Indian tea, was it acceptable not to have an ingredients list stating “Ceylon tea leaves and Indian tea leaves”. cfs.gov.hk |
1998年,Lebel凭藉其对卑诗省的矿业开发所作出的卓越贡献获卑诗省和育空地区矿业协会 (Yukon Cha mberofCommerce)授 予E.A.Scholz奖章。 southgobi.com | In 1998, Mr. Lebel was awarded the E.A. Scholz Medal by the BC and Yukon Chamber of Mines for excellence in mine development in British Columbia. southgobi.com |
此外,延长总部个人计算 机现行更换周期可能影响最迟于 2014 年 7 月转换 为Windows7操作系统的计划, 因为现有个人计算机一半以上不具备支 持Windows7的最低条件,必须在 2014 年 7 月之前更换。 daccess-ods.un.org | Furthermore, a lengthening of the current cycle for the replacement of personal computers at Headquarters could [...] have an impact on the [...] planned m igration to the Windows 7 operating system by July 2014, in view of the fact over half of the existing personal computers did not have the minimum requireme nts to support Windows 7and would have to [...]be replaced before July 2014. daccess-ods.un.org |
为了使 LINK 850 从电脑接收稳定电平的输入信号 ,Windows设置已被禁用。 jabra.cn | To secure that LINK 850 receives a constant leveled input [...] signal fro m the PC, thewindows settings has been disabled. jabra.com |
为什 么Windows中的麦克风和扬声器设置无法访问? jabra.cn | Why is the Microphone and [...] speake r settingsinWindows notaccessible? jabra.com |
她的其他作品包括一卷十四行诗和诗歌、一本英国诗人奥斯卡·王尔德的和他的母亲王尔德女士的回忆录以及另外两本关于非洲的书:《破烂的边缘:非洲金矿的传说》(The Ragged Edge:Tales of the African Gold [...] Fields)(1895) 和 《一个非洲之子的罗曼史》 (ASonofAfrica:ARomance)(1899)。 wdl.org | Her other books include a volume of sonnets and poems, a memoir of English poet Oscar Wilde and his mother, Lady Wilde, and two [...] other books about Africa: The Ragged Edge: Tales of the African Gold [...] Fields ( 1895) andA Son of Africa: A Romance (1899). wdl.org |
此外,如 果影像档因某些原因被损毁,有时则可能需要挂载影像,并使 用Windows档案总管将它们从 挂载的影像中复制,以此来储存大部分档案及资料夹。 seagate.com | Incidentally, if the image file becomes corrupted for some reason, it is sometimes possible to mount the image and save most files and folders by copying them from the mounted image using Windows Explorer. seagate.com |
除此之外,Setup [...] Factory支持创建一个安装文件包或一个单独的setup.exe文件,生成文件可以运行于任意版本 的windows中,包括 95到windows7及其以上版本,且更利于您的发布,比如通过网站下载、CD-ROM, [...]DVD-ROM刻录和局域网。 evget.com | What's more, Setup Factory creates a compact, [...] single-file setup.exe that runs [...] on any versi onof Windowsfrom 95to windows7(andabove) and [...]is perfect for distribution by [...]web download, CD-ROM, DVD-ROM and LAN. evget.com |
使用它就类似于在您的系统中安装了一个虚拟打印机,可打印来自任 何Windows应用程序所支持的,符合行业标准的光栅图像格式的文档/图像——比打印到纸上更好。 evget.com | As with our award winning PDF-XChange the latest addition to our product range installs onto your system as a 'Virtual' [...] printer allowing you to 'print' your [...] document/I mage from any Windows applicationto any [...]of the industry standard Raster format's [...]supported (see below) - rather than paper. evget.com |
我自己经营着一家公司,专注 于WindowsAzure应用的监控,我们自己使用了大量的Azure存储,但即便对于我们所用的存储能力来说,账单上的数字也是很小的。 infoq.com | I run a company [...] dedicated to m onitoringofWindows Azure applications [...]and we ourselves use a ton of Azure storage, but even [...]with our capacity our storage bills are minuscule. infoq.com |
好消息!我们的产品完全支持最新发布 的Windows7。tec-it.com | The release candidateofWindows 7 is completely supported [...]by our products. tec-it.com |
这是一个全新的协作解决方案,包括多协议即时消息、同固线和手机的高清语音通话以及同包 括Windows和Macintosh在内的PC的6路视频会议通信(当前的测试版提供4路视频会议,而Goober [...]3.0的最终公开发布版将支持创纪录的6路视频会议功能)。 tipschina.gov.cn | Goober Networks, the only complete Unified Communications (UC) solution, today announced goober 3.0 as a public [...] beta, a completely new collaboration solution [...] that inclu des multi-protocol instant [...]messaging, HD (high definition) Voice to [...]landlines and cell phones and 6-way video conferencing calls to PCs including Windows and Macintosh (the current beta version offers 4-way video conferencing; however, the final public release of goober 3.0 will support a record-setting 6-way video conferencing capability). tipschina.gov.cn |
多地区兼容性-本产品兼容了所有的语言和地区设置,包 括Windows的双字节版本,如用于中国和日本,以及亚洲其他地区进行设置。 evget.com | Multiple Locale Compatibility - This product is compatible with all [...] languages and locales, including [...] Double Byte versions ofWindows,such as those used [...]in China and Japan, as well as other Asian locale settings. evget.com |
使 用Windows此评估版本的许可证将很快到期。 kb.parallels.com | Your license to use this [...] evaluati onversionofWindows will expiresoon. kb.parallels.com |
电影导演及编剧很早便对精神分析等学问产生兴趣,自德国导演帕布斯特(Georg Wilhelm Pabst)於1926年拍成《灵的秘密》(Sec retsof aSoul)开始,东西方电影对影像如何深入「灵」(Mind)及「潜意识」(Subconscious)的探索便从未间断。 think-silly.com | Since ‘Secrets of a Soul’ by Georg Wilhelm Pabst in 1926, the mind and subconscious has been a consistent theme in films across the Atlantis. think-silly.com |
课程内容 [...] 數码产品认識、电脑硬件之规格和功能、组装流程、硬碟规划、档案配置、外频倍频及 BIOS 设定 升级与备份 、Windows安装、OS 应用技巧、电脑回收实务及环保技术、电脑网络及寛频技术基础、 [...]电脑行业知識与优质服务、电脑私隐保障、电脑检测及维修技术基础、职业英语及普通话。 yes.labour.gov.hk | Course Content Computer and digital products specification and function, work flow of hardware installation, fix disk, CPU, [...] BIOS, RAID setting, backup and [...] upgrade, ins tallation ofWindows,OS application, HK [...]computer recycling operation, basic [...]skills in network and broadband, business knowledge in computer industry, e-data security skills, excellent customer services, basic PC repairing, vocational English and Putonghua. yes.labour.gov.hk |