单词 | tck | ||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 |
通过分析来确定用户板 JTAG 仿真路径是否有足够的时间余量能让 JTAG 工作在期望的TCK频率下。 analog.com | Use this analysis to determine whether your target JTAG emulation paths have sufficient timing margin to operate at the desired JTAGTCK frequency. analog.com |
对提议的最终草案的修订根据在创建参考实现(Reference [...] Implementation)和技术兼容性工具(Technology Compatibility Kit,TCK)时出现的问题进行。 huihoo.org | Revisions to the Proposed Final [...] Draft are based on issues that come up while creating a Reference Implementation and [...] Technology Compatibility Kit(TCK). huihoo.org |
从2003年初到北京至今,我已经在这里工作了8年的时间,也接触过很多有第三文化小孩(TCK)的家庭。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | I have been working in Beijing for about eight years and have worked with families with [...] third-culturekid (TCK) issues since [...]August 2003. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
当TCK出现一个脉冲讯号时,移位暂存器 内的资料就会移动一个位元。 zeroplus.com.tw | When one pulse signal appears in [...] the TCK Port, the data in the Shift Register will move one bit. zeroplus.com.tw |
Oracle将会继续为商业许可提供TCK,但也会更新OCTLA许可以便能够涵盖Java SE 7。 infoq.com | Oracle will continue to provide the TCK to commercial licensees, but also update the OCTLA license so that it covers Java SE 7. infoq.com |
通常情况 下,合理的时间余量至少是整个TCK时钟周期 的 10%。 analog.com | As a general rule, the desired margin should be at least 10% of a fullTCK clock period. analog.com |
如果采用典型值得到的余量仍为负,试着选一个 可用的慢速TCK频率,或者对用户板作一些改 变来减少 JTAG 仿真器路径延时。 analog.com | If you still calculate a negative margin using typical values, try selecting a slower analog.com |
对于TCK信号要用一个高扇出的驱动。 analog.com | ForTCK signals, use a driver with a high fan-out. analog.com |
对于 2.5V/1.8V 低电压用户板,TCK信号的缓冲 器应采用低抖动,高扇出,最小输入输出延时, 单 1 对 5 时钟驱动型号为 IDT5T9050(或等同的) 的缓冲器,TMS,TDI,TRST~,TDO 和 EMU~ 信号的缓冲器应使用型号为 74AVC16244(或等 同的)的缓冲器。 analog.com | For 2.5-V / 1.8-V very low voltage targets, buffer theTCK signal with a low-skew, high fan-out, minimal input-to-output delay, single 1-to-5 clock driver type IDT5T9050 (or equivalent), and buffer theTMS,TDI,TRST~,TDO, andEMU~ signals with a type 74AVC16244 buffer (or equivalent). analog.com |
其实,我们将很快在JBoss里支持它(一拿到TCK就可以),而且我们很多大客户都在催促我们提供RESTEasy支持。 infoq.com | We're actually going to be supporting it within JBoss very soon (as soon as I can get my hands on the TCK!) and have a number of large customers who already use RESTEasy breathing down our necks to do so. infoq.com |
开源实现者可以借助于后者自由访问TCK以验证其实现,但前提是这些实现是由OpenJDK驱动并且基于GPL许可(当然了,Apache Harmony哪个都不属于)。 infoq.com | The latter allows open source implementors free access to the TCK to verify their implementations, provided those implementations are OpenJDK-derived and licensed under GPL (Apache Harmony, of course, is neither). infoq.com |