单词 | Stella | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 |
花纹样式和纱线会先经由StellaSalv atelli的巧手处理,再交由古石屋内的女工制作样板。 iwc.com | Patterns and yarn first come together in the [...] skilled hands ofStella Salvatelliand the [...]other women who produce the prototypes [...]in one of the ancient stone houses. iwc.com |
鲍里斯很快发现,Stella和北极熊头家。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Boris is [...] quicklyfound, and Stellaand the polar bears [...]head for home. seekcartoon.com |
是次活动获各大酒吧的鼎力支持,冰冻的生力啤酒及StellaArtois® 啤酒将源源不绝的奉上,慰劳在球赛中落力打气的球迷。 ilovelkf.hk | To treat the cheering endeavor of every [...] enthusiast, it is certain that the pints of [...] San Miguel® andStella Artois®beer holding [...]in their hands will never be empty. ilovelkf.hk |
Stella是鲍里斯生气,但她也没有鲍里斯和承认,她是一个追逐他的邮袋。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Stella is angry withBoris, [...] but she is also missing Boris and admits that she was the one who chased him into the mailbag. seekcartoon.com |
出席当天下午颁奖仪式的有耀中的行政人员和部门主管,以及CIE代表,包括行政总裁Ann Puntis女士、传讯及客户关系总监Janet Morris女士、亚太区总裁Ben [...] Schmidt博士、中国高等学校发展经理 StellaJiang女士,及中国学校发展经理Lina [...]Li女士。 ycis-bj.com | Attending the afternoon ceremony were YCIS administrators and division heads, and CIE representatives, including Ms. Ann Puntis, CIE CEO, Ms. Janet Morris, CIE Director of Communications and Customer Relationships, [...] Dr. Ben Schmidt, CIE Regional Director [...] Asia Pacific, Ms.Stella Jiang,CIESenior [...]Schools Development Manager for China, [...]and Ms. Lina Li, CIE Schools Development Manager for China. ycis-bj.com |
衣物样板会交由不同生产商制作,其处理的方式与Stella和其他索罗梅奥员工如出一辙。 iwc.com | The prototypes are destined for the various manufacturers, who prepare the garments [...] in the same way as Stellaand her colleagues [...]do in Solomeo. iwc.com |
电影独立精神奖由钟表世家伯爵、尊美醇爱尔兰威士忌(Jameson®)和林肯汽车首席赞助,时代啤酒(StellaArtois)为主要赞助商。 piaget.com.cn | The Film Independent Spirit Awards are sponsored by Premier Sponsors Piaget and Jameson® Irish Whiskey and Lincoln [...] and PrincipalSponsorStella Artois. piaget.com |
台下群众可一尝变成榄球好手的滋味:只要於指定地点消费3杯的生力桶啤或StellaArtois® 桶啤酒即可尽显榄球身手,於会场游戏摊位中测试自己的带球及投球技巧,与各地球迷一较高下。 ilovelkf.hk | Crowds on ground can turn into [...] good rugby players: just finish 3 pints [...] of SanMiguel® or StellaArtois® beer and [...]go to the 3 game stalls, you will become [...]one of the rugby players to compete with the worldwide enthusiasts your techniques in handling and scoring. ilovelkf.hk |
在接受奖状之後不久, 圣普区域中心理事会宣布,Stella被遴选为2007年度伊丽莎白・昆因纪念奖 [...] (Elizabeth Quinn Memorial Award) 的得奖者。 cpad.org | Shortly after receiving the Certification of Recognition, the Board of [...] SG/PRC announcedthat Stellahas been selected [...]to be the recipient of the 2007 Annual [...]Elizabeth Quinn Memorial Award. cpad.org |
作为一个真正以消费者为中心的销售主导型公司,Anheuser-Busch InBev 管理着一支近 300 [...] 个品牌的产品组合,其中包括全球旗舰品牌 Budweiser(百威)、StellaArtois和 Beck’s,快速增长的多国品牌 [...]Leffe 和 Hoegaarden,以及特色鲜明的“当地明珠”品牌,如 [...]Bud Light、Skol、Brahma、Quilmes、Michelob、哈尔滨啤酒、雪津啤酒、Klinskoye、Sibirskaya Korona、Chernigivske、Jupiler 以及其它。 china.blackstone.com | A true consumer-centric, sales driven company, Anheuser-Busch InBev manages a portfolio of nearly [...] 300 brands that includes global flagship [...] brandsBudweiser, StellaArtois and Beck’s, [...]fast growing multi-country brands like [...]Leffe and Hoegaarden, and strong "local jewels" such as Bud Light, Skol, Brahma, Quilmes, Michelob, Harbin, Sedrin, Klinskoye, Sibirskaya Korona, Chernigivske, and Jupiler, among others. blackstone.com |
近年参与展览策划包括:「出嚟行!七人游行摄影展」(1a空间, [...] 2005)、「老店铺陈」吴文正作品展览(404上海街视艺空间, 2007)、「有乜帮衬」吴文正xStellaSo作品展览(404上海街视艺空间,2008) [...] 、「视艺掇英专题展览08/09-影像香港当代摄影展」(香港艺术发展局,2008/9) [...]、「香港摄影系列」展览二城市漫游者―社会纪实摄影(香港文化博物馆,2010) 及平遥国际摄影节(中国,2011)。 hkphotofest.org | Don’t Run: Demonstration Photographs by 7 Artists”(1A Space, 2005);“Orchestration: Hong Kong Old Shops: Photographs by Simon Go” (Shanghai Street Art Space, [...] 2007);“Orchestration 2: Photographs by Simon Go [...] and Illustrationby Stella So”(Shanghai Street [...]Art Space, 2008), “Imaging Hong Kong: [...]Art Photography by Hong Kong Photographers” (Hong Kong Arts Development Council, 2008/9), “Hong Kong Photography Series 2: City Flâneur - Social Documentary Photography”(Hong Kong Heritage Museum, 2010) and Hong Kong section of the Pingyao International Photography Festival (China, 2011). hkphotofest.org |
我们家长会的理事-StellaChow女士, 由於她在2006年对於社区发育迟缓人士的贡献,经由Rachel [...] McGrath小姐 (本会的消费者代表)的提名而荣获圣普区域中心(SG/PRC)社区表扬计划理事会的褒奖。 cpad.org | Nominated [...] by RachelMcGrath, StellaChow,CPAD member, [...]was recognized by the Board of San Gabriel/Pomona Regional Center [...](SG/PRC)’s Community Recognition Program for her contribution to the developmentally disabled community for year 2006. cpad.org |
该地图是对亚伯拉罕·奥特里斯(1527-98 年)所绘《Typus chorographicus》地图的精确摹版,而《Typus [...] chorographicus》则修改自德国制图师、地理学家和数学家 TilemannStella(约1525-89 年)所绘制的地图。 wdl.org | The map is an exact copy of the “Typus chorographicus” of Abraham Ortelius (1527-98), [...] which was adapted from a map by the German cartographer, geographer, and [...] mathematician TilemannStella (circa 1525-89). wdl.org |
我想借此机会再一次的祝贺所有获颁院长奖的得主们,他们不仅向院方证明了自己的努力,更肯定了自己,超越其他学生成为本院学术领先的首5%优秀生,”砂拉越世纪学院院长M adamStellaLau说。 systematic.edu.my | I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all the recipients of the Principal’s Award, and to let them know that they have proven to the College and to themselves [...] that they are among the top 5 percent of students [...] studying here,”said Madam Stella Lau,SEGi College Sarawak [...]Principal. systematic.edu.my |
南希-不管发生什么事情都很冷静和镇定,格力-什么都知道的人,当你需要她的时候她总在身边,Stella-看起来糊里糊涂,但是其实很清楚发生什么事情,Inga,我的好姐妹,在大会期间就像我的双胞胎(很惊讶的是她在大会之前在新加坡还待不到6个月 sg.acedaytons-direct.com | Nancy - always cool and collected (no matter what), Gerry [...] - the "know all" and always around [...] when you needed her,Stella - the blur queen who [...]fooled everyone (by looking blur but [...]actually knowing what was going on) and Inga, my "Girl Friday" who literally was my twin during the congress (and amazing considering she just came to Singapore less than 6 months before the congress). sg.acedaytons-direct.com |
供应的啤酒种类多种多样,包括Beck's 、 Hoegaarden 、Leffe、Löwenbräu 、 San Miguel 以及StellaArtois。 yp.mo | Listening to sets by acclaimed DJs, guests can be assured of unforgettable Wednesdays enjoying a wide selection of beers including Beck's , Hoegaarden, Leffe, Löwenbräu, San Miguel and Stella Artois with delicious snacks such as Thai Barbecued Pork and Spicy Sausage, German Barbecued Sausage, and chicken skewers. yp.mo |
在经过100年持续追求精湛技术和产品革新后,倍耐力轮胎推出了从战前的StellaBian ca(第一个以胎面设计为特色,为现代大马力汽车制造的轮胎)到战后的”胜利轮胎“ [...] Stelvio。 pirelli.com | More than a century of technological excellence and process [...] innovation,fromthe Stella Bianca ofthe pre-war [...]period – the first to feature a proper [...]tread design, created for modern, powerful automobiles – to the Stelvio, which, in the aftermath of the war, became “the tyre of victory”. pirelli.com |
剑桥高级学校中国区发展经理StellaJiang说道:“在上海耀中学生和老师的辛勤耕耘下,学生在剑桥考试中获得了巨大的成功,在此 [...] 为他们庆贺,我深感荣幸。 ycis-sh.com | Stella Jiang, Cambridge’s Senior Schools [...] Development Manager, China, said: “It is extremely rewarding to congratulate Cambridge [...]learners and teachers at YCIS Shanghai who have worked so hard to achieve tremendous success in Cambridge examinations. ycis-sh.com |