2240L 有一个电镀铁件前框 , 一对 L [...] 型可固定铁件及一个简 洁的外型 (500x332x80mm),可提供多种安装方式以符合游 戏娱乐或零售环境需求等。 elotouch.com.cn | With a front-facing metal hardened anodized bezel [...] and L-mounting brackets and slim [...] dimensional profile (50 0x332x80 mm), the 2240L offers [...]installation flexibility in a variety [...]of entertainment and retail environments. media.elotouch.com |
新汉普顿的女性慷慨的大小, 27X40MM。zh.horloger-paris.com | NEW HAMPTON WOMEN OF [...] GENERO USSIZE, 27X 40 MM. en.horloger-paris.com |
这些导轨可牢牢固定雷尼绍轻薄小巧的新型栅尺(截面尺 寸8x0.2mm),允许其在自身膨胀系数范围内任意膨胀,滞后几乎为零。 renishaw.com.cn | These securely retain Renishaw's new [...] low-profile scale s (8 x 0.2mm cross-section) and [...]allow them to freely expand at their [...]own thermal expansion coefficient with almost zero hysteresis. renishaw.com |
与窄形IL M (56x94mm)相比,标准ILM具有较大的 (80x80mm)排除区域(keep-out zone),而LGA 2011-0插座与任何其它处理器及其ILM元件与旧版并不兼容。 ipress.com.hk | The Standard ILM [...] has a larger(80x80mm)keep-out zone than the Narrow ILM ( 56x94mm). The LGA [...]2011-0 socket is not backward [...]compatible for use with any other processors and their ILM assemblies. ipress.com.hk |
该系列产品采用双焊盘陶瓷表面贴装式封装,配有玻璃密封盖,尺寸为 5.0mm x3.2mm。digikey.cn | This crystal product is housed in a ceramic 2-pad, surface-mount package, [...] measuring 5.0 mm x 3.2 mm withaglass-seal cover. digikey.ca |
track-it微型金属衬垫尺寸仅为 1.80mm(0.071 寸)x2.80mm(0.110寸),采用激光蚀刻写入独特的2D资料矩阵(Data [...]Matrix)符号,能够轻易使用大多数现货光扫描器来读取。 ipress.com.hk | Measuring onl y 1.80mm (0.071") x 2.80mm (0.110"), the [...]track-it device is a miniature metal pad, laser-etched with a unique [...]2D Data Matrix symbol that can be easily read by most commercially available optical scanners. ipress.com.hk |
图中曲线为空冷 25x25x40mm试样所得,尺寸 较 大 时 ,淬 火 后 得 贝 氏 体 [...],其 初 始 硬 度 较 低 ,二 次硬化峰向高温方向偏移。 assab-china.com | Air cooling o f specimens25 x 25x 40 mm. Larger sections, [...]which contain bainite after hardening, are characterised by a [...]lower initial hardness and displacement of the secondary hardening peak to higher temperatures. assab-china.com |
主要优势包括无传感器整流、闭环速度控制、最小和最大速度设置、软切换、可调软启动、可调相位前移,过流 PWM [...] 保护以及小型 20 L4mm x4mmQFN 封装 (ES)。 digikey.cn | Key advantages include sensorless commutation, closed loop speed control, min. and max. speed settings, soft switching, [...] adjustable soft start, adjustable phase advance, over current PWM protection, and [...] small 20 L4 mm x 4mm QFN package (ES). digikey.be |
这种 综丝也有OPTIFIL® 欧普菲尔综眼系列,综眼大小为 5.5x1.2mm。groz-beckert.pl | These healds are also available with the OPTIFIL thread [...] eye, which measures 5.5 x 1.2mm. groz-beckert.pl |
该系统不仅可用于研究和实验,还越来越多的被用于基片大小 400x400mm以内的产品的实际生产。 vonardenne.biz | They are increasingly being used [...] not only for research and pilot projects but for production purposes for [...] small substrate sizes of up t o 400 mm x 400mm. vonardenne.biz |
HDC 系列可提供输出额定值 120 或 [...] 160 amp,采用符合工业标准的 75x105mm封装,并配有 .375 inch [9.52 mm ] 重负荷螺丝端子及选择性安装的热接口垫片。 crydom.com | Available in either a 120 or 160 amp output rating, the HDC Series [...] is housed in an industry [...] standard 75 x 105 mmpackage with .375 inch [9.52 mm] heavyduty [...]screw terminals and is available [...]with optional installed thermal interface pad. crydom.com |
1997年,可测量尺寸为 710x660x460mm,准确度达0.001mm的DEA品牌的加入我公司,在3维坐标测量单位中成为我们系统中最重要的部分之一,并在中间和最终控制发挥着重要作用。 smestrade.com | On the Coordinates Measurement Unit which has entered the inventory of our company in 1997, which ahs the dimensions of 710x660x460 mm and is able to measure in 0.001mm precision, we are now able to do interlude and final controls which are the most important parts of our production system. smestrade.com |
高级设计现在最多可拥有 128mm x150mm(5”x6”)打印区,提供两倍的可变打印格式容量,包装线上无需安装额外的打印机。 markem-imaje.com.cn | Advanced design now [...] available with up to a 128 mm x 150 mm (5” x 6”) print [...]area delivering two times the variable print [...]format capacity, eliminating the need for additional printers on your packaging line. markem-imaje.ca |
AD9148在 12mm x12mm单封装中集成4个DAC,能够协助大唐移动的设计团队在TD-SCDMA第四期基站的尺寸和系统密度方面实现更高远的目标,而成本却比集成4个独立DAC低得多。 analog.com | With the integration of four DACs [...] within one 12 mm× 12 mm package, the [...]AD9148 allowed Datang’s design team to achieve aggressive [...]form factor and system density goals for the TD-SCDMA Phase IV base station, at a fraction of the cost that otherwise would have been required to integrate four independent DACs. analog.com |
例如,仅仅 1.7 m 的宽度已足够安装采用 400x400mm交叉传送带的垂直分拣机。 interroll.com | For example, a width of just 1.7 m is sufficient to install a [...] vertical sor ter with 400 x 400mm crossbelt carriers. interroll.com |
理想」自动控制收纸台II两边自动按选用纸张的大小调节,加宽收纸台则为纸张面积大至 340mm X550mm(13 3/8 “X215/8”) 而设计。 riso.com.hk | Paper guides on the RISO Auto-control Stacking Tray II automatically open to the correct width to match the paper [...] supply selected. The Wide Stacking Tray is designed to accept larger [...] paper sizes , up to 340 mmx 550 mm(133/8" x 21 5/8"). riso.com.hk |
DirEKt Coat™工艺其他重要优势包括:无需填充和随后减少锡膏粘合剂的容量(在不到 0.5x0.5mm的晶粒上可能减少10的系数)、通过将湿式粘合剂的应用集中在设备的专门印刷区域提高库存控制、并通过各种工艺只需一种锡膏配方而精简供应链,而薄膜工艺需要各种厚度和宽度的要求。 dek.com | Other significant advantages to the DirEKt Coat™ process include the elimination of the fillet and subsequent reduction of paste adhesive [...] volume (potentially by a factor of [...] ten on die less than0.5 x0.5 mm),improved inventory [...]control by concentrating the application [...]of wet adhesive in the facility’s dedicated print area and streamlining the supply chain by requiring only one paste formulation for various process needs as opposed to the multiple thicknesses and widths necessary with films. dek.com |
此座8.5代厂玻璃基板尺寸为 2200mm x2500mm,将近是一个撞球台的大小,并可切割成六片52或55寸面板,或是八片46寸面板。 auo.com | The size of AUO's Taichung G8.5 mother glass [...] substrate is 2200mm x 2500mm and can optimally [...]cut up to six 52-inch or 55-inch panels and eight 46-inch panels. auo.com |
而植入测试使用的是样品细条(最小 为 10x1 mm)。elastotpe.com | For the implantation test small sample [...] strips (minimum10x1 mm) are used. elastotpe.com |
这些导轨可牢牢固定雷尼绍轻薄小巧的新型栅尺(截面尺 寸8x0.2mm),允许其在自身膨胀系数范围内任意膨胀,滞后几乎为零(在整个工作温度范围内,在中心固定的2米轴上的滞后为亚微米级)。 renishaw.com.cn | These securely retain Renishaw’s new [...] low-profi lescales (8 x0.2 mm cross-section) and [...]allow them to freely expand at their [...]own thermal expansion coefficient with almost zero hysteresis (sub-micron on a centre-clamped 2 metre axis over the entire operating temperature range, for example). renishaw.com |
4 6x13mm规格的两件式表壳由背面的微型螺丝栓住。 iontime.ch | It’s a [...] two-piece case of 46x13mm, which isclosed [...]with miniature bolts on the back. iontime.ch |
此外,Samsung E1252机身纤巧,体积只有 112.7x46.64x13.9mm,却配备支援11小时通话时间及620小时备用时间的高容量电池,并可储存大量联络人资料及短讯讯息,使用户可随时与任何亲友,以至庞大客户群及业务夥伴,保持无间通讯,同时亦可保留所有重要的个人讯息。 samsung.com | Besides, its slim and delicate line design, with [...] dimensions of just 112.7x4 6.65x13.9mm, alreadycomes [...]with a long battery life that supports [...]up to 11 hours of talk time and 620 hours of standby time. samsung.com |
南亚合成纸所标示的规格如:0. 12cmX790mm X550mm,其中0.12mm代表厚度,790mm代表宽度,550mm代表长度,丝向系指与长度平行的方向,其标记表示丝向为〝↑〞。 npc.com.tw | Nan-ya synthetic paper specifications are: 0.12mm (thickness) 790mm (width) and 550mm(length). npc.com.tw |
对于铸钢 工作温度1600-1620(℃) 软化率1750(℃) 持久的工作时间≤15秒 常温≥16公斤/ 4的抗拉强度 排出的气体量≤60立方厘米/克 密度580g/m2 孔尺寸 1.5x1.5mm/2.0x2.0mm/2.5x2.5mm织纹纱罗 %打开50%-60% 对于铸钢帽样式 对于铸铁 工作1400年至1450年温度(℃) 软化率1750(℃) 持久的工作时间≤10秒 常温≥8千克/ 4的抗拉强度 排出的气体量≤60立方厘米/克 密度195g/m2 孔尺寸 1.5x1.5mm/2.0x2.0mm/2.5x2.5mm织纹纱罗 %打开50%-60% 对于铝铸件 工作温度850(℃) 软化率1200(℃) 持久的工作时间≤10秒 拉伸强度常温≥6公斤/ 4 排出的气体量≤30立方厘米/克 密度300g/m2 孔大小 1.2x1.2mm/1.5x1.5mm/2.0x2.0mm织纹纱罗 %打开50%-60 chinatrader.ru | For steel casting Work temperature 1600-1620(℃) Softening rate 1750(℃) Lasting working time ≤15seconds The tensile strength of normal atmospheric temperature ≥16kg/4 Emit the quantity of gas ≤60cm3/g Density 580g/m2 Hole Size 1.5x 1.5mm/2.0x2.0mm/2.5x 2.5mm Weave pattern Leno %open 50-60% For steel casting cap style For iron casting Work temperature 1400-1450(℃) Softening rate 1750(℃) Lasting working time ≤10 seconds The tensile strength of normal atmospheric temperature ≥8kg/4 Emit the quantity of gas ≤60cm3/g Density 195g/m2 Hole Size 1.5 x1.5mm/2.0x2.0mm/2.5x 2.5mm Weave pattern Leno %open 50-60% For aluminium casting Work temperature 850(℃) Softening rate 1200(℃) Lasting working time ≤10seconds The tensile strength of normal atmospheric temperature ≥6kg/4 Emit the quantity of gas ≤30cm3/g Density 300g/m2 Hole Size 1.2x1 .2mm/1.5x1.5mm/2.0 x2.0mm Weave pattern Leno %open 50-60 chinatrader.ru |
为了在嵌入式应用中替代旋转硬盘,Slim SATA 的设计尺寸仅为 39mm(L)x54mm(W)x4.5mm(H) 或 9,477 mm3,并使用标准 22-pin SATA 连接器,这与标准硬盘类似。 cn.stec-inc.com | Designed to replace rotating hard disk drives in embedded applications, the Slim SATA design measures just 39mm (L) x 54mm (W) x 4.5mm (H) or 9,47 7 mm3 and uses a standard 22-pin SATA connector, similar to a standard hard drive. stec-inc.com |
胖胖自鱼自乐: 服务非常好,货真价实 【品牌】 伟峰 【品名】 [...] 铝合金三脚架 【产地】 宁波 【型号】 WT3730 [...] 市场价 280元 【包装】 附送超酷的帆布拉链包一个,内层防磨塑料袋等 【规格】 ★收缩高度600(mm)★最大管径 (mm)20X16.3★净重(g) 1220★最大承重(kg) 3.0★最高工作高度(mm) 1530★最低工作高度(mm) 590 ★伟峰WT3730三脚架采用经过特殊热处理的优质铝合金及专用工程材料制成,具有高稳定超豪华支撑稳固等特性。 tw.evershooting.com | Fat from fish from the music: Service is very good, genuine [Brand] Weifeng [Name] Aluminum tripod [Origin] Ningbo [Model] WT3730 Market Price 280 yuan [Packaging] Comes with cool canvas zipper bag, inner wear plastic bags [...] [Specifications] ★ [...] contraction height 6 00(mm) the ★biggest diameter (mm) 20X16.3 ★ Net Weight (g) 1220 ★ Max Weight (kg) 3.0 ★ Maximum working heig ht(mm) 1530 ★ minimum [...]working height (mm) [...]590 ★ Weifeng WT3730 tripod adopt the high stability of ultra luxurious support solid after a special heat treatment quality aluminum alloy material and dedicated engineering characteristics. evershooting.com |
家庭法典》第二部 分X标题第 328 条 规 定:“当一个未成年人的健康、安全、 精神 或教育,由于父 母或 监护人的不 道 德或无能, 遭 到 破坏或者未得到足够 保护时, 或 由于未成年人的不 端行为或不守 纪 律,使 父 母或 监护人极 为不 满 或者使 他 们无 法履行指 导 职责时, 少年事务法官 按规定,或 在公共部长的要求 下 、 或者在 父母 或 监护人的要求 下, 可以决定让 该 未成年人在一定时期内(这个时间不可以超过其成年的时间),接受社会助理的定期 到访,或者接受监视自由制度的管理”。 daccess-ods.un.org | Section II, title X, article 328 of the Family Code states: “When the health, safety, morality or education of a minor are jeopardized or insufficiently protected owing to the immoral behaviour or disability of the father and mother or of the person accorded the right of guardianship, or when, owing to misconduct or unruly behaviour, a minor gives these individuals cause for very serious dissatisfaction or renders them incapable of exercising guidance, the juvenile judge may on his own initiative, at the behest of the public prosecutor or at the behest of the father, mother or guardian, rule that the minor shall, for a period not to extend beyond the date of his coming of age, be visited regularly by a social worker or placed on probation. daccess-ods.un.org |