释义 |
Examples:beat the drum and sound the gong (idiom); fig. to order an advance or retreat—Mach (aeronautics), unit of speed based on speed of sound = 1 Mach = 1224 km per hr—character serving as sound value of another character—yueqin, a lute with oval or octagonal sound box—sound of footsteps in an empty valley (idiom); a rare occurrence—stapes or stirrup bone of middle ear, passing sound vibration the inner ear—with a grunting sound it stops (idiom); come to an end spontaneously (esp. of sound)—Mach number, multiples of speed of sound used as unit in aeronautics, with 1 Mach = 1224 km per hr—alveolar, apical, or, supradental sound (linguistics)—incus or anvil bone of middle ear, passing sound vibration from malleus hammer bone stapes stirrup bone—dissipate everywhere (of light, sound, gas etc)—in Chinese phonetics, the medial and final sound of a syllable (i.e. excluding the initial consonant)—throat sound such as choking, donkey's bray etc—sound of chopping wood, chess pieces hitting the board etc—Ss! (sound of air sucked between the teeth, indicating hesitation or thinking over)—ten thousand pipes are still (idiom); not a sound be heard—whistling or rushing sound (of the wind in trees, the sea etc)—lit. if you tap a half-empty bottle it makes a sound [idiom.]—classifier for medicine in tablet form;small flat items in form of a slice, piece, disk or scrap;a meadow, forest, clouds,area of skin,large stretch of water e.g. ocean or lake;mental or real image of good harvest or great happiness;sound of footsteps or laughter; warmheartedness.— |