释义 |
other adjective—他 adj (almost always used) 其他 adj (often used) Examples:customs change with time (idiom); other times, other manners—Green standard army, standing infantry during Qing dynasty, originally formed from Ming and other Chinese army units—compression fault, where one block pushes over the other at dip of less than 45 degrees—It feels like we have known each other all along.—turned out other than expected (idiom); unexpected—chinquapin (Castanopsis fargesii and other spp.), genus of evergreen trees—parrot other people's words (idiom); to chime in with others—hot pot with a divider, containing spicy soup on one side, mild soup on the other—may also indicate that one is stating a fact that the other person is not aware of—click (using a mouse or other pointing device)—minor arts (Confucian reference agriculture, medicine, divination, and other professions unworthy of a gentleman)—voicing (adjustment of timbre, loudness etc of organ or other musical instrument)—touch upon other matters not central to the topic being discussed—create from other material (story, artwork etc)—(in Chinese medicine) stasis (of blood or other fluids)—slap with one hand and then the other, in quick succession—"village-certificated house", residence supposedly only transferable other village residents but often sold on the open market—readily following good advice (idiom); willing accept other people's views—decide without reference to other parties involved—temporary housing built with wooden planks or other makeshift materials—pick up what others say (idiom); to pass off other people's opinions as one's own—abandon self for others (idiom, from Analects); to sacrifice one's own interest for other people—each trying unload responsibilities onto the other—mutually shirking responsibilities (idiom); each blaming the other—cup one fist in the other hand (as a sign of respect)—the Other List (Qing dynasty register of outlaws)—alicyclic hydrocarbon (i.e. involving ring other than benzene ring)—(in Taiwan) Han Chinese people other than those who moved Taiwan from mainland China after 1945 and their descendants—lit. for some things a foot may be too short, and for the other an inch will suffice (proverb)—lit. see only the other rider's dust and have no hope of catching up [idiom.]—lit. one hand exchanges the cash, the other the goods [idiom.]—(lit.) Even if we don't see each other, don't give up and leave [idiom.]— |