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Examples:flat land one could gallop straight across (idiom); wide expanse of flat country—extreme joy turns sorrow (idiom); Don't celebrate too soon, things could still go wrong!—everything one could wish—An ounce of gold can't buy you an interval of time (common saying); Money can't buy you time.—lit. you can sing or you can cry (idiom); fig. deeply moving—who could have thought that—could happen at any moment—You can't judge a person by appearance, just as you can't measure the sea with a pint pot. [idiom.]—remove sth that could be used as a pretext [idiom.]—wishing one could do sth.—a tiny lapse can lead a huge mistake (idiom); a minor discrepancy leading to enormous losses—you can run this time, but you'll have come back—Hanukkah (Chanukah), 8 day Jewish holiday starting on the 25th day of Kislev (can occur from late Nov up late Dec on Gregorian calendar)—lit. foster an ulcer and bequeath a calamity (idiom); tolerating budding evil can only lead to disaster—definitive conclusion on the coffin lid (idiom); You can only judge a person's merits or demerits after death.—lit. the fish and the bear's paw, you can't have both at the same time (idiom, from Mencius); fig. you must choose one or the other—lit. sandpiper and clam war together (and the fisherman catches both, idiom); fig. neighbors who can't agree lose out a third party—without rules, how can anything be done (idiom); one must follow some rules—lit. turn to any doctor one can find when critically ill (idiom); fig. to try anyone or anything in a crisis—If you can't do anything prevent it, you might as well sit back and enjoy it.—thorns and brambles as far as eye can see (idiom); beset by troubles—equality ration fund, a charitable investment fund that can be drawn down in proportion further donations—stop before going too far (idiom); to stop while one can—If one man holds the pass, ten thousand cannot pass (idiom); One man can hold the pass against ten thousand enemies—Can the leopard change his spots? (Jeremiah 13:23)—where it is possible let people off, one should spare them (idiom); anyone can make mistakes, forgive them when possible—fig. lascivious activities can lead bitter consequences—one who can correct a misread or misspelt character and thus be your master—unwarranted talk the listener can take or leave (idiom); sth not be taken too seriously—has eyes but can't see (idiom); unable or unwilling see the importance of sth—lit. speak of two things on the same day (idiom); to mention things on equal terms (often with negatives: you can't mention X at the same time as Y)—If you work at it hard enough, you can grind an iron bar ina needle.—lit. not one drop can trickle through (idiom); fig. impenetrable (crowd, traffic)—as everyone can appreciate (idiom); clear all—can't tell black from white (idiom); unable distinguish wrong from right—I have much more say than can be written in this letter (conventional letter ending) [idiom.]— |