单词 | S-N data | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 |
AsterData解决方案利用 AsterData专利SQL-MapReduce 来并行处理数据和应用程式,可在大范围内提供丰富的分析洞察力。 ipress.com.hk | Aster Data'ssolution utilizes Aster's patented SQL-MapReduce to parallelize the processing of data and applications [...] and deliver rich analytic insights at scale. ipress.com.hk |
二零零一年出售投资之溢利,乃本集团出售於 EquantN.V.之间接权益以交换 France TelecomS.A.之间接权益所得之收益。 swirepacific.com | The profit on sale of investments in 2001 represented the gain from [...] the disposal of the [...] Group’s indirect interest in Equant N.V. in exchange for an indirect interest in [...]France Telecom S.A. swirepacific.com |
最後一行包含一个长度为 C 的字符串,每个字符将是’N’、 ’E’、’S’或’W’,分别代表重 力来自北,东,南及西。 hkoi.org | Each character will be„N‟, „S‟, „E‟ or „W‟, which are the directions of gravity from North, South, East and West respectively. hkoi.org |
ADDI-DATA的产品代表品质、可靠性、长期供应性与服务,可用于质量控制、过程控制、信号转换、数据采集、运动控制和位置采集。 renishaw.com.cn | Standing for quality, reliability, long-term availability and [...] service, ADDI-DATA's products are [...]used for quality control, process control, [...]signal switching, data acquisition, motion control and position acquisition. renishaw.com |
年内本集团出售於 EquantN.V.之间接权益,交换 France TelecomS.A.之 间 接权益,而之前以市值计价记入股本之收益已根据会计实务准则第 24 号转拨 至损益账。 swirepacific.com | During the year, the Group’s [...] indirect interest in [...] EquantN.V. was disposed of in exchange for an indirect interest in France TelecomS.A. andthemark to [...]market gain previously [...]recognised in equity has, in accordance with HK SSAP 24, been transferred to the profit and loss account. swirepacific.com |
水资源需求管理不需要有专门的监管机构,但各项需求管理目标应被包含于常规的监管体制之 内,如下图所示(图S.3)。 wrdmap.org | There should not be a specific regulator for WDM, but demand management objectives should be incorporated within the normal regulatory system, as illustrated below (Figure S.3). wrdmap.org |
(s)为任何股票、股份或证券的销售与购买,或为任何其他财资或商品交易担任代理。 cre.com.hk | (s) To act as agents for the sale and purchase of any stocks, shares or securities or for any other monetary or mercantile transaction. cre.com.hk |
展览之开幕典礼於今晚(12月11日)成功举行,出席嘉宾包括香港特别行政区政务司司长林郑月娥女士, GBS, JP、西九文化区管理局行政总裁连纳智先生, CBE, AM、汇丰私人银行私人汇财策划环球主管环球私人银行北亚区行政总裁韦浩廉先生、香港艺术中心名誉主席及艺术节目委员会主席包陪丽女士, BBS、香港艺术中心监督团主席梁国辉先生、The FRIENDS of the Hong Kong Arts Centre主席李徐子淇女士、客席策展人陈维德先生、香港艺术中心总干事林淑仪女士,及部份参与是次展览的艺术家/代表:N‧S‧哈夏先生、刘建华先生、阿迪提亚‧诺瓦里先生、「垂直潜水艇」创团成员许文绮小姐、草间弥生代表日本东京大田艺廊总监高仓功高仓功先生、吴铤灏先生。 hkac.org.hk | Mrs. Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor, GBS, JP, The Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr. Michael Lynch, CBE, AM, Chief Executive Officer, West Kowloon Cultural District Authority, Mr. Bernard Rennell, CEO North Asia, Global Private Banking, Global Head, Private Wealth Solutions, HSBC Private Bank, Ms. Cissy Pao Pui Lai, BBS, Honorary President and Chairman, Arts Programme Committee, Hong Kong Arts Centre, Mr. Nelson Leong, Chairman, Board of Governors, Hong Kong Arts Centre, Mrs. Cathy Lee, Chairperson, The FRIENDS of the Hong Kong Arts Centre, Guest Curator Mr. Eugene Tan, Ms. Connie Lam, Executive Director, Hong Kong Arts Centre, as well as some of the participating artists Mr. NS Harsha, Mr. Liu Jianhua, Mr. Aditya Novali, Ms. Fiona Koh of Vertical Submarine, Representative of Ms. Yayoi Kusama Mr. Isao Takakura, Chief Director of Kusama Studio and Mr. Roy Ng Ting-ho. hkac.org.hk |
於 2000 年 2 月 22 日,经修订 的草图获行政长官会同行政会议通过,并於 2000 年 3 月 3 日在宪报刊登,成为中区(扩展部分)分区计划大纲 图编号S/H24/2。 devb.gov.hk | On 22 February 2000, the amended draft OZP incorporating this option was approved by the Chief Executive in Council and gazetted as Central District (Extension) OZP No. S/H24/2 on 3 March 2000. devb.gov.hk |
(s)承办及执行其承办看來属可取的任何信托(无偿或其他)。 wheelockcompany.com | (s) To undertake and execute any trusts the undertaking whereof may seem desirable either gratuitously or otherwise. wheelockcompany.com |
伊凡·N.摩姆切洛夫是19世纪保加利亚国家复兴运动时期着名的教师和教材作家。 wdl.org | Ivan N. Momchilov was a noted teacher and textbook writer during the 19th-century era of the Bulgarian National Revival. wdl.org |
建立了固相萃取-高效液相色谱-串联质谱(HPLC-MS/MS)同时检测人体尿液中N-乙 酰基-S-(3 ,4-二羟基丁基)-L-半胱氨酸(DHBM A)、N-乙 酰基-S-(3 -羟基丙基)半胱氨酸(3-HPM A)、N-乙 酰基-S-(2 -氰乙基)-L-2-氨基-3-巯基羧酸(CEMA)和苯巯基尿酸(SPMA)的检测方法。 chrom-china.com | A method was developed for the simultaneous extraction and determination of four mercapturic acids (MAs), N-acetyl-S-(3,4-dihydroxybutyl)-L-cysteine (DHBMA), N-acetyl-S-(3-hydroxypropyl)-L-cysteine (3-HPMA), N-acetyl-S-(2-carboxyethyl)-L-cysteine (CEMA) and S-phenylmercapturic acid (SPMA), in human urine using solid phase extraction and high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS/MS). chrom-china.com |
在 今 年 二 月 , 中 心 将 与 香 港 贸 易 发 展 局 及 香 港 资 讯 科 技 商 会 合 作 , 安 排 十 间 香 港 企 业 在 美 国 的 O u t s o u rcingSum m i t 参 展 , 以 宣 传 及 推 广 香 港 在 外 包 方 面 的 服 务 和 能 力 。 cedb.gov.hk | In February this year, the Centre will, in cooperation with the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) and the Hong Kong Information Technology Federation (HKITF), arrange 10 local companies to attend the Outsourcing Summit in the United States to publicize and promote Hong Kong's outsourcing services and capability. cedb.gov.hk |
(n)收取按金款项或贷款及借款或以本公司认为合适的有关方式筹资,尤其是透 [...] 过发行债权证、或债权股证(永久或其他方式)以取得偿还任何所借款项、 筹集或所欠或本公司(现时及未来)物业或资产的全部或任何抵押、押记或 留置权,包括其未缴催缴资本,及亦类似抵押、押记或留置权以取得及担保 [...]本公司或任何其他人士或公司於本公司或任何其他人士或公司(视乎情况而 定)所担保的任何责任。 bdhk.com.hk | (n) To receive money on deposit [...] or loan and borrow or raise money in such manner as the Company shall think fit, and in [...]particular by the issue of debentures, or debenture stock (perpetual or otherwise) and so secure the repayment of any money borrowed, raised or owing mortgage, charge or lien upon all or any of the property or assets of the Company (both present and future), including its uncalled capital, and also by a similar mortgage, charge or lien to secure and guarantee the performance by the Company or any other person or company of any obligation undertaken by the Company or any other person or company as the case may be. bdhk.com.hk |
它提供了大量的工具与函数:公式编辑器,同步和异步的图表,先进的动态排序,过滤顶部或者底部N项。 evget.com | It offers a large variety of tools and functions: formula editor, synchronous and asynchronous charting, advanced dynamic sorting, filtering top or bottom N items. evget.com |
我还要 就秘书长特别代表兰贝托·赞尼尔先生提交我们面前 的报告(S/2010/169)和联合国科索沃临时行政当局 特派团(科索沃特派团)对科索沃和平与稳定所作的 重要贡献向其表示感谢。 daccess-ods.un.org | Let me further thank the Special Representative of the Secretary-General, Mr. Lamberto Zannier, for submitting the report before us (S/2010/169) and for the important contribution of the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) to peace and stability in Kosovo. daccess-ods.un.org |
伯爵制1200S镂空机芯,以绝对当代风格与精细结构配置,将镂空艺术提升至全新的层次,并以充满时尚魅力的线条,向传统工艺艺术致敬。 piaget.com.cn | Contemporary and well-designed, the Piaget 1200S skeleton movement takes the art ofskeletonised movements to a new level with resolutely modern lines and a respect for the traditional craft. en.piaget.com |
他的“DiḳduḳeSoferim,在Mischnam等Variæ Lectiones在塔木德Babylonicum”,它包含了对Babli文本关键材料轴承的质量,N.Rabbinovicz形容这个犹太法典所有已知的对他的手稿,并整理慕尼黑与印刷版本手稿,笔记,除了在他的竞选给人一种具有多大的本事和其他手稿和各种古老的来源学习大量收集读数。 mb-soft.com | of his "Diḳduḳe Soferim, Variæ Lectiones in Mischnam et in Talmud Babylonicum," which contains a mass of critical material bearing on the text of Babli, N. Rabbinovicz has described all the manuscripts of this Talmud known to him, and has collated the Munich manuscript with the printed editions, besides giving in his running notes a great number of readings collected with much skill and learning from other manuscripts and various ancient sources. mb-soft.com |
(s)雇佣、提供、出租及代理男女演员、各類艺人、作家、作曲家、制片人、 监制人及各類专家或专业人士。 equitynet.com.hk | (s) employing, providing, hiring out and acting as agent for artists, actors, entertainers of all sorts, authors, composers, producers, engineers and experts or specialists of any kind equitynet.com.hk |
增长的原因是养殖海洋 [...] 鱼类和甲壳类的快速增长以及缺乏成本有效的替代长链高度不饱和脂肪酸(HUFA) 的脂质丰富的饲料来源,包括十二碳五烯酸(2 0:5n-3)和二十二碳六烯酸 (22:6n-3)。fao.org | The reasons for this increase are the rapidly growing marine finfish and crustacean aquaculture sector and the absence of cost-effective alternative sources of [...] dietary lipids rich in long-chain highly unsaturated [...] fatty acids (HUFAs), including eicosapentaenoic acid (20:5n-3) andfao.org |
下一个N-1列包含道路资讯, 每一列都包含两个整数A和B (1 ≦ A, B≦N),亦即村庄A和村庄B都有一条路 可以连接。 apio.olympiad.org | Each of these lines contains two integers A and B, (1 ≤ A, B ≤ N ), which says that there is a road connecting village A and village B. apio.olympiad.org |
它使Entity Framework可操作n层,并移动业务对象到客户端,极大的提高了应用程序的响应速度,它还具有良好的扩展性,并允许脱机操作。 evget.com | It enables the Entity Framework to operate n-tier and move business objects to the client, dramatically improving application responsiveness, scalability, and allowing offline operation. evget.com |
编程读入一个整数N,然後按指定格式输出N2个整数。 hkoi.org | Write a program to read an integer N and output N2 integers in the format specified below. hkoi.org |
工程项目 在天星码头对开,由中区填海第一期工程至 龙景街的海床填取约 18 公顷土地,所填土地 属经核准的中区(扩展部分)分区计划大纲图 编号S/H24/6 其中 23 公顷的一部分。 devb.gov.hk | Phase III (CRIII) project Reclamation of about 18 ha of land of the seabed in front of the Star Ferry Pier from Central reclamation phase I to Lung King Street which is part of the 23 ha of reclaimed land under the approved OZP No. S/H24/6 for Central District (Extension). devb.gov.hk |
LEA-6 模块系列能使用所有的卫星定位系统: LEA-6H 只需简单的 Firmware [...] 升级就可支持欧洲的 Galileo 系统; LEA-6N在完整的 GPS 性能上支持 QZSS 区域卫星系统。 fastrax.fi | LEA-6 modules work with all available satellite positioning systems: LEA-6H is ready to support the European [...] Galileo system via a simple firmware [...] upgrade; LEA-6N combines fullfeature GPS performance [...]with the QZSS regional satellite system. fastrax.fi |
本公告所述证券概无 及不会根据一九三三年美国证券法(经修订)(「美国证券法」)或任何其他司法权区之证券法 登记,除根据美国证券法之登记规定获豁免或属不受美国证券法所规限的交易外,概不可在美国 境内(定义見美国证券法S规例)发售或出售。 citictel.com | The securities referred to herein have not been and will not be registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “U.S. Securities Act”), or the securities laws of any other jurisdiction, and may not be offered or sold within the United States (as defined in Regulation S under the U.S. Securities Act) except pursuant to an exemption from, or in a transaction not subject to, the registration requirements of the U.S. Securities Act. citictel.com |
(s)为本 公司所收购的任何权利或物业付款,及不论以现金付款或透过配发本公 司股份、债权证或其他证券向任何人士或公司支付以全部或部份缴足或以其 他方式列账的酬金。 bdhk.com.hk | (s) To pay for any rights or property acquired by the Company, and to remunerate any person or company whether by cash payment or by the allotment of shares, debentures or other securities of the Company credited as paid up in full or in part or otherwise. bdhk.com.hk |
灭火器配置场所或计算单元的最小需配灭火级别应按下式计算:A或B,S灭火器配置场所或计算单元的保护面积, m2; U -- A 类火灾或B类火灾的灭火器配置场所相应危险等级的灭火器配置基准,m2A 或m2/B; K --修正系数:无室内消火栓系统和灭火系统或仅设有室外消火栓系统的配置场所K=1.0;设有室内消 火栓系统的配置场所,K=0.9;设有灭火系统的配置场所,K=0.7;同时设有室内消火栓系统和灭火系统的配置场所,K=0.5 可燃物露天堆垛,甲、乙、丙类液体贮罐,可燃气体贮罐,地下建筑工程(含人民防空工程、地下铁道),古建筑,歌舞娱乐放映游艺和大型商场等灭火器配置场所,K=1.0。 jyxf.com | (1.) Fire extinguisher places or computing unit configured minimum level shall be calculated to be equipped with fire-fighting: A or B, S Extinguisher protected place or area calculation unit, m2; U - A Class B Class fire or fire Extinguisher fire extinguisher place the appropriate risk level configuration baseline, m2A or m2 / B; K - correction factor: no indoor fire hydrant system and fire fighting systems, or only with outdoor fire hydrant system configuration spaces K = 1.0; with an indoor fire hydrant system configuration spaces, K = 0.9; with fire extinguishing system configuration spaces, K = 0.7; also has an indoor fire hydrant system and fire fighting system configuration spaces, K = 0.5 fuel open-air stacking, A, B, C liquid storage tank , flammable gas storage tanks, underground construction (including the defense works, underground railway), ancient architecture, dance and Movies Entertainment and large shopping malls and other places extinguisher, K = 1.0. jyxf.com |
这幅作品是 布朗大学图书馆 AnneS.K.Brown 军事藏品的一部分,这些藏品是美国专门收藏士兵和作战历史和形象作品的最重要收藏,也是世界上致力于军事研究和海军制服方面的最大型收藏库。 wdl.org | The work is from the Anne S.K. Brown Military Collection at the Brown University Library, the foremost American collection devoted to the history and iconography of soldiers and soldiering, and one of the world’s largest collections devoted to the study of military and naval uniforms. wdl.org |