上述分派须提报董事会及九十九年股东会核议通过 後方得以执行。 corp.taiwanmobile.com | The above-mentioned proposals are subject to BOD and 2010 AGM approval. english.taiwanmobile.com |
冷却至室温后,将回流冷凝器内残留物洗入烧瓶,并定量地转移入 BOD 瓶内。 cn.lubrizol.com | After cooling to room temperature, wash reflux condenser into flask and quantitatively transfer solutions into BOD bottles. lubrizol.com |
目 前由屯 门 区 流 入 河 流 的 污染物 约 相 等於每天 800 千 克 生 化 需 氧 量 。 legco.gov.hk | The existing untreated pollution load discharged to rivers in the Tuen Mun area is estimated to be about 800 kg of BOD5 per day. legco.gov.hk |
(a) 会计常规及原则不时由相关规管机构 检讨及修订,况且亦无规定有限法律 责任合夥的财务报表须由独立核数师 审核。 legco.gov.hk | (a) accounting practices and principles were subject to review and changes by the relevant governing bod(ies) from time to time. legco.gov.hk |
如有需要,将 BOD 瓶内溶液稀释至 100ml,但不要超过 100ml 体积。 cn.lubrizol.com | If necessary, dilute solution in BOD bottles to 100 ml. but do not exceed 100 ml. volume. lubrizol.com |
此外,国家专题小组主席的确定保障 了其职位的连续性,这也预示着更大的成功。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition, the continuity ensured by the confirmation of the country configuration Chairpersons in their posts boded well for greater successes. daccess-ods.un.org |
排污计划第 I 阶 段 的 昂船洲 污水处理厂把 污水作化学 处 理,这 项 工作 ㆒ 直运作 良好, 可 除去 83%悬浮固 体和 74%按 生 化 需 氧量计算 的污染物( 按 过去的预 测 , 可 除去的悬浮固 体和按 生 化 需 氧量计算 的污染物分别是 70% 和 55%),相等 於㆓级 生 物处理厂 90%的成效。 legco.gov.hk | The first stage of the Stonecutters Island Treatment works provides chemical treatment to the sewage. The process has been operating very well, removing 83% of suspended solids and 74% of BOD, which is equivalent to 90% of the efficiency of a biological secondary treatment plant (it was predicted that it would remove 70% of suspended solids and 55% of BOD). legco.gov.hk |
至目前 为止, 估 计 每天仍 然 约 有 3 600 千 克 的 污染量 ( 以 5 天 生 化 需 氧 量 计算) 排放到元朗 区 的 不同河 道 内 。 legco.gov.hk | Notwithstanding the above, around 3 600 kg of organic load (in terms of five-day Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5)) is still discharged to rivers in Yuen Long every day. legco.gov.hk |
公司总排放口的废水均流入萧山污水处理厂,废水总排放口总的 SS、COD、BOD5、石油类、总磷和氟化物浓度日均值 及 PH 值均符合《污水综合排放标准》(GB8978-1996)中的三级标准要求。 astronergy.com | The average daily value of concentration and PH value of SS, COD, BOD5, oil, total phosphorus and fluoride in the general emission outlet all conform to the Grade III standard in Comprehensive Emission Standard for Waste Water (GB8978-1996). astronergy.com |
它能将有机化合物(COD、BOD)转化为沼气和少量污泥。 voith.com | Organic compounds (COD, BOD) are converted to biogas and a small amount of excess sludge. voith.com |
业界领先的 Pico Power Technology™ 产品具有近零电流 32kHz 振荡器、休眠 BOD、节电寄存器 (PRR)、中断数字输入寄存器 (DIDR)、闪存采样、1.8V 工作电压和从 0.6uA 降至 0.4uA 的省电模式,因此非常适合低功耗应用。 digikey.cn | Our Industry Leading Pico Power Technology™ Products is Ideal for Low Power Applications with features such as is a very Zero current 32kHz oscillator, Sleeping BOD, Power Reduction Register (PRR), Digital Input Disable Register (DIDR), Flash sampling, 1.8V operation and Power save mode decreased to 0.4uA from 0.6uA. digikey.com.mx |
为 方 便 了 解 , 生 化氧量达 100 公吨的污染物,相等 於 150 万 ㆟ 每㆝所 产生的 典 型 污染量。 legco.gov.hk | To put this in context, 100 tpd BOD2 is equivalent to the typical pollution load from 1.5 million people. legco.gov.hk |
假 如 没 有 足 够 污水处理设施,这个增 长 将会导致每㆝按 生 化 需 氧量计算 的污染量增 加 70 公吨; 水质也会 相 应 ㆘降。 legco.gov.hk | This increase would have resulted in an additional 70 tpd of BOD pollution load, and a commensurate decline in water quality, if adequate facilities were not provided. legco.gov.hk |
於年度终了後,董事会决议之发放金额有重大变动时,该变动调整原提列年度费用,至股东会决议日时,若金额仍 有变动,则依会计估计变动处理,於股东会决议年度调整入帐。 corp.taiwanmobile.com | But should there be another change in the amount approved at the annual shareholders’ meeting, the adjustment should be treated as a “change in accounting estimation” i.e. the difference from the BOD resolution should be booked in the year the AGM was held. english.taiwanmobile.com |
实际情况是,昂船洲污水处理厂现时可以除去污 水中74%按生化需氧量计算的污染物和83%悬浮固体。 legco.gov.hk | In practice, the plant at Stonecutters Island is removing 74% of BOD and 83% of SS. legco.gov.hk |
可与好氧抛光系统结合,以实现最终废水排放的BOD<20ppm,创造的附加值是将处理的水回用于灌溉、废水污泥作为肥料得以应用。 biothane.com | Veolia also has demonstrated that Pomethane® can be combined with an aerobic polishing plant to achieve a final effluent discharge of BOD < 20ppm, opening up additional value creation potential through the re-use of water for irrigation and the application of wastewater sludge as fertilizer. biothane.com |
但是必须要知道的是:氨对水生生物有毒,生化需氧量 (BOD5) 高 , 而 DERMASCAL® ASB new, DERMASCAL® F 和DERMASCAL® CD 则相对易于发 生生物降解。 tfl.com | But it has to be realised that ammonia is an aquatic toxin and has a high biological oxygen demand (BOD5) whereas DERMASCAL® ASB new, DERMASCAL®F and DERMASCAL® CD are relatively easy biodegradable. tfl.com |
随 ㆟ 口增加,到了 ㆓零㆒㆓年,本港每 日按生 化 需 氧量计算 的污染物约 会增加 90 至 160 公 吨 。 legco.gov.hk | This increase in population could potentially generate additional pollution load of about 90 to 160 tonnes of BOD pollutants each day in Hong Kong by 2012. legco.gov.hk |
开始时,生化需氧量及悬浮固体两者的 标准会订在非常不理想的每公升 250 毫克的水平;然後分两个阶段把标准调整至仅属 稍为理想的 100:100 水平,以及最终的 50:50 标准。 legco.gov.hk | The standard will start at the exceedingly unsatisfactory level of 250 milligrams per litre for both BOD and SS and will be revised to the only slightly better standard of 100:100 and then ultimately to 50:50 in two subsequent phases. legco.gov.hk |
采 购 方案研究的目的在於探 讨可以采用的合约安 排,包括“ 设 计、建造 、 营运” 合约模式,并订 立有助加快完成工程计划的安 排;有关 安 排 须 确 保 建议工程质素优良、物有所值、符 合 规 定的标准 及 能妥善控制 风险。 legco.gov.hk | The Study on procurement options aims to review possible contractual arrangements, including “Design, Build, Operate (BOD)”, and develop a framework that will help expedite the delivery of the project, achieve best quality and value-formoney for the proposed works that meet the required standard and satisfactory control of risk. legco.gov.hk |
一句话:吉利与沃尔沃成立合资企业的计划是之前激进行为之后秩序混乱的最新迹象,对其未来的2-3年是不良预兆。 youngchinabiz.com | Bottom line: Geely’s plans to form a joint venture with its Volvo arm is the latest sign of disarray for the former high-flyer, boding poorly for its future over the next 2-3 years. youngchinabiz.com |
以技术用语来说,所有农场每公升废水的生化需氧量对悬浮 固体的排放量,在修订法例生效时会初步定为 250:250 毫克,随後会再分两期修订,先 改为 100:100,最後改为 50:50;政府会在修订废物处理(禽畜废物)规例时把这项标准 纳入附表内。 legco.gov.hk | In technical terms, the discharge standard for Biochemical Oxygen Demand and Suspended Solids Discharge, BOD:SS for short, will be set initially at 250:250 milligrams per litre for all farms when the amending legislation comes into force. legco.gov.hk |
好氧污水处理是在氧的作用下将污水中的有机物(COD/BOD)转换到剩余污泥和二氧化碳中去。 biothane.com | Aerobic wastewater treatment converts the organic pollutants (COD/BOD) present in the water into excess sludge and carbon dioxide with the help of oxygen. biothane.com |
一句话:中国巨大的官僚机构似乎是最新iPhone和 iPad在华延迟发售的主要因素,这对于渴望成为技术领导者的国家而言是不好的预兆。 youngchinabiz.com | Bottom line: China’s massive bureaucracy appears to be the main factor delaying the launch of the newest iPhone and iPad, boding poorly for the country’s aspirations to become a technology leader. youngchinabiz.com |
2011年7月4日,CFM国际公司总裁让保罗•埃邦加先生在法国驻成都总领事卢梭先生及四川广汉航空发动机维修培训中心(AEMTC)董事蓝宏施先生的陪同下参观了航空发动机维修培训中心及中国民用航空飞行学院(CAFUC)。 safran.cn | Accompanied by Mr. Emmanuel Rousseau, Consul General of French General Consulate in Chengdu, and Mr. Olivier Laroche, BOD member of AEMTC, Mr. Jean-Paul Ebanga, CFM International president paid a visit to AEMTC and CAFUC on July 4th of 2011. safran.cn |
谈判中涉及了董事会(BOD)许可和资本开支的许可,需要在组织架构复杂的全球企业中经过股东一致同意、项目资金批准再到董事会批准这一系列的层层步骤。 exolus.com | Negotiated global business solution required BOD approval, capital expenditure approval, and consensus across stakeholders in complex global organization -- while optimizing strategic, operational and financial parameters across following functional areas: operations; facility, engineering, EHS; human resources; financial, tax, legal; supply chain. exolus.com |
为保护和节约当地水资源,山西水利职业技术学院进行校园排水管网分流改造,建设污水处理工程及回用设施,每年可减排CODcr109.5吨、BOD574.5吨、NH3-N1414吨、TN15.33吨、TP1.5吨,能有效减少生活污水外排对当地水资源造成污染,具有良好的生态环境和社会效益,工程建设十分必要。 runmin.com.cn | For the protection and conservation of local water resources, Shanxi Conservancy Technical College campus drainage diversion transformation, the construction of sewage treatment works and reuse facilities, the annual emission reduction of CODcr109.5 tons BOD574.5 tons NH3-N1414 tons,,,, TN15.33 tons TP1.5 tons, can effectively reduce the living sewage discharge on the local water resources pollution, good ecological environment and social benefits, engineering construction is very necessary. runmin.com.cn |
三峡秭归在线讯(通讯员 张红 梅艳丽)为搞好环境保护工作,走可持续发展道路,湖北三仁生物科技有限公司,共投资约120万元,新建了污水处理工程,该工程于2008年9月完工,经过两个月试运行,根据近期秭归县环境监测站对该公司的污水处理设施运行效果的监测,主要指标COD、BOD、色度等处理效率达80%以上,排放口浓度全部达到《污水综合排放标准》(GB8978-1996)之一级标准,该公司的生产废水全部得到了有效处理。 hbsanren.com | Three gorges of zigui in order to improve environmental protection and take the road of sustainable development online (messenger ZhangHong, MeiXiLi), Hubei Sanren invested totally about 120 million yuan RMB on it, constructed the project of discharging sewage, the project completed in September 2008, after two months operation, according to the recent monitor adjoining zigui county environmental monitoring station of wastewater treatment facilities and running effect, the main indexes of COD, BOD, processing efficiency of chromaticity up to 80%, all vent concentration have reached the level of “integrated wastewater discharge standard” (GB8978-1996), and the company has been effectively handle all wastewater. hbsanren.com |
该标准所订的水平是每公升的生 化需氧量不超过 50 毫克,而每公升的悬浮固体亦不超过 50 毫克 ― 即所谓 50:50 标准。 legco.gov.hk | There have also been questions about the discharge standard under the Waste Disposal Ordinance, which is set at a level of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) not exceeding 50 milligrams per litre, and a suspended solids (SS) content also not exceeding 50 milligrams per litre — referred to as the 50:50 standard. legco.gov.hk |
(c) 以生化需氧量/化学需氧量计算 以生化需氧量/化学需氧量计算 以生化需氧量/化学需氧量计算 以生化需氧量/化学需氧量计算,本港动物所产废物的数量 ,本港动物所产废物的数量 ,本港动物所产废物的数量 ,本港动物所产废物的数量;及 ;及 ;及 ;及 legco.gov.hk | (c) the amount of animal waste produced in the territory as evidenced by the Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD)/Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) loading; and legco.gov.hk |