单词 | Sherif | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 |
FXOpen知名外汇专家SherifSaad先生,还被评为的第九届中东外汇与投资峰会最佳演讲者。 fxopenasia.com | Mr. SherifSaad,a renowned FOREX [...] coach from FXOpen was also named the best speaker for his outstanding presentation made [...]at the 9th Middle East Forex & Investment Summit in Abu Dhabi. fxopenasia.com |
2010 年 2 月 16 [...] 日星期二,一支达尔富尔混合行动武装警察车队在结束对ElSherif境内流离失所者难民营的建立信任巡逻之后,在返回尼亚拉途中遭到 [...]一个由 7 名左右身份不明的枪手组成的武装团体的伏击。 daccess-ods.un.org | On Tuesday, 16 February 2010, an armed UNAMID police convoy [...] returning to Nyala from a [...] confidence-building patrol to El Sherifcamp for internally [...]displaced persons was ambushed by a [...]group of about seven unidentified gunmen. daccess-ods.un.org |
Medidata Solutions 首席执行官TarekSherif表示:“我们热烈欢迎大鹏加入我们在日本的客户 群,我们在这里的临床活动正迅速扩大,申办者也继续进行临床技术投资。 mdsol.com | We are delighted to welcome Taiho to our customer base in Japan, where clinical activity is expanding rapidly and sponsors continue to make investments in clinical technology," said Tarek Sherif, CEO of Medidata Solutions. mdsol.com |
Medidata 首席执行官TarekSherif说:“通过对Medidata Rave 的体系结构和产品性能持续地投入、听取客户的反馈意见并对其做出及时的响应,不断扩大我们产品与服务的应用范围——从大型企业的 合作交易到各种治疗领域的中间市场公司委托,Medidata 在不懈地培育并拓展EDC 市场。 mdsol.com | Medidata has grown and evolved the EDC market by continuously investing in Medidata Rave’s architecture and capabilities as well as by listening to our customers and responding to them in order to drive broad scale adoption of our products and services – from large enterprise level deals, to commitments from mid-market companies in a wide range of therapeutic areas,” said Tarek Sherif, CEO of Medidata. mdsol.com |
Sherif说: “随着领先的制药公司寻求转变他们的临床开发流程来实现他们的生产力和营收目标,挑选拥有正确商业模式、全球规模和灵活、特性丰富的技术平台的供应商来服务于他们的当前需求和未来愿景,就变得至关重要。 mdsol.com | As leading pharmaceutical companies look to transform their clinical development processes to achieve their productivity and revenue goals, it’s critical that they select vendors with the right business model, global scale and a flexible, feature-rich technology platform that serves both their current needs and their vision for the future,” said Sherif. mdsol.com |
Medidata Solutions 首席执行官 TarekSherif说,“作为日本最大的合同研究组织,EPS 公司将继续秉持已经验证的能力,为促进医药产品开发作出贡献,同时该公司决定在其现有 EDC 解决方案中实施 Medidata Rave, 此举将有助于 Rave 在日本乃至全球的持续成长。 mdsol.com | As one of Japan’s largest CROs, EPS maintains a proven ability to contribute to better pharmaceutical product development, and the company’s decision to implement Medidata Rave into their existing EDC solution will help facilitate the constant growth of Rave in Japan—and around the globe,” said Tarek Sherif, CEO at Medidata Solutions. mdsol.com |
Sherif和de Vries 希望通过先进的技术解决方案将全新的效率带到临床研究流程中,他们带领 [...] Medidata 经历了快速增长,使该公司成为纽约市最大的自主软件公司之一以及电子临床数据采集和管理解决方案领域的两大行业领导者之一。 mdsol.com | With their vision of bringing [...] new efficiencies to the clinical research process through advanced technology solutions, Sherif [...]and de Vries have guided Medidata through its rapid growth to establish one of the largest free-standing software companies in New York City and one of the two industry leaders in electronic clinical data collection and management solutions. mdsol.com |
安永的独立评审团由来自学术、商业和媒体领域的企业家和知名领袖人物组成,他们因Sherif和de Vries 建立了真正合作性、可持续和以发展为导向的企业而授予了他们这项殊荣。 mdsol.com | Ernst & Young’s panel of independent judges consisting of entrepreneurs and [...] prominent leaders from academia, business and the [...] media honored Sherif and de Vries [...]for building a truly collaborative, sustainable and growth-oriented business. mdsol.com |
Medidata Solutions 公司董事长兼首席执行官 TarekSherif说:“我们将进行管理层宣讲、展台演示并参加互操作性展演,通过这些活动,我们期望在 DIA 年会上展示 Medidata 公司帮助临床研究者优化临床试验的方法。 mdsol.com | Through our executive presentations, booth demonstrations and participation in the Interoperability Showcase, we look forward to showcasing Medidata's approach to helping clinical researchers optimize their clinical trials at the DIA Annual Meeting," said Tarek Sherif, chairman and CEO of Medidata Solutions. mdsol.com |
Medidata Solutions 首席执行官 TarekSherif表示:“我们与 U-Systems 的合作又一次证明我们能够 对处在生命周期任何阶段的生物制药和医疗设备公司——从全球性的企业到中型企业再到初创公 司的需求做出回应,我们的技术和我们的团队正努力为各种规模申办者、不同试验和预算进行调 整并为他们带来成效。 mdsol.com | Our work with U-Systems is another example of our ability to respond to the needs of biopharmaceutical and medical device companies at any stage of their life cycle – from global enterprises to mid-sized players to start-ups, our technology and our team strive to adapt and deliver results for sponsors, trials and budgets of any size,” said Tarek Sherif, CEO of Medidata Solutions. mdsol.com |
Medidata Solutions 公司联合创始人兼首席执行官 TarekSherif说:“制药、生物技术及医疗设 备业总是与最高标准的安全及质量保证紧密相连,我们在遴选那些将促进这些关键领域发展 的管理人员方面,做出了非常具有战略性的选择。 mdsol.com | The pharmaceutical, biotech and medical device industries have always adhered to the highest standards of safety and quality assurance, and we have made very strategic choices in our selection of the executives who will drive these key areas,” said Tarek Sherif, Co-founder and CEO at Medidata Solutions. mdsol.com |
Medidata 公司董事长兼首席执行官 TarekSherif说:“Sundise 公司是中国领先的中医药公司,其推动中药现代化的不懈努力得到了政府的大力扶持,我们很高兴 Sundise 公司能够选择 Medidata, 帮助其将治疗肝纤维化的创新药扶正化瘀片推进美国市场。 mdsol.com | Sundise is a leading Chinese Medicine company in China that has garnered tremendous government support for its impressive efforts to modernize TCM, and we are very excited to have been chosen to help Sundise bring one of the first TCM treatments—its innovative liver fibrosis therapy, Fu Zheng Hua Yu—to the U.S.,” said Tarek Sherif, Medidata chairman and CEO. mdsol.com |
Medidata 公司主席兼首席执行官 TarekSherif说: “City of Hope 正在进行美国最重要的癌症研究中的一部分,与他们结为合作伙伴、为这项工作提供支持,我们感到非常自豪。 mdsol.com | City of Hope is driving some of the most critical cancer research in the country, and we are very proud to have partnered with them to support those efforts,” said Tarek Sherif, Medidata Chairman and CEO. mdsol.com |
Medidata Solutions首席执行官TarekSherif表示:“ASKLEP承诺为其客户优化临床试验,与Medidata致力于通过解决方案为生命科学组织提供支援的使命相吻合。 mdsol.com | ASKLEP's commitment to optimizing clinical trials for its customers aligns with our mission at Medidata of supporting life science organizations with solutions for efficiently managing clinical development, from concept to conclusion," said Tarek Sherif, CEO, Medidata Solutions. mdsol.com |
在依旧不景气的经济环境里,TarekSherif和Glen de Vries 通过使一家创立不久的企业实现了首次公开募股,展示了强大的技术愿景和业务模式,无疑这种愿景和模式将会推动公司继续向前发展。 mdsol.com | In taking a start-up to IPO, during a recession [...] no less, Tarek Sherifand Glen de Vries [...]have demonstrated a strong technology [...]vision and business model that will no doubt continue to propel the company forward. mdsol.com |
Medidata 公司首席执行官 TarekSherif说:“我们与北里大学CTCC的关系得益于 Medidata Rave 在日本的卓着声誉,Medidata Rave 是一个值得信任的平台,能够帮助各类机构达到并超越其临床研究的目标。 mdsol.com | Our relationship with the Kitasato CTCC is a result of Medidata Rave’s excellent reputation in Japan as a trusted platform for helping organizations meet and surpass their clinical research goals,” said Tarek Sherif, CEO, Medidata Solutions. mdsol.com |
Medidata Solutions首席执行官TarekSherif说: “凭借这一认证,LSK继续兑现他们的承诺,即为申办方提供日益提高的临床试验中效率以及应对本土和全球法规的专项技能。 mdsol.com | With this accreditation, LSK continues to demonstrate its commitment to providing sponsors with increasing efficiencies across their clinical trials and expertise around both local and global regulations,” said Tarek Sherif, CEO, Medidata Solutions. mdsol.com |
Medidata Solutions首席执行官TarekSherif说:“多年来,CFFT TDN和西雅图儿童研究所已经取得重大临床突破,我们感到自豪的是,Medidata Rave 已被选作EDC和CDM解决方案,这将促进这些囊性纤维化研究。 mdsol.com | Over the years, the CFFT TDN and Seattle Children’s Research Institute have achieved significant clinical breakthroughs, and we are proud that Medidata Rave has been selected as the EDC and CDM solution that will help facilitate these cystic fibrosis studies,” said Tarek Sherif, CEO of Medidata Solutions. mdsol.com |