检查喷型, 然后缓慢增加空气压力,直到尾部完全雾化,并进 入喷型。 graco.com | Check spray pattern, then slowly increase air pressure until tails are completely atomized and pulled into spray pattern. graco.com |
而西行往商业中心的交通车流,亦会沿着告士 打道排至湾仔运动场。 devb.gov.hk | Traffic westbound to the CBD often tails back to the Wan Chai Sports Ground along Gloucester Road. devb.gov.hk |
骨干技术基 础架构:需要再次强调的是,宽带与3G+覆盖很可能成为网络零售 市场最重要的增长引擎。 mckinseychina.com | Backbone technology infrastructure: Again, broadband and 3G+ coverage are likely to be the most important drivers for e-tailing market growth. mckinseychina.com |
然而, 臭氧部门于 2005 年中期收到一项进口 100 公吨 CTC 以用于氯尾气处理的申请,这 是得到批准的反应剂用途。 multilateralfund.org | However, in mid 2005 the Ozone Unit obtained a request for the import of 100 metric tonnes of CTC for use in chlorine tail gas treatment, which is an approved PA use. multilateralfund.org |
尽管中国的网络零售业仍处于初步发展阶段,但是目前为止用相对较低的投资 ( 年 营 收 2 % - 4 % )便 已 获 得 高 速 增 长 。 mckinseychina.com | Although Chinese e-tailing is still in the initial building phases, high growth is being achieved with relatively low investment of 2–4 percent of revenue on an annual basis. mckinseychina.com |
因 此 , 董 事 认 为 将 不 会 出 现 潜 在 不 利 的 法 律 或 财 务 後 果 ; 及 (ii) 据 中 国 法 律 顾 问 告 知 , 除 有 关 土地使 用 权 的 未 解 决 问 题( 包 括 上 述 申 请 上 马 采 矿 土地及 新 尾 矿 库 的 土地使 用 权 )及 申 请 将 若 干 证 书 及 许 可 证 从 上 马 铁 矿 转 让 予 抚 顺 上 马 或 获 得 或 重 续 该 等 证 书 及 许 可 证 之 外 , 抚 顺 上 马 已 取 得 其 中 国 业 务 经 营 活 动 所 需 的 所 有 重 要 权 证 、 证 书 、 批 准 及 许 可 。 cre8ir.com | Therefore, the Directors believe that there will be no potential adverse legal nor financial consequence; and (ii) as advised by the PRC legal adviser, except for the outstanding issues relating to land use right (including the abovementioned application for land use rights for the Shangma Mining Land and new tailing pond) and applications for the transfer, obtained or renewal of certain certificates and licenses from Shangma Iron Mine to Fushun Shangma, Fushun Shangma has obtain all the material licenses, certificates, approval and permits which are necessary for its business operation activities in the PRC. cre8ir.com |
用户可以对尾音偏置,使之离 开正常的中间位置。 tcelectronic.com | Allows you to offset the tail from the normal center position. tcelectronic.com |
(e) 每间工厂应对运作或使用中的机器须加防护栅栏的部分加设坚固的保护 栏,例如(aa)原动机的各移动部件及与原动机相连的每个飞轮;(bb)每个水 车及水轮机的上水道及尾水道;(cc)车床头架突出的工料杆的任何部分;及 (dd)除非防护栅栏已安装就位或其防护栅栏之坚固程度可确保对工厂所雇 佣的每个工人的安全,否则下列机器须加装防护栅栏:(i)发电机、电动机 或旋转转换器的各部件;(ii)传动机器的各部件;及(iii)任何机器的危险部 件。 cre8ir.com | (e) In every factory the following shall be securely fenced by safeguards of substantial construction which shall be kept in position while the part of machinery required to be fenced are in motion or in use, namely (aa) every moving part of a prime mover, and every fly wheel connected to a prime mover; (bb) the head-race and tail-race of every water wheel and water turbine; (cc) any part of a stock-bar which projects beyond the head stock of a lathe; and (dd) unless they are in such position or of such construction as to be as safe to every person employed in the factory as they would be if they were securely fenced (i) every part of an electricity generator, a motor or rotary converter; (ii) every part of transmission machinery; and (iii) every dangerous part of any machinery. cre8ir.com |
新一代的C 系列,尾灯跟车尾设计更加紧凑地融合。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | In the facelifted model, the tail lights are even more neatly integrated into the tail end by a continuous covering lens. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
如 本 公 司 不 能 取 得 尾 矿 库 的 国 有 土地使 用 权 证 , 其 将 考 虑 就尾矿 库 用 地 申 请 临 时 土地使 用 权( 如 有 可 能 )。 cre8ir.com | If the Company is unable to obtain the land use rights certificate for the tailing pond, it will consider applying for the temporary land use rights for the use of the land of the tailing pond if possible. cre8ir.com |
在 Otter tail Power 公司诉美国的案 件中,美国最高法院裁定,一家垄断企业控 制着某设施或财产,而其他公司只有获得了 该设施或财产才可以开展竞争,在这种情况 下,垄断企业有义务以非歧视性的条件允许 他人获得这种设施(Rahnasto, 2003,p.144)。 cgfwatch.org | In Otter tail Power Co v. the United States, the US Supreme Court ruled that a dominant firm that controls an infrastructure or an asset that other companies need to make use of in order to compete has the obligation to make the facility available on nondiscriminatory terms (Rahnasto, 2003, p. 144). cgfwatch.org |
目 前,各类氟氯化碳库存水平低于为 2010 年满足结尾服务时期的需求而规划的 1,703 吨。 multilateralfund.org | The current level of stockpiling CFCs is already lower than the value of 1,703 tonnes planned for 2010 to satisfy the demand of the service tail. multilateralfund.org |
更近一些 的是,在2010年通过题为“是实现平等、消 除差距和开辟道路的时候了” 的文件提出 了一个雄心勃勃的议程,其中建议,除其他 外,在拉丁美洲和加勒比制定必要的社会公 约。 regionalcommissions.org | More recently, in 2010 through its document entitled “Time for Equality, Closing Gaps Opening Tails” has proposed an ambitious agenda which proposes, inter alia, the generation of the necessary social covenants in Latin America and the Caribbean. regionalcommissions.org |
它在早期反射和混 响尾音开始点之间增设的时间。 tcelectronic.com | Adds additional time between the Early Reflections and the onset of the "tail" of the reverb. tcelectronic.com |
如果您真的要在夜间骑乘,请记得在您的车上安装并使用头灯 及尾灯。 campagnolo.com | If you do ride at night, you should equip your bicycle with and use a headlight and a tail light. campagnolo.com |
应注意到输水量的增加和用水效率的 提高并不一定意味着用水量的减少;更普遍地,其意味着位于配水渠系末端的用水户 现在也可以定期获得水量了,体现了用水更具公平性、更加高效,而不是减少了用水 量。 wrdmap.org | It should be noted that the increase in water delivery and use efficiency does not necessarily imply a reduction in water use; more commonly, it means that tail-enders on the water system now get water regularly – greater equity and efficiency, but not less water use. wrdmap.org |
线性聚合物是重复的结构单元按一定顺序依次首尾连接得到的聚合物。 malvern.com.cn | A linear polymer is composed of a single main chain of repeating units, linked in a regular end to tail fashion. malvern.com |
对于所有数码产品和内容出版商来说,可以期待的是更高的转化率,更高的平均订单价值,更高的客户终身价值,循环的利润流,以及大大改善其早期发售的产品转化为货币的能力。 hybris.com | For all publishers of digital goods and content, the result is higher conversion rates, higher average order value, higher lifetime customer value, a recurring revenue stream and much better ability to monetize their long tail of previously issued products. hybris.com |
大西洋金枪鱼养护委有两项统计 文件方案(箭鱼和大眼金枪鱼)和一个蓝鳍金枪鱼鱼获量记录计划,并正在鼓励各 国采用尾鳍标签做法和电子系统。 daccess-ods.un.org | ICCAT had two statistical document programmes (for swordfish and bigeye tuna) and a catch documentation scheme for bluefin tuna, and was encouraging tail tagging and electronic systems. daccess-ods.un.org |
通常情况下,风险值具有一定 的局限性,尤其是使用历史数据作为预测未来事件、市场不流通 风险及与较长时间有关的风险以及尾段风险的准则。 glencore.com | VaR should always be viewed in the context of its limitations; notably, the use of historical data as a proxy for estimating future events, market illiquidity risks and risks associated with longer time horizons as well as tail risks. glencore.com |
专家组在法希尔、尼亚拉和杰奈纳观察到尾号为 925、926、 928、929、933、937、938、939、941、942、943、945、946、947 和 948 的米-24 型直升机。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Mi-24 helicopters, with tail numbers 925, 926, 928, 929, 933, 937, 938, 939, 941, 942, 943, 945, 946, 947 and 948, were observed by the Panel in El Fasher, Nyala and El Geneina. daccess-ods.un.org |
真正的全渠道顾客体验:从任意设备对产品和计划的浏览;包括网上购买和店内提货的无缝隙体验,以及长尾产品在店内的可利用性。 hybris.com | A true omni-channel experience for customers: a single view of product and plan offerings from any device, plus a seamless experience including buy online / pick up in store and long-tail product availability in store. hybris.com |
计时Aero功能与后尾翼的设计,以减少动荡的骑手,同时确保最大的安全性,同时降低了重量和体积。 chainssprockets.com | The Chrono Aero features reduced weight and volume with a rear tail design to reduce turbulence whilst ensuring maximum safety for the rider at the same time. chainssprockets.com |
比如在大型灌区,受保障的水权有助于明确供水 方对用水户的供水义务,并且有助于减少渠首-渠尾矛盾的出现,这类问题通常都是位 于配水渠上游段的用户取用了过多水量,导致下游用户出现用水紧张或者没水可用的 问题。 wrdmap.org | In large irrigation schemes, for example, secure rights to water would help define the obligations of the service provider to the users and reduce head-tail problems, where those at the head of a system take too much water, while those at the end are left with little or none at all. wrdmap.org |
可以将字符 ³ 和 ³ 插入到页眉字符串与页脚字符串中的任意位置。 printronix.cn | The characters ³ and ³ can be inserted anywhere in the header string and tailer string. printronix.cn |
本标准根据当前的行业技术和装备水平而制订,通过对轻型汽车的生命周期评价,对轻型汽车的 尾气污染物排放、燃料消耗量、离合器片中石棉等方面提出了要求。 greencouncil.org | This standard is developed based on current industrial technology and equipment level. With life-cycle assessment of light-duty vehicles, it presents the requirements for the emissions of tail gas pollutants, fuel consumption and the concentration of asbestos in clutch driving strap of light-duty vehicles. greencouncil.org |
据今日出席哈佛医学院全球健康与社会医学系(DGHSM)主持的“全球健康公平的长尾理论:解决世界最贫穷地区的十多亿人口的地方性非传染性疾病问题”(Long Tail of Global Health Equity:Tackling the Endemic Non-Communicable Diseases of the Bottom Billion)大会的专家们称,由于对风湿性心脏病(RHD)缺乏足够的认识、倡导和政治支持,全球最贫穷国家的数十万儿童和青少年患上了风湿性心脏病。 tipschina.gov.cn | A severe lack of awareness, advocacy and political will means hundreds of thousands of children and young adults are victims of rheumatic heart disease (RHD) in the world's poorest countries, according to experts presenting today at the "The Long Tail of Global Health Equity: Tackling the Endemic Non-Communicable Diseases of the Bottom Billion" conference hosted by the Harvard Medical School Department of Global Health and Social Medicine (DGHSM)The conference was organized by Partners In Health (PIH) in collaboration with Brigham and Women's Hospital (BWH), Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH), The Global Taskforce on Expanding Access to Cancer Care & Control in Developing Countries, and the NCDAlliance tipschina.gov.cn |