单词 | scrum | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 |
之 後,如果该maul固结不动或停止向前移动超过5秒钟或球成为无法比赛, 而且被命令scrum时,由该接球员的队投进球。 irblaws.com | Then if the maul remains stationary, stops moving forward for longer [...] than 5 seconds, or if the ball [...] becomes unplayable, and a scrum is ordered,the team [...]of the ball catcher throws in the ball. irblaws.com |
否定後,由敌队选择在快捷投进 的地点争边球或在快捷投进的地点15公尺线上scrum,取得投进权。 irblaws.com | The opposing team chooses to throw in at either a lineout where the quick throw-in [...] was attempted, orascrum onthe15-metre line [...]at that place. irblaws.com |
根据Bob的经验,使用Scrum配合约束理论来实施业务变革将会帮助你的组织成为一个敏捷的企业。 infoq.com | According toBob, using Scrum combined with the Theory [...] of Constraints to do business change helps organizations to become an agile enterprise. infoq.com |
如果球是在违规队的极阵 内被最後操弄时,该scrum将在对应於球被操弄的地点而距离阵线5公尺 [...] 的地方进行。 irblaws.com | If it was last played in that [...] team’s in-goal,the scrum is formed5metres [...]from the goal line in line with where it was played. irblaws.com |
如果ruck停止向前推进、或裁判员认为球可能无法在合理时间 内浮现时,裁判员必须命令scrum。 irblaws.com | If the ruck stops moving, or if the referee decides that the ball will probably not emerge within a reasonable time, the [...] referee mustordera scrum. irblaws.com |
(b) 如果有攻击球员在赛场内拍前或抛前,而球进入敌方极阵内,并在那里 被做成死球时,将在拍前或抛前发生的地点判给scrum。 irblaws.com | (b) If an attacking player knocks-on or throws-forward in the field of play and the ball goes [...] into the opponents’ in-goal and it [...] is madedead there, a scrum is awarded where the [...]knock-on or throw forward happened. irblaws.com |
(h) 进行scrum时,最後球员的脚踩到得分线或超越得分线,该得分线就是该 队传锋或不参加scrum队友的越位线。 irblaws.com | (h) If the hindmost foot of a team is on or behind that team’s goal line, the offside line for scrumhalves andnon-participants is the goal line. irblaws.com |
scrum也不能在距离边线5公尺 以内的地方举行。 irblaws.com | Ascrumcannot take place [...] within 5 metres of a touchline. irblaws.com |
(d) 未赢得控球队的传锋, 不许踩越该传锋参加scrum队友最後一只脚的越位 线, 而移动到scrum投球位置的另一侧。 irblaws.com | (d) The scrumhalf whose team does not win possession of the ball must not move to the oppositeside of the scrumand overstepthe offside line. irblaws.com |
(e) 若防守方把球带球进入己方极阵内。防守队员随後踢球,球却在极阵内被 拍阻成为死球时,应在死球点距阵线五公尺对应的地点进行scrum,并由进 攻方投球。 irblaws.com | (e) If a defending team has put the ball into their own in-goal and a defending player kicks the ball so that is charged down in in-goal [...] and then made dead, the attacking side [...] is awarded a 5-metre scrum in linewith where [...]the ball is made dead and they throw in the ball. irblaws.com |
外派临时主管James [...] Cundiff表示:“我将把我学到的关于Scrum的价值和原则等知识应用到以后的工作之中。 tipschina.gov.cn | I'm taking the values and principles [...] that I learned about Scrumwith me to my next [...]endeavor," says outgoing interim director James Cundiff. tipschina.gov.cn |
(b) 在有前排球员被勒令退场或被短暂禁赛时,裁判员在判给下一次scrum前,将问该队的队长,是否有适当训练来担任前排的球员在赛场上。 irblaws.com | (b) After a front row player is sent off or during the time a front row player is [...] temporarily suspended the referee, [...] upon awarding the next scrum, will ask thatplayer’s [...]captain whether or not the team [...]has another player on the field of play who is suitably trained to play in the front row. irblaws.com |
在每一家公司使用Scrum的情况都各不相同,但是基本原则是一样的。 tipschina.gov.cn | Every implementationof Scrum in every company, big [...] or small, is slightly different [but has the] same foundational principles. tipschina.gov.cn |
球成为死球指的是当裁判鸣 哨使比赛停顿, 将判给scrum或球出界裁判将判给争边球, 非犯规方获判选 择处罚方式, 反攻踢或达阵攻门及罚踢攻门完成後,scrum进行不顺利或未 完结须要重组等。 irblaws.com | The ball becomes dead when the referee would have awarded a scrum, lineout,an option to the non-infringing team, drop out or after a conversion or successful penalty [...] kick at goal. irblaws.com |
他们在Scrum联盟主办的这次大会上发现,每一个组织或企业都能够利用Scrum改善工作方式,更轻松地对市场变化作出反应。 tipschina.gov.cn | What they [...] discovered at thisScrum Alliance-hosted gathering was that every organization can improve the way it works and respond more easily to change with Scrum. tipschina.gov.cn |
他们不许做出任何 事,阻使球被正确投进scrum或在正确地点触地。 irblaws.com | They must not do anything to stop the ball [...] being thrown in to thescrum correctly or touching [...]the ground at the correct place. irblaws.com |
我更愿意将Scrum看作是一个学习加速器。 infoq.com | I like to thinkofScrum as an accelerated learning [...] framework. infoq.com |
在信息世界(InfoWorld)的一篇博文《采用敏捷来构建更好的业务》中,咨询专线博客的作者Bob Lewis谈论了关于通过Scrum来交付业务变革。 infoq.com | In the InfoWorld blog adapt agile [...] to build a better business, author Bob Lewis of the Advice Line blogs talks about [...] delivering businesschange with Scrum. infoq.com |
(e) 比赛进行中,裁判责令进行无竞争的scrum,是由於球队无法提供有受训 练及经验的前排球员参加scrum,裁判必须向大会报告。 irblaws.com | (e) When the referee orders uncontestedscrums during a match, as a result of a team not having suitably trained [...] and experienced front row players in [...]compliance with Law, the referee will report the matter to the Match Organiser. irblaws.com |
Scrum项目的成功取决于自我组织、交叉作业的各个团队,他们拥有完成各项工作所需的所有技能和工具。 tipschina.gov.cn | The success of a Scrum projectis dependent [...] on self-organizing, cross-functional teams, who have all of the skills and tools [...]necessary to get the work done. tipschina.gov.cn |
如果有一队因: 无法派遣曾经受过适当训练的该5位置的球员,或 该5位置的球员当中,有一名球员因受伤或因违犯暴行被勒令退场,而无 [...] 法提供曾经受过适当训练的受伤替代球员时, 裁判员必须命令无争的scrum。irblaws.com | If a team cannot field such suitably trained players because: either they are not available, or a player in one of those five positions is injured or has been [...] sent off for Foul Play and no suitably trained replacement is available, then the referee must [...] order uncontested scrums. irblaws.com |
在为期两天的大会结束前,Scrum联盟设计了一些计划来展示各个行业在软件之外的领域如何使用Scrum,并且讨论了一些与此有关的问题和话题。 tipschina.gov.cn | By the end of [...] the two-day event, the group had devised plans for bringingScrum to industries beyond software and discussed many issues and [...]topics related to doing so. tipschina.gov.cn |
若此球由防守队带进得分区而造成, 则进攻队可获判於得分线 前5公尺位置Scrum。 irblaws.com | If the ball was carried into in-goal by the [...] defending team,a 5-metrescrum shall be awarded and [...]the attacking team throws in the ball. irblaws.com |
(b) 如果maul中的球成为无法比赛或maul非暴行结果崩塌而被命令scrum时,该maul非顺利结束。 irblaws.com | (b) A maul ends unsuccessfully if the ball becomes unplayable or collapses (not as a result [...] of foul play)and ascrum is ordered. irblaws.com |
这时候,如果 [...] 接受人被认定是故意越位,必须判处罚踢;否则接受人属於意外越位, 必须判处scrum而由敌队投进球。 irblaws.com | Unless the receiver is considered to be intentionally offside (in which case a penalty [...] kick is awarded), the receiver is [...] accidentallyoffside and a scrum is formed withthe [...]opposing team throwing in the ball. irblaws.com |
我和Ken发明并在软件开发中运用了Scrum,我们把能想到的软件知识都用上了,但结果是,如果Scrum不精益,就是糟糕的Scrum。 infoq.com | Ken and I tookScrum and implemented it in software and we used all our software knowledge but it turns out thatif the Scrum isn’t Lean it’sa bad Scrum. infoq.com |
Scrum的一个基本前提是如果事情进展顺利,就继续做。 infoq.com | A basicpremiseofScrum is that if what you [...] are doing is working, keep doing it. infoq.com |
前去赴会的人都对如何探索使用Scrum有着不同的想法,比如如何在服务环境、在政府部门和在营销组织使用Scrum。 tipschina.gov.cn | Those who came to this event each had [...] different ideas to explore, from Scrumin aservice environment to Scrum in government to Scrum in a marketing organization. tipschina.gov.cn |
政府、教育和众多其他行业的领袖上周末齐聚凤凰城,在ScrumBeyond Software大会上共商他们面临的最棘手的项目管理问题,探索Scrum如何帮助他们解决那些问题。 tipschina.gov.cn | Leaders from government, education, and many [...] other industries gathered [...] last weekend at theScrum BeyondSoftware event in Phoenix to talk through their toughest project management issues anddiscover howScrum could help solve them. tipschina.gov.cn |
(d) 附加规定, 若无争的Scrum是由於无法提供有训练的经验前排球员,或其他 任何理由而造成, 该球队将被取消球员替补而导致进行无竞争性的Scrum(a) 球员可以穿佩用有弹性或可压缩的可洗材料做成的护垫(supports)。 irblaws.com | (d) A provision may be introduced that where uncontestedscrums are ordered as a result of there being no suitably trained and experienced front row replacement for any reason, the team [...] concerned shall not be entitled to replace [...]the player whose departure caused uncontested scrums. irblaws.com |