单词 | Samuel | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 |
执委会同意设立一个分委会,由副主席SamuelGodefroy博士主持并对所有执委会成员开放,根据执委会上通过的程序进一步完善《战 [...] 略计划》草案。 codexalimentarius.org | The CCEXEC had further agreed to establish a sub-committee, to [...] be chaired by Dr SamuelGodefroy,Vicechairperson [...]and open to all CCEXEC members, [...]to further develop the draft Strategic Plan, in accordance with a procedure agreed at the CCEXEC. codexalimentarius.org |
来自美国威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校的SamuelGellman及其同事尝试设计几种双亲化合物用于目的蛋白和生物膜的分离。 labome.cn | Samuel Gellmanand colleagues from [...] the University of Wisconsin-Madison (USA) have tried to design alternative amphiphiles [...]that can be used to extract target proteins from biological membranes. labome.com |
最後我们满心地欢迎新加入我们团契大家庭的 Albert Sun和SamuelYang夫妇,他 们刚从密苏里和芝加哥搬过来。 mccc.org | Lastly and whole-heartedly, we welcome new [...] members AlbertSun andSamuel Yang joining in [...]the Joy family. mccc.org |
SamuelAdejuwon先生( 尼日利 亚 ) 召集的非正式磋商审议这个分项目。 daccess-ods.un.org | At its3rdmeeting, the SBSTA agreed to consider this item in informal consultations, facilitated by Mr. Samuel Adejuwon (Nigeria). daccess-ods.un.org |
1936年FredSamuel在巴黎协和广场旁的王室街6号开设了第一家精品店。 lvmh.cn | In 1936 FredSamuel openedits first boutique [...] at number 6 Rue Royale in Paris, next to the Place de la Concorde. lvmh.com |
粮农组织代表,动物生产及卫生司司长兼营养及消费者保护司代理司长SamuelJutzi 先生强调了食典标准的重要作用,这些标准可为政府提供指导以确保整个食物链 [...] 的食品安全,而且在发生食品安全危机的情况下尤其关系重大,他回顾了粮农组织和 世卫组织如何通过国际食品安全当局网络和食品安全紧急预防系统在紧急情况中密切 合作。 codexalimentarius.org | The Representativeof FAO, Mr SamuelJutzi, Director, [...] Animal Production and Health Division and Acting Director, Nutrition [...]and Consumer Protection Division, stressed the importance of Codex standards to provide guidance to governments in order to ensure food safety throughout the food chain, and their special relevance in cases of food safety crisis, recalling how FAO and WHO cooperate closely in emergency situations through INFOSAN and EMPRES Food Safety. codexalimentarius.org |
SamuelLee 于 2000 年加入 Equinix,现任 [...] Equinix 亚太地区总裁,负责监督公司亚太地区业务的管理、战略和发展。 equinix.cn | Samuel Lee joined Equinix in [...] 2000 and now serves as President of Equinix Asia-Pacific, overseeing the management, strategy [...]and growth of the company’s Asia Pacific operations. equinix.ch |
普 遍定期审议委员会由下列成员组成:John Ezra( [...] 主席,总理府) , Lawson JackSamuel和Mahé Serge Alain(外交部),Roline [...]Lesines(劳动和就业服务部),Louis Georges Vakaran(国家法律局),Apisai [...]Tokon(公共卫生部),Julie Garoleo(土地和自 然资源部),Liku Jimmy(教育部),Marie Shem(妇女事务部),Laurina Liwuslili(惩教 事务局)。 daccess-ods.un.org | The UPR Committee comprised of [...] John Ezra (Chairman - Prime Minister’s [...] Office), Lawson JackSamuel andMahé Serge Alain [...](Department of Foreign Affairs), Roline [...]Lesines (Department of Labour and Employment Services), Louis Georges Vakaran (State Law Office), Apisai Tokon (Department of Public Health), Julie Garoleo (Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources); Liku Jimmy (Department of Education); Marie Shem (Department of Women’s Affairs), Laurina Liwuslili (Correctional Services Department). daccess-ods.un.org |
汉高也接管了英国萨缪尔•琼斯有限公司(SamuelJones & Co Ltd)的Samson粘合剂业务。 henkel.cn | In Austria, the adhesives activities of Chemie Linz AG, under the Leifa brand, were [...] transferred to Henkel Austria Ges.m.b.H. Henkel also took over the Samson [...] adhesivesbusiness of Samuel Jones &Co Ltdin the UK. henkel.com |
中心目前由中国科学院上海生命科学研究院植物生理生态研究所薯类生物技术研究组张鹏研究员、瑞士联邦理工大学-苏黎世植物科学研究所植物生物技术研究组Wilhelm [...] Gruissem教授和植物生物化学研究组SamuelZeeman教授、中国热带农业科学院热带生物技术所王文泉研究员为核心团队,并联合与中心工作密切相关的研究团队,共同组织和实施国内外联合和交叉性研究项目,同时也为促进中瑞之间生物技术学术交流和科研人员互访提供平台。 cassavabiotech.org | Currently the core members of SCCB include Prof. Peng Zhang's Group on Cassava and Sweetpotao Biotechnology at the Institute of Plant Physiology & Ecology, SIBS, Prof. [...] Wilhelm Gruissem’s Group on Plant [...] Biotechnology and Prof. Samuel Zeeman’s Group on [...]Plant Biochemistry at the Institute of [...]Plant Sciences, ETH Zurich, and Prof. Wenquan Wang’s Group on Molecular Breeding at the Institute of Tropical Bioscience and Biotechnology, Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Science. cassavabiotech.org |
1950 年代,SamuelRuben 持续改良硷性电池,让它体积更小、更耐用、电力更持久。 duracell.com.tw | Inthe 1950s,Samuel Ruben went onto improve [...] the alkaline manganese battery, making it more compact, durable, and longer [...]lasting than anything before it. duracell.in |
此外,第三期工程原本预定於2011年完工,将增加20公里专用道,也会新增250辆公车,却已延宕一年,主因在於贪腐弊案,前市长莫雷诺(SamuelMoreno)已为此入狱。 thisbigcity.net | And if this wasn’t enough, the construction of phase 3 – planned to open in 2011, adding 20 kilometers of BRT lanes along with 250 more buses to the entire network – is one year [...] behind schedule, largely due to issues with corruption that today has the [...] former mayor of Bogotá,Samuel Moreno– inprison. thisbigcity.net |
今年,国际评委会还决定颁发两项评委会大奖,获奖者分别是:在曾获最佳剧本提名的电影《Caterpillar》中有出色表演的日本女演员Shinobu [...] Terajima和影片《Levanon》的编剧兼导演、以色列人SamuelMoaz。 china.embassy.gov.au | The APSA International Jury also decided, this year, to present two Jury Grand Prizes – to Japanese actress Shinobu Terajima for her astonishing performance in the film [...] Caterpillar (which was nominated for Best Screenplay) and to Israeli [...] writer/director Samuel Moaz forLevanon [...](Lebanon). china.embassy.gov.au |
法律委员会以鼓掌方式选举 Mohammed Bedjaoui 先 生 [...] (阿尔及利亚)为主席,SamuelFernandez Illanes 先生(智利)为副主席,Pierre- [...]Michel Eiseman 先生(法国)为报告人。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Number of the members of the Legal Committee – item 7.8 of the agenda The Legal Committee elected by [...] acclamation Mr Mohammed Bedjaoui (Algeria) [...] as Chairperson,MrSamuel FernándezIllanes [...](Chile) as Vice-Chairperson and Mr Pierre-Michel [...]Eisemann (France) as Rapporteur. unesdoc.unesco.org |
後來我看了一本由山姆.巴特勒(SamuelButler)在 1898 年写的非医学书,内容描述世界颠倒了, [...] 人们公开谈論财务狀况,却认为吃东西是可耻的,只会悄悄地进食。 naturalhealing.com.hk | It is strange to have to admit that the conversion and the [...] prejudice occurred when I read a [...] non-medical book, Erewhon,by Samuel Butler (1898), describes [...]a topsy-turvy world where people [...]are ashamed to eat, and do so in privacy, while they deal with and discuss their financial matters in public - the exact opposite of our own habits. naturalhealing.com.hk |