

单词 s= 6mm

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这种型号还装有飓风双轴稳定系统及增强的D-10T2s100mm 这是T-54系列把OPVT涉渡装备作为标准化的配备,可以潜渡深5米,宽70CM的河流,波兰仿造并改进的T-54B 被称为T-54AM。
This version also introduced the Tsiklon
(Cyclone)2-axis stabilization system
[...] and theimproved D-10T2S 100mmgun.Thiswas the [...]
first version of the T-54 series regularly
fitted with the OPVT river fording equipment allowing crossing of rivers up to 5 meters deep and 700Mwide.
(s) To undertake and execute any trusts the undertaking whereof may seem desirable either gratuitously or otherwise.
(mm)份或现金或以部分股份或部分现金或以任何其他方式支付本公司 [...]
(mm)To pay for all or any [...]
part of the property, rights or interest of any kind purchased or acquired by the Company either
in shares or in cash or partly in shares or partly in cash, or in any other manner.
全球导航卫星系统将利用地面站生成测量和矫正信息, 并将其发送MM2静止卫星,以传送至最终用户。
Using the ground stations, GNSS
measurements and correction messages would be generated
[...] and sent to theMM2geostationary satellite [...]
to be broadcast to end users.
另外一个新功能可根据 B 轴的旋转角度自动改变 Z
[...] 轴的行程,大幅增加 Z 轴的行程至40mm短 刀具悬挂时间,提供更有利的加工条件。
Another function that automatically changes the
Z-axis stroke according to the rotation angle of the B-axis made it possible to extend the
[...] Z-axis stroke byup to 40 mm.
此外,中 芯代成都成芯半导体制造有限公司经营管理一座200mm厂,也代武汉新芯集成电 路制造有限公司经营管理一座300mm厂。
In addition, SMIC manages
[...] and operates a 200mmwafer fabin Chengdu owned by Cension Semiconductor Manufacturing Corporation,and a 300mm wafer fabin Wuhan [...]
owned by Wuhan Xinxin
Semiconductor Manufacturing Corporation.
Contemporary and well-designed, the Piaget 1200S skeleton movement takes the art ofskeletonised movements to a new level with resolutely modern lines and a respect for the traditional craft.
为了确保切换开关油室 (内部)和切换开
[...] 关芯子得到充分的干燥,有必要使用内径为50mm通管将至少两个直接通 往切换开关内部的分接开关头接头连接到煤油蒸汽管上。
To ensure sufficient drying of the interior of the diverter switch oil compartment and of the diverter switch
insert, it is necessary to connect a common tube
[...] of atleast50 mmnominalwidth between [...]
the kerosene vapor lead and at least
two pipe connections of the on-load tap-changer head leading into the diverter switch compartment.
水资源需求管理不需要有专门的监管机构,但各项需求管理目标应被包含于常规的监管体制之 内,如下图所示(S.3
There should not be a specific regulator for WDM, but demand management objectives should be incorporated within the normal regulatory system, as illustrated below (Figure S.3).
用户也可以建立定期S.M.A.R.T状态检查,S.M.A.R.T过期时发 布通知信息。
You can also setup periodical S.M.A.R.T. status checks that send notification messages when S.M.A.R. T. thresholds are exceeded.
The modernization involves replacing the analog
technology with a screen-guided PC, system control
[...] via aPLC S7, and depending on the [...]
condition of the hydraulic system, replacement
of the hydraulic valves in the current valve cabinet with the latest Profibus valves.
然后将安装旅行(TV)和物资管理MM块,从而能够修订和丰富 FABS [...]
The Travel (TV) and
[...] Material Management (MM)moduleswill follow [...]
allowing the field financial information in FABS to be
refined and enriched with all necessary details.
(s)公司所收购的任何权利或物业付款,及不论以现金付款或透过配发本公 司股份、债权证或其他证券向任何人士或公司支付以全部或部份缴足或以其 他方式列账的酬金。
(s) To pay for any rights or property acquired by the Company, and to remunerate any person or company whether by cash payment or by the allotment of shares, debentures or other securities of the Company credited as paid up in full or in part or otherwise.
[...] 由于枪针直径较大,使用的喷嘴要比使用标准的 Pro Xs 喷枪大一个尺寸 (即1.5mm1.2mm道面积)。
NOTE: Due to the larger needle
diameter, use a nozzle one size larger than you would use with a
[...] standard Pro Xs gun (i.e., 1.5 mm = 1.2 mmflowarea).
灭火器配置场所或计算单元的最小需配灭火级别应按下式计算:A或BS器配置场所或计算单元的保护面积, m2; U -- A 类火灾或B类火灾的灭火器配置场所相应危险等级的灭火器配置基准,m2A 或m2/B; K --修正系数:无室内消火栓系统和灭火系统或仅设有室外消火栓系统的配置场所K=1.0;设有室内消 火栓系统的配置场所,K=0.9;设有灭火系统的配置场所,K=0.7;同时设有室内消火栓系统和灭火系统的配置场所,K=0.5 可燃物露天堆垛,甲、乙、丙类液体贮罐,可燃气体贮罐,地下建筑工程(含人民防空工程、地下铁道),古建筑,歌舞娱乐放映游艺和大型商场等灭火器配置场所,K=1.0。
(1.) Fire extinguisher places or computing unit configured minimum level shall be calculated to be equipped with fire-fighting: A or B, S Extinguisher protected place or area calculation unit, m2; U - A Class B Class fire or fire Extinguisher fire extinguisher place the appropriate risk level configuration baseline, m2A or m2 / B; K - correction factor: no indoor fire hydrant system and fire fighting systems, or only with outdoor fire hydrant system configuration spaces K = 1.0; with an indoor fire hydrant system configuration spaces, K = 0.9; with fire extinguishing system configuration spaces, K = 0.7; also has an indoor fire hydrant system and fire fighting system configuration spaces, K = 0.5 fuel open-air stacking, A, B, C liquid storage tank , flammable gas storage tanks, underground construction (including the defense works, underground railway), ancient architecture, dance and Movies Entertainment and large shopping malls and other places extinguisher, K = 1.0.
[...] 工时的行程范围与操作者接近了100mm但使操作者的作业负担得以减轻,在安全方面也有不小的贡献。
By moving the table100 mm closer tothe operator [...]
from the machining stroke range during work setup, operator workload is
greatly reduced and safety improved.
接下来是 差旅(TV) 和物资管(MM),由于加入了所有必要的细节内容,FABS [...]
系统中有关总部 外的财务信息就可以更加详细和丰富。
The Travel (TV) and
[...] Material Management (MM) modules will follow [...]
allowing the field financial information in FABS to be
refined and enriched with all necessary details.
使用ETONIS®进行改性处理不仅可以确保建材很好地粘接在铝材上,同时还能赋予其很高的抗压强度(>45N/mm²及非常良好的抗折强度(几乎达到10N/mm²”瓦克聚合物技术服务部门Klas Sorger博士说。
Modification with ETONIS® not only ensures that the building material bonds well to aluminum, but also gives
it a high
[...] compressive strength (>45 N/mm²) with a very good flexural strength of almost10 N/mm²,”says Dr. Klas [...]
Sorger of WACKER
POLYMERS’ technical service department.
The pilot plant can be used to test the operating behavior of an industrial-scale lime trap on site under realistic conditions, such as in combination with the R2S anaerobic pilot plant.
(s) To act as agents for the sale and purchase of any stocks, shares or securities or for any other monetary or mercantile transaction.
间中没断损的最小直径0.25mm锡丝已经被 用户引进和配合他们全自动、高难度输送装置使用,从而在最后接缝处形成接口,是世界上 [...]
唯一的能在 280 摄氏度温度下末端接触持续 4 秒钟来形成焊点的无铅焊锡丝。
The smallest
[...] diameter of0.25mm wirewithout breakage [...]
throughout has been successfully introduced and used by users with
their highly automated and highly sophisticated feeding mechanism forming interconnects in the final assemblies, the only Lead Free wire in the world that can be used at 280 degree Celsius with tip contact for 4 seconds.
2、3 和4mm套管接头、仅将螺母紧固四分之三 圈使其停在 [...]
3 点钟的位置。
2, 3, and 4mm tubefittings, tighten [...]
the nut only three-quarters turn to the 3 o’clock position.
ZTE received a major setback on that front early last year when Sprint (NYSE: S), one of the top 4 US wireless carriers, rejected its bid to help build a new 4G telecoms network (previous post); Huawei received a similar setback months later when it was blocked from bidding for US government contracts to upgrade some of the nation’s emergency telecoms networks.
他还荣幸地被选举或任命为:AdvocatesSavings Bank总裁(1983-1986),希腊爱琴基金副总裁(1986),塞浦路斯驻欧洲律师公会代表团团长(CCBE-布鲁塞尔)(1988-1994),律师纪律委员会副主席(1988-1994),英联邦律师协会委员会委员(1988-1996),塞浦路斯法律委员会委员(1985-1995),1990年由塞浦路斯部长理事会建立的旨在推动海运立法现代化的法律改革委员会的委员,第十届英联邦法律研讨会主席(1993),利马索港美国国际螺旋桨俱乐部第一任总裁(1995),波兰驻塞浦路斯荣誉领事。
Loukis was also honored to be elected or
[...] appointed inthe following capacities:  President of the Advocates' Savings Bank [...]
(1983-1986); Vice-President
of the Aegean Foundation, Greece (1986); Head of Delegation of Cyprus in the Council of European Bars (CCBE-Brussels) (1988-1994); Alternate President of the Advocates' Disciplinary Board (1988-1994); Member of the Council of the Commonwealth Lawyers' Association (1988-1996); Member of the Legal Council of Cyprus (1985-1995); Member of the Law Reform Committee established by the Council of Ministers of Cyprus for the modernization of the Shipping Legislation in Cyprus since 1990; President of the 10th Commonwealth Law Conference (1993); First President of the Propeller Club of the United States, International Port of Limassol (1995); Honorary Consul General of Poland for Cyprus.
可 交 换 债 券 将 依 赖 美 国 一九三三年 证 券S於 美 国 境 外 发 售 , 并 将 向 香 港 及 其 他 地 区 ( 不 包 括 美 国 ) 的 专 业 投 资 者 ( 定 义 见 公 司 条 例 ) 发 售 , 但 可 交 换 债 券 将 不 会 向 香 港 公 众 发 售 , 亦不会 向 本 公 司 的 任 何 关 连 人 士 配 售 ( 定 义 见 上 市 规 则 )。
The Exchangeable Bonds will be offered outside the U.S. in reliance upon Regulation S of the U.S. Securities Act of 1933 and to professional investors (as defined in the Companies Ordinance) in Hong Kong and elsewhere (other than the U.S.) but none of the Exchangeable Bonds will be offered to the public in Hong Kong nor will they be placed to any connected persons (as defined in the Listing Rules) of the Company.
(s)公司向外聘核数师提供的合作程度,包括他们可获取的所有要求 提供的记录、数据和资料;对於外聘核数师对集团需求的回应,就此 徵询公司管理层的意见;向外聘核数师查询是否曾与公司管理层有任 何意见不合,如未能满意地解决的话,将导致出具一份对集团的财务 报表有保留意见的报告; (t) 当外聘核数师向集团提供大量的非核数服务时,持续检讨有关服务的 性质和范畴,务求在维持客观性与衡工量值之间取得平衡
(s) evaluate the level of cooperation provided by the Company to the external auditors, including their access to all requested records, data and information; obtain comments from management of the Company regarding the responsiveness of the external auditors to the Group’s needs; make enquiries with the external auditors as to whether there has been any disagreements with management of the Company which if not satisfactorily resolved would result in the issue of a qualified report on the Group’s financial statements
配备内建无线区域网路功能的个人电脑刚开始盛行时, Alps ElectricsHM&I事业处 (R&D 及 QA/QC divisions) 和 MMP 事业处 (生产部门) 使用向量信号分析仪(VSA)与向量信号产生器(VSG)测试无线模组产品。
In the early days when personal computers with built-in wireless LAN capability started gaining popularity, Alps Electric’sHM&I Division (R&D and QA/QC divisions) and MMP Division (Production division) used vector signal analyzers (VSA) and vector signal generators (VSG) for testing wireless module products.
这些新措施除其他外包括:为所有 CD4 细胞数低 于 350/mm3滋病毒与结核病合并感染病人提供 抗逆转录病毒治疗;为所有确诊感染艾滋病毒的一岁 以下婴儿提供抗逆转录病毒治疗;为所有孕妇从怀孕 第 14 周起提供预防服务以阻断母婴传播;为所有 CD4 细胞数低于 350/mm3妇提供全面抗逆转录病毒 治疗;把抗逆转录病毒治疗的启动分散到初级保健一 级进行。
These new measures include, among others, the provision of antiretroviral therapy to all patients with tuberculosis/HIV
coinfection with a CD4
[...] count below350cells/mm3; the provision of antiretroviral therapy to all infants under one year of age with confirmed HIV status; the provision of mother-to-child prophylaxis for all pregnant women from 14 weeks of pregnancy; the provision of full antiretroviral therapy for all pregnant women with a CD4 count below350cells/mm3; and decentralizing [...]
antiretroviral initiation
to the primary health-care level.
该等前瞻性陈述,预期於年底前完成 DRAM
[...] 产能转换到 逻辑,北京300mm厂房於 2008 年年底的逻辑产量将相对年初增加,预期与 [...]
IBM 合作的 45 纳米技术的认证及试产时间,预期 TD-SCDMA 技术标准在不久的将来扩大到国内其他
28 个城市,未来与无晶圆厂集成电路设计公司合作,暂停所有产能扩充的计划,我们对二零零 八年第四季销售额的预期,中芯於二零零八年加强和改善盈利能力的预期,以及在随後“资 本概要”和“二零零八年第四季”指引等陈述乃根据中芯对未来事件的现行假设、期望及预 测而作出。
These forward-looking statements, [...]
including statements concerning estimated completion of our conversion of DRAM capacity
into logic by the end of this year, percentage increase in our Beijing 300-mm logic capacity by the end of 2008, the expected timing for qualifying our technology and risk production in connection with our 45nm collaboration with IBM, the expected expansion of TDSCDMA to another 28 cities in the near future, future collaborations with local fabless design houses, our intention to hold back on capacity expansion, our expectation for fourth quarter 2008 revenue, and statements under “Capex Summary” and “Fourth Quarter 2008 Guidance”, are based on SMIC’s current assumptions, expectations and projections about future events.
WP3 系列板对板连接器 - JAE Electronics 的 WP3
[...] 系列是一款行业领先的扁平式、板对板 (FPC) 连接器,间距为0.4mm用于需要出色配接保持以连接子板和子组件(LCD、开关、触摸面板等)的高密度手持设备/便携式应用。
WP3 Series Board-to-Board Connectors - The WP3 Series from JAE Electronics is an industry
leading low-profile, board-to-board (FPC)
[...] connectorwith0.4 mm pitch spacing that [...]
is ideal for high-density handheld/portable
applications where superior mating retention is needed for connecting daughter boards and subassemblies (LCD, switches, touch panel, etc).




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