

单词 2-ports







第二个端口在阀的背面,并 且只能从控制箱的内部接近。
The second port is on the back of the valve and must be reached from inside the control box.
基於设计理由,目前的硬碟机不支 援并连埠—仅支援双埠,其中每个连接埠都具有 防止进行并连埠组态的不同 SAS 位址。
As a design choice, current HDDs do not support wide port, only dual port, where each port has a different SAS address that prevents configuration as a wide port.
即使其中一条连接埠路径发生故障,而 无法沿该途径进行存取,仍可以使用第二个连接埠存取装置。
Even if a failure occurs in one of the paths to a port, preventing access along that path, a device is still accessible using the second port.
这包括:兴建中的若开邦首府实兑附近 的印度洋海域深海港口以及平行公路、高速铁路、 石油管道和天然气管道,这将建起一个缅甸通往中 国西南部内陆省份的能源和贸易走廊;加叻丹多式 运输项目(Kaladan multi-modal project)将在印度 洋和印度东部沿海地区之间、印度洋和印度东北部 内陆地区之间建起一条交通走廊;以及达维发展项 目(Dawei Development Project),按照计划,该项 目将在缅甸南部修建一个大型工业区和一个现代化 深海港,以及连通泰国并进一步通至越南的公路和 铁路,这样可以从陆路将货物运送至泰国和越南, 比起经马六甲海峡的海路运输要少花好几天时间。
These include: a deep-sea port being constructed on the Indian Ocean near the Rakhine State capital of Sittwe, and parallel road, high-speed rail, and oil and natural gas pipelines that will create an energy and trade corridor to China’s landlocked south west; the Kaladan multi-modal project that will create a transportation corridor between the Indian Ocean and India’s eastern seaboard and its landlocked north east; and the Dawei Development Project which, if completed according to plan, would include a large industrial estate and modern deep-sea port in the south, with road and rail links for transhipment of goods to Thailand and on to Vietnam, cutting several days off the sea route through the Straits of Malacca.
在使用客户机管理的端口访问服务时,部署工具必须对 Web 服务客户机部署描述符中声明的每个端口提供生成的存根或动态代理访问。
When client managed port access is used, the deployment tool must provide generated stubs or dynamic proxy access to every port declared within the Web services client deployment descriptor.
虽然在地震前,由于海地国家警察与联合国海地稳定特派团(联海稳定团)密 切合作,成功逮捕参与绑架儿童的武装分子和帮派头目,被绑架儿童的数量下降 了(2008 年 89 起案件;2009 年 21 起案件),但 2010 年被绑架儿童数目略有增加, 27 名儿童(包括 13 名女孩)被绑架,包括被武装分子绑架,目的是索要赎金或伤 害,这些主要发生在太子港。
Although there was a decline in the number of child abductions prior to the earthquake owing to the arrest of armed elements and gang leaders involved in child abduction by the Haitian National Police in close cooperation with the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) (89 cases in 2008; 21 cases in 2009), the numbers increased slightly in 2010, with 27 children (including 13 girls) abducted for ransom or for assault, including by armed elements, predominantly in Port-au-Prince.
将 GO 6400 耳机插入旅行充电器,将 USB 线缆从旅行充电器直接插入电脑上的 USB 端口。
Insert the GO 6400 headset into the travel charger and plug the USB cable from the travel charger into a USB port directly on your PC.
东北大西洋渔业委员会控制和执法制度中包括两项主要工具,用以打击非 法、无管制或未报告的捕鱼活动,即:把悬挂《东北大西洋渔业公约》非缔约国 国旗的船舶列入黑名单,以及港口国控制系统,它控制冷冻鱼在东北大西洋渔业 公约区内国外港口的上岸量。
NEAFC had two main tools to combat IUU fishing that were part of its scheme of control and enforcement, namely the blacklisting of vessels under flags of non-Contracting Parties to NEAFC and a port state control system, which controlled the landings of frozen fish into foreign harbours in the NEAFC Convention Area.
我们返回太子港后,又访问了 Delmas 33 警署, 我们在那里看到,联合国警察和海地警察一起办公这 一简单之举促成了辅导、培训和关键技能的转让。
On returning to Port-au-Prince, we visited the Delmas 33 police station, where we saw how the simple act of co-locating United Nations and Haitian police can enable mentoring, training and the transfer of key skills.
作业天数导致潜在安 全问题,原因是从港口起航的船要从分配的总天数中扣除一个整天。
Days of effort resulted in a potential safety problem because, when a vessel sailed from port, one whole day was deducted from the total allotment.
电磁阀 (K)必须有一个快速排气口,因此 当螺线管切断时,残留的空气将在电磁阀和 喷枪之间被排除。
The solenoid valves (K) must have a quick exhaust port so trapped air will be relieved between the valve and gun when the solenoids are shut off.
确保 Jabra 无线耳麦底座与桌面电话的听筒端口而不是耳麦端口(如果桌面电话有这个端口)连接。
Make sure that the Jabra wireless headset base is connected to the desk phone handset port and not the headset port (if the desk phone has one).
东北大西洋渔委讨论了审查小组确定的大多数主要问题,其 中包括对所有主要鱼种采取养护和管理措施、采取新的港口国控制措施、订立泛 北大西洋非法、无管制和未报告的捕捞船只清单,并关闭一些地区,以保护脆弱 海洋生态系统。
NEAFC had addressed most of the major concerns identified by the review panel, including the adoption of conservation and management measures for all major fisheries, the adoption of new port State control measures, the creation of a pan-North Atlantic list of illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing vessels, and the closure of areas to protect vulnerable marine ecosytems.
This restriction may result in the vessel not being able to go to the nearest port to avoid dangerous weather.
上一 个双年度关闭了十八个办事处:阿比让、班吉、罗安达、卢萨卡、波多诺伏、比勒陀利亚、 突尼斯、吉隆坡、魁北克、维也纳、华盛顿、亚松森、布里奇顿、布宜诺斯艾利斯、加拉加 斯、巴拿马城、西班牙港和圣萨尔瓦多办事处。
Eighteen offices were closed in the previous biennium: Abidjan, Bangui, Luanda, Lusaka, Porto Novo, Pretoria, Tunis, Kuala Lumpur, Quebec, Vienna, Washington, Asuncion, Bridgetown, Buenos Aires, Caracas, Panama City, Port of Spain and San Salvador.
附件内还载列了氟化氢和四氯化碳的港口采购量、运往工厂量、氟氯化碳生产消费 量、HCFC-22 生产消费量以及销售和库存调整量的核对数据。
It also includes data on reconciliation of HF and CTC purchase at port, transportation to the plant, consumption for CFC production, consumption for HCFC-22 production sales and inventory adjustment.
新西兰指出,托克劳的能力建设需求包括:种群评估和科学研究;数据收集和报 告;监测、控制和监督;港口国措施;跨界鱼类种群和高度洄游鱼类种群渔业的 发展;人力资源开发;以及信息交流,包括关于船只和非法、未报告和无管制的 捕捞活动的资料。
New Zealand observed that the capacity-building needs of Tokelau included stock assessment and scientific research; data collection and reporting; monitoring, control and surveillance; port State measures; development of fisheries for straddling fish stocks and highly migratory fish stocks; human resource development; and the sharing of information, including information on vessels and illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing activities.
然 后将这个转换接头或三通接头 依靠螺纹旋入至取样钢瓶的内 螺纹端口。
This adapter or tee is then threaded into the female port of a sample cylinder.
(e) 经证实,北朝鲜数艘小型潜艇和一艘为其提供支援的母舰,在袭击发生 2 至 3 天前离开北朝鲜西海海军基地,并在袭击发生 2 至 3 天后返回;另经证实, 事件发生时,邻国的所有潜艇都在各自的港口或港口附近。
e) It was confirmed that a few small north Korean submarines and a mother ship supporting them left a north Korean naval base in the West Sea 2 to 3 days prior to the attack and returned to port 2 to 3 days after the attack, and that all submarines from neighbouring countries were either in or near their respective home bases at the time of the incident.
如果您购买了一个可选硬件密钥,请确定它已插入您的计算机 USB 端口。
If you purchased an optional hardware key, make sure it is inserted into a USB port on your computer.
如果设备配有以太网模块,则必须给设备分配一个有效的 TCP 端口。
If the device is equipped with an Ethernet module, you have to assign the device a valid TCP port.
这包括特定于容器的 Web 服务类和 Web 服务引用类的生成、为每个端口的配置服务器 SOAP 请求侦听器、Web 服务的发布和定位,还有 J2EE 规范定义的一般职责。
This includes the generation of container specific classes for the Web services and Web service references, configuration of the server's SOAP request listeners for each port, publication and location of Web services, as well as the normal responsibilities defined by the J2EE specification.
Several weeks ago, for example, when civil unrest rocked the country, the clinic in Port-au-Prince’s Canape Vert district found itself in desperate need of new supplies.
虽然谈判因他们的过分要求而搁置,反叛 分子利用前全国保卫人民大会的兵变,重新夺回了他们在坦噶尼喀湖沿岸的历来 占据的位置,包括 Ubwari 半岛、Kazima 港以及 Makama 和 Talama 矿区。
When negotiations stalled owing to their excessive demands, the rebels seized upon the ex-CNDP mutiny and recaptured their traditional positions along Lake Tanganyika, including the Ubwari peninsula, Kazima port and the mining zones of Makama and Talama.
3.4 不停靠原定港口 假如船长或承运人认为,在原定登岸港口靠岸会造成船只、任何乘客、 行李或货物之不便、延误、损坏或危险,不论为何原因(包括不违背 前述之限制、疫情及罢工或要挟罢工)该船可以放弃在船票指定的登 岸港口停靠,并可由承运人全权决定将乘客及其行李载往任何其他港 口登岸。
If, in the opinion of the Master of the Vessel or the Carrier, entry into the port of disembarkation may result in inconvenience, delay, damage, or danger either to the Vessel or any Passenger or Luggage or cargo for any reason whatsoever (including without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing restriction, 9 epidemic and whether actual or threatened strikes), the Vessel may omit to call at the port of disembarkation named on the Ticket and may carry the Passengers to any other port in the Carrier’s sole discretion and land them and their Luggage there.
在海地,大会主席 M.A.奥莫勒瓦先生阁下应海地文化部长的邀请,于 2004 年 8 月 23 日代表教科文组织,在王子港参加了海地艺术家兼建筑师 Albert Mangonès 的作品《失踪的 逃亡者》«Neg Mawon»纪念碑永不熄灭的火焰(加勒比各国自由和独立的象征)的点火仪 式。
The President of the General Conference, H.E. Ambassador Omolewa, at the invitation of the Haitian Minister for Culture, represented UNESCO on 23 August 2004, in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, at the relighting of the eternal flame of the monument to “Neg Mawon”, the Unknown Maroon, the work of the Haitian artist and architect, Albert Mangonès (a symbol of freedom and independence throughout the Caribbean countries).
例如,如果打印机正在打印来自串行端口的作业时收到另外来自一个并行端口的打印作业,那么来 自并行端口的数据将会被一位一位地读进打印机缓冲区,以防止向连接到并行接口的主机发送超时 错误。
For example, if the printer is printing a job from the serial port, and then receives a second print job from the parallel port, the data from the parallel port will “trickle” bit by bit into the printer buffer to prevent a timeout error from being sent back to the host connected to the parallel port.
为集中发展新兴的通讯应用领域,Cypress积极拓展多元化的产品系列,包括高速数据通讯集成电路、网络优化及微功率静态随机存取记忆体、高频宽多端口及先进先出 (FIFO) 记忆体、高密度可编程逻辑器件、用於个人电脑及其他数码系统的时序技术,以及USB控制器。
With a focus on emerging communications applications, Cypress's product portfolios include high-speed data communications ICs, networking-optimised and micropower static RAMs; high-bandwidth multi-port and FIFO memories; high-density programmable logic devices; timing technology for PCs and other digital systems; and controllers for Universal Serial Bus (USB).




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