单词 | Rumpke | ||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 |
尽管Rumpke公司的办事处和施工场地广泛分布在四个 州,但有了 UMS,现场服务团队明显节约了许多时间和金钱。 igel.com | With offices and sites spread across four [...] states, UMS allows Rumpke’s infield services [...]team to save both time and money. igel.com |
当时,Peters 的团队正准备从Rumpke的Citrix 集群迁移 至更虚拟化的 [...] VMware 环境,并且希望找到一款灵活的解决 方案轻松简便地从 Citrix 迁移至 VMware。 igel.com | Peters’ team was [...] contemplating going from Rumpke’s Citrix farm [...]to a more virtual, VMware environment and wanted to have [...]the flexibility to work with solutions that could easily be adapted from Citrix to VMware with minimal effort. igel.com |
它由 William F.Rumpke先生于 1932 年在俄亥 俄州迦太基创立,最初经营煤炭和垃圾场业 务。 igel.com | Founded byWilliam F. RumpkeSr. in 1932, the [...] company began as a coal and junkyard business in Carthage, Ohio. igel.com |
如 今,Rumpke公司共有员工约 2,000 人,并拥 [...] 有一支 1,200 辆垃圾车组成的庞大车队。 igel.com | Today Rumpkeemploysapproximately [...] 2,000 people and manages a fleet of 1,200 waste vehicles. igel.com |
Rumpke公司最终决定继续使用 IGEL 瘦客户机 的最主要原因是:该硬件可以运行虚拟桌面基础架构 [...] (VDI) 会 话。 igel.com | Abig partofRumpke’sdecision to stay [...] with the IGEL thin clients stemmed from the hardware’s ability to run a Virtual [...]Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) session. igel.com |
Rumpke的现场服务技术人员体验了演示功能,并且对瘦客户 [...] 机与 Citrix & AS 400 环境的简易连接操作印象深刻。 igel.com | Rumpke’s infield service [...] technicians tried out the demo and were impressed with just how easily the thin clients could connect [...]to the Citrix & AS 400 environment. igel.com |
说到 IT 服务,Rumpke公司面临的严峻挑战是:实 现高效管理并向广泛分散在不同地点的数据用户提供 [...] IT 服务。 igel.com | When it came [...] to ITservices,Rumpke faced the challenge [...]of trying to effectively manage and provide IT services to data [...]users that are scattered across a number of different locations. igel.com |
当Rumpke公司第一个三年 IGEL 租赁期满时,现场服务团队 [...] 决定再次货比三家,确保公司的投资物有所值。 igel.com | OnceRumpke’sfirst three-year [...] lease with IGEL ended, the infield services team decided to shop around again to ensure that [...]they were getting the most for their money. igel.com |
在初次进行演示之前,Peters 并不了解 IGEL,但Rumpke的咨询合作公司 Computer [...] Product Corporation (CPC) 推荐了 IGEL LX Compact。 igel.com | Offer reliable hardware that can be easily configured Peters was not familiar with [...] IGEL prior to her first demo, but the [...] consulting company Rumpkeworked with,Computer [...]Product Corporation (CPC), recommended [...]the IGEL LX Compact for its ease-of-use, reliability and powerful performance. igel.com |
除废物 处理和回收之外,Rumpke公司还经营着一家 移动厕所企业和一家液压机械加工企业。 igel.com | In addition to waste [...] services and recycling,Rumpke also manages a portable [...]restroom enterprise and a hydraulics and machining business. igel.com |
挑战:小型 IT 部门与分散地点数据用户之间的互动 [...] 部门与分散地点数据用户之间的互动Rumpke公司已在四个州设立 20 多个办事处,但 [...]IT 部门小得 可怜,只有 18 名技术人员和支持人员,却管理着约 750 个终 端设备。 igel.com | Rumpke hasmorethan 20 offices across [...] four states, and a small IT department – comprised of 18 technicians and support [...]staff – that manages roughly 750 terminals. igel.com |