

单词 2-kanal-düse



KAN Nao(1946-), Japanese Democratic Party politician, prime minister from 2010

surname Kan
她希望内务委员会及立法会 主席在考虑陈克勤议员的建议时,会考虑是否 有急切需要提出拟议质询。
She hoped that in considering Mr CHAN Hak-kan's proposal, the House Committee and the President would consider whether there was urgency in asking the proposed question.
由於议员对陈克勤议员的建议表达了 不同的意见,内务委员会主席表示,议员可考 虑将此事付诸表决。
Given Members' diverse views on Mr CHAN Hak-kan's proposal, the Chairman said that Members could consider putting the matter to vote.
因此, 原 则 上 ,黄容根议员的修正案与我的 原 议 案 分 别不大 , 所以我是 支 持 他 的 。
Therefore, in principle, the difference between Mr WONG Yung-kan's amendment and my motion is not great, so I will support him.
陈克勤议员指出,特敏福应优先用作治疗 严重流感病症。他关注到现时过量使用特敏福治疗 较轻微流感疾病的情况,会导致人类猪型流感病毒 对特敏福呈抗药性的个案增加。
Pointing out that the priority use for Tamiflu should be for treatment of severe influenza illness, Mr CHAN Hak-kan expressed concern that the present excessive use of Tamiflu for relatively mild influenza illness would result in a rise in cases of Tamiflu resistance to HSI virus.
法律顾问在回应黄容根议员的询问时解 释,对《商船(本地船只)(一般)规例》第91条建议作 出的修订旨在充分反映有关的立法用意,即不单本 地船只未获海事处处长允许而交付燃料属於犯罪, 本地船只从另一未有取得所需允许的船只接收燃 料,同属犯罪。
In response to Mr WONG Yung-kan's enquiry, the Legal Adviser explained that the proposed amendment to section 91 of the Merchant Shipping (Local Vessels) (General) Regulation sought to reflect fully the legislative intent that not only local vessels delivering bunker without permission of the Director of Marine committed an offence, but local vessels receiving bunker from another vessel that did not have the requisite permission also committed an offence.
黄容根议员认为,为更有效防范本港爆发禽流感,当局应定 期对野鸟和候鸟进行H5病毒测试,该等禽鸟是流感病毒的天然宿 主。
Hon WONG Yung-kan was of the view that to better guard against avian influenza outbreaks in Hong Kong, regular testing for the H5 virus should be conducted to wild birds and migratory birds which were natural hosts of influenza virus.
(会後补注:陈克勤议员於2012年 10月 12日 致内务委员会主席的函件已於会议席上提 交议员省览,并於2012年 10月 15日随立法 会 CB(2)15/12-13(01)号文件送交议员。
(Post-meeting note: Mr CHAN Hak-kan's letter to the Chairman of the House Committee dated 12 October 2012, which was tabled at the meeting, was circulated to Members vide LC Paper No. CB(2) 15/12-13(01) on 15 October 2012.
主席:我现在向各位提出的待议议题是:李华明议员就黄容根议员议案动议 的修正案,予以通过。
PRESIDENT (in Cantonese): I now propose the question to you and that is: That the amendment, moved by Mr Fred LI to Mr WONG Yung-kan's motion, be passed.
正如我刚才回答陈克勤议员时说,我们会与房协通力合 作,因为我们觉得这些计划都是十分值得支持的。
In answering Mr CHAN Hak-kan's question, I said earlier on that we will collaborate earnestly with the HS, as we are of the view that these plans are worth our support.
正如日本首相菅直人在大会讲话(见 A/65/PV.14) 中所强调的那样,日本提供援助的方式,将使阿富汗 人民能够感到生活的切实改善。
As Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan stressed in his address at the General Assembly (see A/65/PV.14), Japan will provide assistance in such a way that the people of Afghanistan will be able to perceive tangible improvements in their lives.
如果这位调查员跟简先生的助理是同一人,便 会令人质疑究竟民建联这位简先生有没有透过一些票站调查的结果达到协 助选举的目的,而所涉及的开支有否纳入选举经费。
If this interviewer and Mr KAN's assistant are one and the same, queries will be raised about whether this Mr KAN of the DAB has made use of the exit poll results for purposes of helping electioneering, and the expenses incurred have been included in the campaign expenditure.
然而,就黄毓民议员 的修正案和陈克勤议员对此修正案提出的修正案,我会支持陈克勤议 员,因为他提出优化药物名册的评选机制,我认为这是较可行的建议。
However, regarding Mr WONG Yuk-man's amendment and Mr CHAN Hak-kan's amendment to Mr WONG Yuk-man's amendment, I will support Mr CHAN Hak-kan because he proposes that the selection mechanism of the Drug Formulary be enhanced and I think this is a more feasible proposal.
刘慧卿议员表示,她不支持陈克勤议 员的建议,因为并没有急切需要在2012年 10月 17日的立法会会议上提出该项拟议质询。
Ms Emily LAU said that she did not support Mr CHAN Hak-kan's proposal as there was no urgency in asking the proposed question at the Council meeting of 17 October 2012.
米德拉士致力于圣经的论述,结果被的halakah(comp.短语“MI -根ameru”[=“从这儿开始的先贤说” ],这经常发生在其中的tannaitic米德拉士和服务引入halakic扣除从注释)。
The Midrash is devoted to Biblical exposition, the result being the Halakah (comp. the phrase "mi-kan ameru" [= "beginning here the sages have said"], which occurs frequently in the tannaitic Midrash and which serves to introduce halakic deductions from the exegesis).
另外,正如菅直人首相向卡尔扎伊总统强调的那 样,阿富汗政府必须引导我们并继续采取坚决措施解 决腐败问题,确保在国家和省一级的善治。
At the same time, as Prime Minister Kan emphasized to President Karzai, it is essential for the Afghan Government to lead us and to continue to take firm steps to tackle corruption and to ensure good governance at the national and provincial levels.
至於黄容根议员对有关部门专业水平提出的修正案,我希望指出,食物 安全中心一向采用世界衞生组织颁布的风险分析架构,进行食物监管,再按 风险分析及国际标准制订食物安全规管模式和方法。
As for Mr WONG Yung-kan's amendment about the professional standards of the relevant departments, I wish to point out that the CFS has adopted the risk analysis framework promulgated by the WHO for the purpose of food surveillance and control, and food safety control models and methods are worked out in accordance with risk analyses and international standards.
陈克勤议员提出鼓励各巴士公司采用电动巴士的意见,是与政府 的政策方向一致的。
Mr CHAN Hak-kan's proposal to encourage bus companies to use electric buses is consistent with the Government's policy direction.
政府当局回应黄容根议员的 询问时表示,在拟议第 25(3)(a)条中," 范围" 意指香 港水域内的范围,而申请人可 指明其申请的研究捕鱼许可 证属整个香港水域或仅属所 订明的范围。
In response to Mr WONG Yung-kan's enquiry, the Administration advised that "areas" in the proposed section 25(3)(a) meant areas within the waters of Hong Kong and the applicant might specify whether he applied for a research fishing permit for the entire Hong Kong waters or at specified areas only.
至於黄容根议员建 议 施 行标签渔 获 的 办 法,以 便追查 含 雪卡毒 、 重金属 或 各 类 毒 性 的 海 鲜 , 我 认 为用意虽好, 但 恐怕实 际 上 难 以 做得到。
Regarding Mr WONG Yung-kan's suggestion of labelling fish caught in order to track down seafood containing ciguatoxin, heavy metals and other toxins, I think it is a well-intended idea, but it is, I am afraid, not practicable in reality.
至於其他修正案方面,尤其是陈克勤议员提到要着力协助年青人就 业、创业、纾缓他们的置业困难及减轻专上学生贷款负担等,跟自由党 的主张相似,其中一部分是 我们在上一项议案已触及,在此不再重复, 因此,我们是会支持的。
As for the other amendments, in particular, Mr CHAN Hak-kan's proposals about vigorously assisting young people to seek jobs, setting up businesses, alleviating their difficulties in buying their own homes and alleviating post-secondary students' loan repayment burden and so on, they are quite similar to the ideas of the Liberal Party, part of which were touched upon in the preceding motion, I therefore will not repeat my comments here.
虽然民 主 党 会 支 持 黄容根议员“ 发展远 洋 渔 业 " 的议案,但 我们同 时 亦 有 很多忧 虑 , 我 希望黄议员或 杨局长稍 後可以就这些忧 虑 作解答 。
While the Democratic Party will support Mr WONG Yung-kan's motion on "Developing offshore fishing industry", we do have many concerns, and I hope Mr WONG or Secretary YEOH Eng-kiong can respond to these concerns.
001451 – 001551 主席 陈克勤议员 助理法律顾问 助理法律顾问回应陈克勤议员的查询 时表示,有关政府当局的意见(立法会 CB(1)2997/09-10(01)号文件),由 於 他 只 能在会议即将举行前看了一遍,他在现 阶段并无意见。
Mr CHAN Hak-kan Assistant Legal Adviser (ALA) In response to Mr CHAN Hak-kan's enquiry, ALA advised that he had no comment on the Administration's comments (LC Paper No. CB(1)2997/09-10(01)) at this stage because he was only able to read it shortly before the meeting.
上周,日本首相菅直人先生在大会讲话时强调, 日本提供援助的方式将使阿富汗人民能够看到他们 的生计得到切实改善。
Last week, in his address to the General Assembly, the Japanese Prime Minister, Mr. Naoto Kan, emphasized that Japan’s assistance will be provided in such a way that the people of Afghanistan will be able to perceive tangible improvements in their livelihoods.
主席女士,就着今天的议案和修正案,我们会支持原议案,而不会支持 修正案,因为李华明议员的修正案将黄容根议员议案的灵魂拿走。
Madam President, in considering the motion and the amendment of today, we shall support the original motion, but not the amendment because Mr Fred LI's amendment has removed the soul of Mr WONG Yung-kan's motion.
刘慧卿议员认为无须将此事付诸表 决,并建议将议员提出的不同意见转告立法会 主席,以便立法会主席就陈克勤议员的建议作 决定时考虑议员的意见。
Ms Emily LAU suggested that instead of putting the matter to vote, the different views expressed by Members be conveyed to the President for his consideration in deciding on Mr CHAN Hak-kan's proposal.
Firstly, on behalf of the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry, I would like to express my appreciation to Deputy Prime Minister Wong Kan Seng and all distinguished guests for attending today's Installation Ceremony, to witness the installation of the 55th Council.
Today, we see a shifting of this solemn responsibility to the 55th Council of the Chamber, and I would like to thank Deputy Prime Minister Wong Kan Seng for once again officiating this installation ceremony.
弗兰克尔,“湿润烧伤膏, “第19A条- 22),尽管其中只有emendations,其中有在塔木德由短语引进了许多少数”萨米米根“=”从这里省略“或”ḥasurimiḥasra“=”的东西失踪“或”teni隔“=”教从而“发现的成米示拿自己的道路。
OH Schorr in "HeḤaluẓ," vi. 32-47; Frankel, "Mebo," pp. 19a-22a), although only a few of these emendations, of which there are many in the Talmud-introduced by the phrases "sami mi-kan" = "omit from here," or "ḥasuri miḥasra" = "something missing," or "teni kak" = "teach thus"-found their way into the Mishnah itself.
在 9 月 24 日的一 般性辩论中,菅直人首相确认了这一目标,强调日本 决心作为安全理事会的一个常任理事国为维护国际和 平与安全肩负起更多的责任(见 A/65/PV.14)。
In the general debate on 24 September, Prime Minister Naoto Kan confirmed this goal by stressing Japan’s determined aspiration to take on further responsibilities for international peace and security as a permanent member of the Security Council (see A/65/PV.14).




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