它支持超过 100 种交易货币并提供非 常详细的后端报告,让您可以接收在线支付或信用卡远程付款 (MOTO)的同时享有最好的汇率。 moneybookers.com | Over 100 processing currencies and a highly detailed reporting backend provide the ability to accept online and Mail Order Telephone Order (MOTO) payments for optimized conversion rates. moneybookers.com |
Neil的格言是:不要说多做少,而是务实地制定要实现什麽目标、以及何时实现。 colormatrix.com | Neil’s moto is not to over promise and under deliver but to be realistic in communicating what can be achieved and by when. colormatrix.com |
察看与之相关游戏 男孩 : 冒险游戏, 平台游戏, 幼儿游戏, 战争游戏, 摩托游戏, 汽车游戏, 船艇游戏, 足球游戏, 飞机游戏 cn.yupis.org | See games related to boys : Adventure games, Boats games, Car games, Kids games, Moto games, Planes games, Platforms games, Soccer games, War games en.yupis.org |
在古巴和委内瑞拉援助下在美洲人民玻利瓦尔联盟框架内执行 的“Moto Méndez 计划”,正在识别和协助残疾人。 daccess-ods.un.org | 66 The Moto Méndez Mission run with assistance from Cuba and Venezuela within the framework of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Americas (Alianza Bolivariana para los Pueblos de América – ALBA) is currently working on identifying and assisting persons with disabilities. daccess-ods.un.org |
在全球范围内,像这样的重要黄金项目极为稀缺,这是一个很明显的事实,但在这笔交易中, Moto需要为合并后的公司贡献约65%的黄金资源量权益,而Moto股东们仅能得到合并后公司18%的股权,这很难说是合理的。 businesswirechina.com | With the scarcity of major gold projects across the globe so readily apparent, it is difficult to justify a transaction in which Moto would be contributing approximately 65% of the total gold resource endowment of the combined company, and Moto's shareholders would receive a mere 18% of the combined company. businesswirechina.com |
年度最具影响概念车和年度概念车大奖在 C-X75 超级跑车不断赢得的好评中又增添了两项殊荣,它获得的奖项还包括:2010 年巴黎汽车展上被 AutoWeek 评为“车展最佳车型”及在 2010 年 2 月 荣获路易威登经典概念大奖。 jaguar.com | The Most Significant Concept Car of the Year honor and the Concept Car of the Year award adds to the C-X75 supercar's growing list of accolades, which includes being named AutoWeek's 'Best in Show' at the 2010 Paris Moto Show and receiving the 2010 Louis Vuitton Classic Concept award in February. jaguar.com |