单词 | psk | ||||||||||||||||||||
释义 |
如WPA2 加密是使用预设密码匙(PSK)的方式,使用由数字和字母组成,最少20位字元来建构密码匙。 hkcert.org | If WPA/WPA2 encryption is used with Pre-shared key method, construct a strong passphrase of minimum 20 characters including a mix of alphabets and numbers. hkcert.org |
对于PSK对等站点,此 ID 可以是任何字符串。 vmware.com | For PSK peers, this ID can be any string. vmware.com |
启用PSK后,信号发生器将以当前设置的载波和调制波输出PSK波形。 cn.rigol.com | After PSK is enabled, the instrument will generate PSK waveform with the currently specified carrier and modulating waveform. rigol.com |
该输出以何种频率(PSK速率)在 这两个预置相位间移动,由仪器内部或后面板[ExtTrig]连接器上的信号电平决定。 cn.rigol.com | The “shift” frequency (PSK Rate) is determined by the signal level inside the instrument or from the rear panel [ExtTrig] connector at the rear panel. rigol.com |
因此你最好连接到有启用WPA2-PSK加密的无线网络热点。 hkcert.org | Therefore, you should only connect to a Wi-Fi hotspot with encryption enabled. hkcert.org |
透过支援无线保护存取 (WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK)以及无线加密协议 (WEP),确保高阶资料保护以及无线网路存取控制。 tw.billion.com | Wireless [...] Protected Access (WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK) and Wired Equivalent [...]Privacy (WEP) support ensures high-level data protection and WLAN access control. billion.com |
至此,WPA-PSK或WPA2-PSK设置结束。 support.nec-display.com | This completes the WPA-PSK or WPA2PSK settings. support.nec-display.com |
若选择了 [ 简易连接 ],则 WPAPSK、WPA2-PSK、WPA-EAP 或 WPA2-EAP 不可用。 support.nec-display.com | If [EASY CONNECTION] is selected, WPA-PSK, WPA'-PSK, WPA-EAP, or WPA'-EAP is not available. support.nec-display.com |
WPA-PSK代表“ Wi-Fi 保护性接入 - [...] 预配置共享密钥”,TKIP 代表“暂时密钥集成协议”, AES 代表“高级加密标准”,EAP 代表“扩展验证协议”,TLS 代表“安全传输层协议”, PEAP 代表“受保护的可扩展身份验证协议”,MSCHAPv2 [...]代表“微软的挑战握手验 证协议版本 2”,DER 代表“识别名编码规则”,PKCS 代表“公钥加密标准”。 support.nec-display.com | WPA-PSK stands for“Wi-Fi [...] Protected Access-Pre-Shared Key”, TKIP for “Temporal Key Integrity Protocol”, AES for “Advanced [...]Encryption Standard”, EAP for “Extensible Authentication Protocol”, TLS for “Transport Layer Security”, PEAP for “Protected Extensible Authentication Protocol”, MSCHAPv' for “Microsoft Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol version '”, DER for “Distinguished Encoding Rules”, PKCS for “Public-Key Cryptography Standards”. support.nec-display.com |
第四项漏洞是存在於 WPA/WPA2,由於一般家用存取点的 WPA/WPA2 都只提供预设密码匙(PSK)的方式来使用,如果预设密码匙输入的密码较弱是可以经由暴力攻击(brute force)或字典攻击(dictionary attack) 找出密码匙。 hkcert.org | WPA/WPA2 provides Pre-shared key (PSK) algorithm for home use. If the pre-shared encryption key is weak, intruders can use brute force or dictionary attack to find out the encryption key. hkcert.org |