检查所有滚珠和底座有无划伤或 划痕;必要时更换。 graco.com | Inspect each ball and seat for nicks or scratches; replace as required. graco.com |
用相适应的溶剂清洗所有零件并检查它们是否磨 损或损坏。 graco.com | Clean all parts with a compatible solvent and inspect them for wear or damage. graco.com |
至於就保障物 业买家所表达的关注,他认为政府当局应把重点放在未完成住宅单位 的销售方面,因为准物业买家不能检查未完成的单位,以了解单位的 实用率,他们只能参考售楼说明书所载的资料。 legco.gov.hk | On concerns about protection for property purchasers, he considered that the Administration should focus on the sale of uncompleted residential flats because potential property purchasers could not inspect uncompleted flats to obtain an idea of the efficiency ratio and had to rely solely on the information in the sales brochures. legco.gov.hk |
由于区域官员无法前往矿区,无法主动检查采矿者和中间商的许可证状况, 以及无法为向采矿者颁发评价单,利比里亚境内的所有钻石生产区,尤其是那些 靠近塞拉利昂和几内亚边界的生产区的非法采矿活动激增。 daccess-ods.un.org | With the inability of Regional Officers to travel into mining areas and proactively inspect the licence status of miners and brokers, as well as issue appraisal vouchers to miners, all diamond-producing areas in Liberia, particularly those in close proximity to the Sierra Leone and Guinea borders, have seen an upsurge in illegal mining. daccess-ods.un.org |
(c) 於有关期间(惟不包括股东名册暂停办理登记之时间),股东可於营业时 间免费查阅本公司存置於香港之任何股东名册,亦可要求本公司向其提供 股东名册之副本或摘要,犹如本公司乃根据公司条例注册成立而须遵守当 中规定。 nh-holdings.com | (c) During the Relevant Period (except when the Register is closed), any Shareholder may inspect during business hours any Register maintained in Hong Kong without charge and require the provision to him of copies or extracts thereof in all respects as if the Company were incorporated under and were subject to the Companies Ordinance. nh-holdings.com |
擦拭玻璃后,重新检查是否出现任何可见的灰尘微粒。 graphics.kodak.com | After wiping the glass, re-inspect for any visible dust particles. graphics.kodak.com |
专家组还注意到,Fofié掌管的军事物资一直在增加;但专家组由于遭到 一概拒绝,无法对他指挥下的任何军事设施进行检查。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Group also noted that the military materiel at the disposal of Mr. Fofié had consistently increased; however, the Group could not inspect any of the military facilities under his command owing to systematic refusals. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果运动员的残疾性质要求他/她必须使用附件 B——为残疾运动员所做的修改 中规定的补充设备或其他设备,则兴奋剂检查官应检查该设备以确保设备不会影响 样品的特性或完整性。 unesdoc.unesco.org | If the nature of an Athlete’s disability requires that he/she must use additional or other equipment as provided for in Annex B – Modifications for Athletes with disabilities, the DCO shall inspect that equipment to ensure that it will not affect the identity or integrity of the Sample. unesdoc.unesco.org |
实际上,共和国总检察长和红十字国际委员会,以及非政府组织和 人权和基本自由保护总局都会定期视察拘留设施。 daccess-ods.un.org | Indeed, detention facilities were regularly inspected both by the Attorney General of the Republic and by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), as well as by nongovernmental organizations and the general directorate for human rights and fundamental freedoms. daccess-ods.un.org |
检查阀的插装孔,确保无毛刺、 碎屑或其他污染。 comatrol.com | Inspect the valve cavity to be sure it is free of burrs, chips or other contamination. comatrol.com |
(c) 建立独立的国家机制,有效地监督并检查所有拘留场所并跟踪此类系 统性监督的成果,具体做法包括允许国内和国际监督员定期在不事先通知的情况 下访问,以防止酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚 daccess-ods.un.org | (c) Establish a national independent system to effectively monitor and inspect all places of detention and follow up on the outcome of such systematic monitoring, including by allowing regular and unannounced visits by national and international monitors, in order to prevent torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment daccess-ods.un.org |
(C) 只要本公司任何部分股本於香港的证券交易所上市,则任何股东 均可就所有方面免费查阅在香港备存的本公司登记主册或分册 并索取副本或摘录,犹如本公司乃根据公司条例(香港法例第 32 章)注册成立及受其规限。 chinaallaccess.com | (C) For so long as any part of the share capital of the Company is listed on a stock exchange in Hong Kong, any member may inspect the principal register or branch register of the Company maintained in Hong Kong without charge and require the provision to him of copies or extracts thereof in all respects as if the Company were incorporated under and is subject to the Companies Ordinance (Cap. 32 of the Laws of Hong Kong). chinaallaccess.com |
委员会重申在1997 年向缔约国提出的建议 (A/53/44,第118 (d)段) ,即成立一个独 立的国家系统,有效地对所有拘留场所进行监测和检查,并根据其系统监测的结 果采取后续行动。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee reiterates the recommendation previously made to the State party in 1997 (A/53/44, para. 118 (d)) to establish an independent national system to effectively monitor and inspect all places of detention and follow-up on the outcome of this systematic monitoring. daccess-ods.un.org |
检查所有系统电缆的连接,确保电缆两端都没有受阻或松动。 lifesize.com | Inspect connections to any system cables and ensure there are no obstructions or loose cables at either end. lifesize.com |
(29) 经营石油、石油产品及副产品、其他矿物油及副产品以及液体及气态烃 类及副产品之生产商、抽水厂、冶炼商、存储商、供应商、运输商、分 销商、零售商及经商之业务,及於全球任何地方搜索、调查、检查、勘探 及开拓、经营、租入、购入或以其他方式取得本公司可能认为能够或可 能有能力提供矿物油气之土地、河床及其他地方或取得当中权利或权益 ,及建立、使用及利用矿井、泵站、管道及视为适宜之所有其他工程及 设施。 mmg.com | (29) To carry on the business of producers, pumpers, refiners, storers, suppliers, transporters, distributors and retailers of, and dealers in, petroleum, petroleum products and by-products, other mineral oils and by-products and liquid and gaseous hydro-carbons and by-products, and to search for, inspect, examine, prospect and explore, work, take on lease, purchase, or otherwise acquire, or obtain rights or interests in lands, sea-beds and other places in any part of the world which may seem to the Company capable or possibly capable of affording a supply of mineral oil or gas, and to establish, utilise and turn to account wells, pumping stations, pipe-lines and all such other works and conveniences as are deemed desirable. mmg.com |
检查物业无需付费,也无需支付 押金。 tuv.org.au | You do not have to pay to inspect the property and you do not have to pay a deposit. tuv.org.au |
但委员会表示关切的是,没有可靠的统计数据说明 从事经济活动的儿童、有时是年龄极小的此种儿童的人数,也没有专门的单位负 责监测和视察儿童的工作条件。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, it expresses concern that there are no reliable statistics on the number of children who carry out economic activities, sometimes at a very low age, and at the lack of a specialized unit to monitor and inspect the working conditions of children. daccess-ods.un.org |
澳门特区居民的通讯自由和通讯秘密同样受法律保护,《基本法》第32 条规定:“除因公共安全和追查刑事犯罪的需要,由有关机关依照法律规定对通 讯进行检查外,任何部门或个人不得以任何理由侵犯居民的通讯自由和通讯秘 密。 daccess-ods.un.org | Indeed, as stated in article 32 of the BL “(…) No department or individual may, on any grounds, infringe upon the freedom and privacy of communication of residents except that the relevant authorities may inspect communication in accordance with the provisions of the law to meet the needs of public security or of investigation into criminal offences. daccess-ods.un.org |
该法还规定,制定一项《外部巡视计划》,有权检查警察局内的拘留条 件。 daccess-ods.un.org | It also provided for the creation of a Lay Visitors Scheme, mandated to inspect conditions of detention at police stations. daccess-ods.un.org |
依照第 1929(2010)号决议第 14 段,第 413 号决定要求成员国在本国领土(海 港、机场和领水)检查运往或来自伊朗而可能载有该决定规定的禁运物项的货物 (第 15.1 条)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Pursuant to paragraph 14 of Security Council resolution 1929 (2010), decision 413 requires member States to inspect cargo to and from Iran in their territory (including seaports, airports and territorial waters) which may contain items covered by the embargos imposed by this same decision (article 15.1). daccess-ods.un.org |
本公司 可应要求向任何有意查阅根据本章程细则截止办理登记手续的登记册或其中 任何部分的人士提供由秘书签发的证书,注明截止办理登记手续的期间及授 权人。 cre8ir.com | The Company shall, on demand, furnish any person seeking to inspect the register or part thereof which is closed by virtue of these Articles with a certificate under the hand of the Secretary stating the period for which, and by whose authority, it is closed. cre8ir.com |
它有权 视察所有工作场所,确保遵守法律,并制定新的标准。 daccess-ods.un.org | It has the power to inspect all places of work, ensuring compliance with the law, and to develop new standards. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们将不会企图去辨别浏览者的身分,及其浏览活动,除非执法单位 (或其他政府单位) 的依法执行公务,检查网路服务商的纪录日志(例如:透过搜索令,传票,要求出示文件或证明通知书)。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | No attempt will be made to identify users or their browsing activities, except in the unlikely event that a law enforcement (or other government) agency exercises a legal authority to inspect ISP logs (eg, by warrant, subpoena, or notice to produce). studyinaustralia.gov.au |
查看产品及获取经过核准的样本的权利是印度信息权法的 独创,至少部分动机是出于处理这样的问题:公共工程项目中使用了不合标准的产品或材料。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The inclusion of a right to inspect works and to take certified samples is a particular innovation of the Indian RTI Law, motivated at least in part by a desire to address situations where substandard work or materials have been employed in public works projects. unesdoc.unesco.org |
为确保国家能够有效地实施这两个方案,承包者必须确保国家(包括代表国 家的任何审计人员或独立的环境或安全官员)能够自由接触:(a) 活动中使用的 船只和装置;和(b) 与活动有关的文件、数据和设备,并必须提供国家所要求的 一切合理协助,以便国家官员或代表能够接触、检查、审核和监督有关活动。 daccess-ods.un.org | To ensure that the State can effectively carry out these two programmes, the Contractor must procure for the State (including any auditors or independent environmental or safety officers representing the State) free access to: (a) vessels and installations being used in the activities; and (b) documents, data and equipment relating to the activities, and must provide all reasonable assistance requested by the State to allow its officers or representatives to access, inspect, audit and monitor the relevant activities. daccess-ods.un.org |
如版 权拥有人没有特别提出反对公开图则和其他文件,公众 可前往屋宇署辖下的樓宇资讯中心或透过互聯网经由 「百樓图网」递交申请,并在缴付订明费用後查阅或要 求发出图则和文件的副本,如获批准的建筑图则及占用 许可证等。 devb.gov.hk | If the copyright owner has not specifically expressed opposition to public access to the plans and other documents, the public may visit the BD’s Building Information Centre or submit their applications via the Building Records Access and Viewing On-line System on the Internet to inspect or place orders for copies of building records and documents, such as the approved building plans and occupation permits, upon payment of the prescribed fees. devb.gov.hk |
本篇論文将探讨行动通信网路发生重大障碍时, 如何有效率且精准地通报维运人员与经营层主管,并快速进行查修。 chttl.com.tw | This paper will explore how to notify maintenance and operation staffs and management executives efficiently and accurately when critical faults occurred in mobile communications networks, and then inspect equipment quickly. chttl.com.tw |
检查扫瞄的影像,然後在 Kofax VRS 「影像品质」标签中执行下 列步骤:如果要让 Kofax VRS 自动设定每个影像的亮度,请按一 下自动调整亮度,然後再按一下亮度与对比度,以设定亮度、对比 度及灰阶系数的值。 graphics.kodak.com | Inspect the scanned image and do the following on the Kofax VRS Image Quality tab: click Auto Brightness if you want Kofax VRS to automatically set the brightness of each image, and click Brightness & Contrast to set the values for Brightness, Contrast and Gamma. graphics.kodak.com |
依据该决议第 11 段,海关当局已奉指检查进出朝鲜民主主义人民共和国运 送的货物或过境白俄罗斯的货物。 daccess-ods.un.org | In connection with paragraph 11 of the resolution, the customs authorities have been instructed to inspect cargo being transported to or from the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea or transiting through the territory of Belarus. daccess-ods.un.org |
Interroll 将会检查约定台数(iii)的每台设备,如其 中任何一台发现有故障、怀疑正在形成故障、即将面临故障危险或怀疑设备应用及/或 操作有问题,则提交报告(iv)。 interroll.com | Interroll will inspect each unit for the agreed quantity of units (iii) and submit a report (iv) for any units that are found to be faulty, suspected of developing a fault, are in imminent danger of breakdown, or where a problem is suspected with the application and/or operation of the unit. interroll.com |