此款香水由法国时尚设计师Coco Chanel和一位香水制造商Ernest Beaux共同创造,而此款香氛也因在5月5号上市而称之为第5号。 oris.ch | Created by French fashion designer Coco Chanel with chemist Ernest Beaux, the fragrance is called No. 5 because it was launched on the fifth day of the fifth month. oris.ch |
2011年,香奈儿在上海和北京分别举办了题为“文化香奈儿”的展览。 labbrand.com | In 2011, Chanel organized an exhibition titled “Culture Chanel” in Shanghai and Beijing. labbrand.com |
香奈儿设计总监卡尔拉格斐(Karl Lagerfeld)多年前曾以圆点服饰向草间弥生致意,而「圆点」就是嬉皮年代的重要符号。 ravenelart.com | Many years ago, Karl Lagerfeld, head designer and creative director for Chanel, paid homage to Kusama with a polka dot-inspired fashion line. ravenelart.com |
1921年Coco Chanel为香奈儿5号拍摄第一个广告。 oris.ch | 1921 Coco Chanel in the first advertisement for No. 5. oris.ch |
模特新星Yumi Lambert,这个出现在Chanel春季广告的新面孔,穿着Nina Ricci和Lanvin等充满未来感和东方韵味的设计,为杂志带来了无限优雅。 ba-repsasia.com | Up and coming model Yumi Lambert, who is the new face of Chanel’s spring campaign, graces the magazine’s pages wearing futuristic Eastern pieces by Nina Ricci and Lanvin among others. ba-repsasia.com |
SYLVIE FLEURY除了曾於巴黎的MERCEDES BENZ Center展出自己对时装及汽车迷恋的录像作品以外,亦是廿位参与CHANEL MOBILE ART的艺术家之一。 think-silly.com | Sylvie Fleury showed a video based on fashion and automobile at the Mercedes Benz Center previously, as well as being one of the twenty contributing artists in Chanel Mobile Art. think-silly.com |
所以,我想就我自己的经验提出一些意 见,希望政府能够给予适当的支援,令香港将来亦会出现一些好像 Chanel代表法国、Benz代表德国,甚至是青岛啤酒代表中国等具国家代 表性的品牌。 legco.gov.hk | Therefore, I wish to express some views based on my own experience, hoping that the Government will provide proper support in this respect, so that there will be some representative brands for Hong Kong in the future, just as Chanel represents France, Benz represents Germany, or even Tsingtao Beer represents China. legco.gov.hk |
田尾创树曾多次举办个展,如「Okame Pro展」(2006,东京)、「Project N 30 田尾创树」(2007,东京)。以及多次群展,如「墙後的呢喃」(2006,纽约)、「不只是A也是B」(2007,华盛顿特区)、「香奈儿当代艺术活动:流动艺术展览」(2008,巴黎/伦敦/香港/莫斯科/洛杉矶/纽约/台北)。 ravenelart.com | His works have been shown in solo exhibitions "Okame Pro" (2006, Tokyo); "Project N30 Soju Tao" (2007, Tokyo); and He also participated in various exhibitions, including: "Whispers Behind the Wall" (2006, New York); "Not only A but also B" (2007, Washington D.C); "Chanel Project: Mobil Art Exhibition (2009, Paris/London/Tokyo/Hong/Kong/Moscow/LA /NY/Taipei"). ravenelart.com |
海洋中心翻新工程第一期已於二 ○ ○ 七 年 第 一 季 完 成 , Chanel Boutique和意大利餐厅Nobilduca 亦已开幕。 wharfholdings.com | Phase I of the renovation of Ocean Centre was completed in the first quarter of 2007, with the opening of Chanel Boutique and the Italian restaurant Nobilduca. wharfholdings.com |
奢侈品品牌中的文化内涵一向为公众所极度关注。展览的成功起到了示范效应,紧随其后,宝格丽和香奈儿也分别在国家博物馆进行了“125年意大利经典艺术设计展”和“文化香奈儿”的展出。 labbrand.com | This practice was also followed by BVLGARI with its “125 Years of Italian Magnificence” exhibition in The National Museum of China and Chanel’s “Culture Chanel” exhibition in The National Art Museum of China. labbrand.com |
当然,Goyard 制造各式各样的箱包,其位于芳登广场的精品店橱窗中就有陈列:其中一些来自 Coco Chanel 和温莎公爵的收藏。 parischerie.com | Of course, Goyard makes all sorts of luggage as displayed in the windows of their boutique near the Place Vendôme – some from the collections of Coco Chanel and the Duke of Windsor. parischerie.com |
尤其,今年2011S/S潮流是鲜明彩色,而多数着名人士在广播上显示皮革夹克了。 bntnews.cn | Karl Lagerfeld wrote this book named 'Little black jacket: Karl Lagerfeld and Carine Roitfeld went Chanel`s classic again'. bntnews.co.uk |
她在位于Gontaut-Biron路的店铺外放了一个白色的阳蓬,黑色的CHANEL招牌煞是显眼。 parischerie.com | She hung a white awning outside her address in the Rue Gontaut-Biron and spelt CHANEL in simple black lettering. parischerie.com |
今回特别找来了现任Chanel Studio Director的Virginie Viard作一趟深入对谈,除此亦拣选不同品牌服饰混合Chanel最新春夏系列制作而成的造型专集,以《Obscura》的角度表达出Chanel的多面性。 think-silly.com | Moreover, we have also included a styling section that mixes the Chanel spring and summer series with various brands, showing the multi-faceted characteristics of Chanel through Obscura’s point of view. think-silly.com |
Chanel「全效完美修饰 CC 霜 SPF30 PA+++」含有天然的活性成份,质地顺滑轻盈。 cosme-de.com | Chanel CC Cream (Complete Correction) SPF30/PA+++ contains active ingredients of natural origin and suitable for sensitive skin. cosme-de.com |
2000年,香奈儿推出了J12系列腕表,开启了钟表界的新传奇。 wthejournal.com | In 2000, Chanel made watchmaking history with the launch of the J12. wthejournal.com |
这位大师的职业精神的确让人敬佩,他如此充沛的精力从何而来呢?卡尔不仅担任Chanel和Fendi两大品牌的创意主脑,另外还从事许多“课外活动”,譬如近期为 Drew Barrymore 设计婚纱、The Little Black Jacket影展和嘎纳慈善晚宴,以及亲手指导影片和担任摄影师……这些仅仅是卡尔从事众多活动中的一部分,他到底还有没有时间留给自己? citij.com | We admire Maestro's spirit and can't help wondering where Mr. Lagerfeld gets his energy from to create, collaborate, coordinate, etc. Chanel and Fendi's creative management, "extra-curricular activities", such as recent Drew Barrymore's Chanel wedding gown, The Little Black Jacket Exhibition and Cannes' amfAR, constant ''by his own hand'' photoshooting sessions and film directing...these are just a few known to a broad audience undertakes of Karl Lagerfeld. citij.com |
您可能会发现更多的新项目超过 3000个品牌在不同的风格和色彩在这里,包括Gucci手袋,夏奈尔手袋,路易威登手袋,劳力士手表,欧米茄手表,蒂芙尼珠宝,古奇项链,水晶饰品等。 luxury-heavens.com | You may find more than 3000 brand New items in different styles and colors here, including Gucci handbags, Chanel Purse, Louis Vuitton Bags, Rolex Watches, Omega Watches, Tiffany Jewelry, Gucci Necklace, Swarovski Jewelry and so on. luxury-heavens.com |
宝路喜(BLUCCI)是国际顶级品牌箱包/皮具清洗保养修复专业机构,亦是北京第一家采用法国高级奢侈品护理技术专业涉足国际顶级品牌箱包清洗保养业的公司,主要服务内容就是针对国际顶级品牌(Hermes, LV, Chanel, Gucci, Prada, Dior, Fendi,Versace等)的各类箱包以及名贵皮件进行专业的清洗、保养、维修以及翻新。 pricelessbeijing.com | BLUCCI- As a professional organization for cleaning, maintenance and repair of international top brand bags / leathers, is a professional company in the field of cleaning and care of international top brand bags by adopting top French top luxury goods caring technology and is the first company with such technology in Beijing. pricelessbeijing.com |