虽然传媒被确认为可用于打击歧视现象的重要工具, 然而,人们提醒地指出,传媒也会遭滥用。 daccess-ods.un.org | Although the media was identified as an important tool that could be used to combat discrimination, caution was raised that it might also be misused. daccess-ods.un.org |
但是,由于下述原因,本文件中所提供的数据应予谨慎对待。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The data presented in the document, however, need to be treated with caution for the reasons mentioned below. unesdoc.unesco.org |
由 於 可 能 出 售 事 项 未 必 会 进 行 , 本 公 司 股 东 及 公 众 投 资 者 於 买卖本 公 司 股 份 时 务 须 审 慎 行 事 。 cigyangtzeports.com | As the Possible Disposal may or may not proceed, shareholders of the Company and public investors are urged to exercise caution when dealing in the shares of the Company. cigyangtzeports.com |
但这些数据也反映了不同的报告做法,并体现了执法能力的水平和实效, 因此应谨慎对待。 daccess-ods.un.org | They should be treated with caution, however, as they also reflect different reporting practices and depend on the level and effectiveness of law enforcement capacities. daccess-ods.un.org |
为 处理委员关注的事 项,政府当局同 意 考虑对拟议新的第21K 条作出 修正,规定 若法庭 正在考虑删除 转 换警告书的申请,土地注册处处长便不得 在 同 一时间处理该 项 申请;若 某 项 申请已 遭 法 庭拒绝, 则 除 非 有 关 人士能够提 出 新 的理由支持其申索,否则土地注册处处长 亦不得处理该 项 申请。 legco.gov.hk | To address members’ concern, the Administration agreed to consider amending the proposed new section 21K to the effect that if an application for the removal of a caution against conversion was being considered by the court, the Registrar should not deal with the same application at the same time, and if an application had been rejected by the court, the Registrar should not deal with the same application unless the person concerned was able to present fresh grounds to support his claim. legco.gov.hk |
已经有人指出,必须谨慎处理特别制度中的做法和判例法,例如难民法、 保护人权的区域机制或欧洲联盟的法律。 daccess-ods.un.org | It had been pointed out that caution was needed when dealing with the practice and case law in special regimes such as refugee law, regional mechanisms for protecting human rights or European Union law. daccess-ods.un.org |
告诫您如果您不按照说明进行操作,可能会导致设备 损坏或报废。 graco.com | A caution alerts you to possible equipment damage or destruction if you do not follow instructions. graco.com |
应法案委员会的要求,政府当局答允采取下列 行动: (a) 在讨论有关“ 主要问题的立场报告”的文件 (立法会CB(1)968/03-04(02)号文件)时,委 员察悉,在12年的“保存期”内,所有影响 没有注册的土地的现有或新设定的非书面 衡平法权益,均可根据《土地注册条例》(第 128章 ) 藉 注册一份称为“ 知会备忘” 的警 告通知书而得到保障;而在新的土地业权 注册制度下,知会备忘会自动以非同意警 告书的形式生效。 legco.gov.hk | (a) In discussing the paper on “Position Report on Main Issues” (LC Paper No. CB(1)968/03-04(02)), members noted that during the 12-year incubation period, all existing or newly created unwritten equities affecting unregistered land could be protected by registration of a warning notice known as “caveat” under the Land Registration Ordinance (Cap. 128), and that the caveat would automatically take effect as non-consent caution under the new land title registration system (LTRS). legco.gov.hk |
拒 绝 回 答 问 题 或 在 被 警 诫 前 回 避 该 等 问 题 , 也 可 能 会 在 其 後 的 审 讯 中 有 後 果 。 hkreform.gov.hk | A refusal to answer questions or the evasion of such questions before the caution is administered may also have consequences at any subsequent trial. hkreform.gov.hk |
因此,该等海外股东及於香港境外居住的股份实益拥有人买卖股份时 务须审慎行事。 comnet-telecom.hk | Accordingly, such Overseas Shareholders and beneficial owners of Shares who are residing outside Hong Kong should exercise caution when dealing in the Shares. comnet-telecom.hk | 业务宣传意指由牙医本人或由他人代表或容许他人 对该牙医的专业服务、其牙科业务或其团体作出宣 传,包括以任何方式在本港或其他地方为该牙医或其 牙科业务进行宣传(包括在需小心谨慎的情况下未有 采取足够措施阻止该等宣传活动),而此举客观來說构 成对其专业服务的推广,不論他是否实际上因有关宣 传而得益。 dchk.org.hk | Practice promotion means publicity for promoting the professional services of a dentist, his dental practice or his group, which includes any means by which a dentist or his dental practice is publicized, in Hong Kong or elsewhere, by himself or anybody acting on his behalf or with his forbearance (including the failure to take adequate steps to prevent such publicity in circumstances which would call for caution), which objectively speaking constitutes promotion of his professional services, irrespective of whether he actually benefits from such publicity. dchk.org.hk |
有些代表团对一致性表示谨慎的态度,它们表示,这一过程 不应将一个模式用于所有国家;而应该考虑每个国家的国情。 daccess-ods.un.org | A word of caution on harmonization was voiced by some delegations, who said that the process should not impose one model on all countries; instead, it should take into account the context of each country. daccess-ods.un.org |
但有与会者提出内容大致如下的告诫,即条例或评注应当述及该事 项,该事项除其他外可能会影响到登记的费用,而根据建议 54(i)项,所应确定 的登记费数额不应超过收回成本的必需数额。 daccess-ods.un.org | A note of caution was struck, however, to the effect that the regulations or the commentary should address that matter, which, inter alia, could affect the cost of registration, which under recommendation 54, subparagraph (i), should be set a level no higher than necessary for cost recovery. daccess-ods.un.org |
届时,政府必须能够站起来扞卫香港的整体利益,切勿屈服於那些经常声 称奉行㆒㆟㆒票的㆟民党主义㆟士所提出的无理要求。 legco.gov.hk | By then, the Government must be able to stand up for the overall interest of Hong Kong rather than cave in to unreasonable demands of those who always claim to act in the name of one-person-one-vote populism. legco.gov.hk |
此外, 中心还可以与很多国家中从事岩溶学专题研究(如岩溶水文地质学和洞穴学等) 的岩溶研究机构进行密切合作,例如瑞士纳沙特尔大学的水文地质研究中心、奥 地利格拉茨大学的水文地质系、新西兰奥克兰大学的地理系、德国不来梅大学的 实验物理研究所、土耳其赫色特普大学的岩溶水研究中心、波兰西里西亚大学的 地理学院、斯洛文尼亚波斯托依娜的岩溶研究所、美国俄亥俄州查尔斯镇的岩溶 水研究所、英格兰赫德斯菲尔德大学的石灰岩研究小组,以及美国国家公园管理 局洞穴与岩溶计划署。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Furthermore, the centre has close collaborations with karst research institutions of many countries which deal with special topics of karst science, such as karst hydrogeology, speleology, etc. such as Centre d’Hydrogéologie, University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland; Department of Hydrogeology, Graz University, Austria; Department of Geography, University of Auckland, New Zealand; Institute of Experimental Physics, University of Bremen, Germany; Center of Karst Water Research, Hecetteppe University, Turkey; Institute of Geography, University of Silesia, Poland; Karst Research Institute, Postoina, Slovenia; Karst Water Institute, Charles Town, Ohio, United States of America; Limestone Research Group, University of Huddersfield, United Kingdom; National Park Service Cave and Karst Program, United States of America. unesdoc.unesco.org |
鉴于人类基因数据牵涉 到伦理、法律和社会问题,他们在处理和解释人类基因数据、人类蛋白质组数据和生物标本时 应做到严谨、慎重、诚实和正直。 unesdoc.unesco.org | They should exercise rigour, caution, honesty and integrity in the processing and interpretation of human genetic data, human proteomic data or biological samples, in view of their ethical, legal and social implications. unesdoc.unesco.org |
本公司投资者及股东於买卖本公司股份时务请审慎行事。 asiasat.com | Investors and shareholders of the Company are advised to take caution when dealing in the shares of the Company. asiasat.com |
此外,联黎部队例行检查先前在其任务区内发现的 武装分子过去使用的设施,包括掩体和洞穴,但没有发现它们被重新启用的迹象, 也未发现在其行动区内有新的军事基础设施的任何证据。 daccess-ods.un.org | Furthermore, UNIFIL routinely checked previously discovered former facilities of armed elements in the area of operations, including bunkers and caves, but did not find indications that they had been reactivated or any evidence of new military infrastructure in its area of operations. daccess-ods.un.org |
有意见认为,虽然有时可能有必要在外层空间使用核动力源,但应谨慎使 用,在没有其他能源时才使用,并且最好是在大大远离地球之处,以便确保人 类、地球和围绕地球运行的设备的安全。 daccess-ods.un.org | The view was expressed that, although at times it might be necessary to use nuclear power sources in outer space, they should be used with caution, when other sources of energy were not available and preferably at great distances from Earth, in order to ensure the safety of humankind, the Earth and the equipment orbiting it. daccess-ods.un.org |
有人指出,应该谨慎使用关于多重脆弱 性的概念;例如,非裔贫困儿童所面临的的问题不同于其他种族的贫困儿童这一 事实说明,其肤色是决定性因素。 daccess-ods.un.org | It was pointed out that the concept of multi-vulnerability should be used with caution; for instance poor children of African descent do not face the same problem as other poor children - a fact that reveals that the colour of their skin is the determining factor. daccess-ods.un.org |
民政事务局应统筹相关政策局/部门推行其他本土经 济计划,例如把银矿洞或张保仔洞发展为旅游景点。 legco.gov.hk | HAB should coordinate relevant bureaux/departments to implement other local economy programmes, such as development of Silver Mine Cave or Cheung Po Chai Cave into tourist spots. legco.gov.hk |
但是,在考虑本身单身父亲的权威,说Franzelin(德traditione,论文XV)号,“是不可能不犯错或强制性,虽然虔诚和充分的理由同意,这些人的神学的观点,不应掉以轻心,应不无非常谨慎的解释,在某种意义上这与其他父亲共同理论的冲突。 mb-soft.com | But the authority of single Fathers considered in itself, says Franzelin (De traditione, thesis xv), "is not infallible or peremptory; though piety and sound reason agree that the theological opinions of such individuals should not be treated lightly, and should not without great caution be interpreted in a sense which clashes with the common doctrine of other Fathers. mb-soft.com |
但 是,有人指出,仍有必要谨慎处理保护条款草案中给予个人的保护程度,因为委 员会需要提出一般国际法原则,而不是拟订各国可以自由接受或反对的人权文 书。 daccess-ods.un.org | It was pointed out, however, that there was still a need for caution with regard to the level of protection that should be granted to individuals in the draft articles, since the Commission was required to set forth principles of general international law and not to draw up an instrument for protecting human rights which each State would be free to accept or reject. daccess-ods.un.org |
參与该等洽谈或协议或知悉任何股价敏感资料的董 事应提醒并无參与其中的其他董事,使其知道可能有未公布的股价敏感资料,而他们亦不得在 同一期间内买卖公司证券。 epro.com.hk | Directors who are privy to relevant negotiations or agreements or any price-sensitive information should caution those directors who are not so privy that there may be unpublished price sensitive information and that they must not deal in the Company’s securities for a similar period. epro.com.hk |
由于照相机、闭路电视影带和数字媒介存录设备遭扣押,此后仅披露了选定的少 量信息,调查团不得不极为谨慎地处理以色列当局播放的影像,只要这些影像与 在其中露面的目击证人的证词不相符合。 daccess-ods.un.org | In light of the seizure of cameras, CCTV footage and digital media storage devices and the subsequent disclosure of only a selected and minute quantity of it, the Mission was obliged to treat with extreme caution the versions released by the Israeli authorities where those versions did not coincide with the evidence of eyewitnesses who appeared before it. daccess-ods.un.org |
另一位专家认为将部门 发展纳入监管机构的职能可能需要谨慎对待,因为什么是对发展好的决定是一个 政治决定,而不是管理机构的一项职能。 daccess-ods.un.org | Another expert was of the view that caution may be needed in including sector development in the functions of the regulatory agency, because the decision as to what would be good for development was a political decision and not a function of a regulatory agency. daccess-ods.un.org |
在 未 有 时 间 警 诫 一 名 犯 人 前 由 该 名 犯 人 所 作 出 的 陈 述,不 会 仅 因 未 有 施 行 警 诫 之 故 而 成 为 不 得 接 纳 为 证 据 , 但 在 此 类 个 案 中 , 应 尽 快 向 犯 人 施 行 警 诫 。 hkreform.gov.hk | A statement made by a prisoner before there is time to caution him is not rendered inadmissible in evidence merely by reason of no caution having been given, but in such a case be should be cautioned as soon as possible. hkreform.gov.hk |
而在阿根廷,尽管没有全国性的立法规定,但须注意的是,其有些省 份已经授予原住民某些特别权利,例如原住民在相关的环境许可签发程序中享有参与 权等。 uria.com | Although Argentina has no specific national legislation on the matter, caution is necessary given that some provinces have granted special rights to indigenous communities, such as participating in the process of issuing environmental permits. uria.com |
监察组在与厄立特里亚政治反对派团体或与这些团体有关联的个人进行接 触时保持谨慎,因为他们可能出于政治动机提供信息。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Group has exercised caution in its contacts with members of Eritrean political opposition groups or individuals who are linked to such groups because of the risk that such information might be politically motivated. daccess-ods.un.org |
鉴于这是应对当前全 球经济中潜在风险的一个短期措施(全球经济形势继续要求我们在预测 2012/13 年中档收入范围时 小心谨慎),总干事希望说明,预计收入水平的上升部分将首先建议用于在适当的时候恢复先前的 计提水平。 wipo.int | In view of the fact that this is seen as a short term measure to address the potential risks currently seen in the global economy, which continue to urge the exercise of caution on the base case income envelope projected for 2012/13, the Director General wishes to indicate that a pick-up in the projected income levels would first and foremost be proposed to be utilized to reinstate this provision at the appropriate time. wipo.int |