

单词 2-bis-3-jährige


phonetic bi

surname Bi

surname Bi
(a) 助理署长/楼宇(1)这个职位应转为双专业职位,可由政府屋 宇测量师或政府结构工程师出任。
(a) The AD/EB1 post should become a bi-disciplinary post and can be filled by a GBS or GSE.
为不公平的计划提出理由充分 的反对,从而积极保障自己的权 益,政府当局应考虑与《公司条 例》第168BI条一致的建议,即 法院可规定提出某项计划的公 司从其资产拨款弥偿股东在对 有关计划提出反对时所招致/ 将会在提出反对时招致的讼 费,但条件是法院须信纳反对的 股东是真诚行事和具合理理由 如此行事。
(d) To encourage minority shareholders to be proactive in protecting their own interests by raising well-founded objections to a scheme which they considered unfair, the Administration should consider a proposal in line with section 168BI of the Companies Ordinance ("CO") that the Court might require a company proposing a scheme to indemnify out of its assets against the costs incurred/to be incurred by the shareholder in raising an objection to the scheme, if the Court was satisfied that the objecting shareholder was acting in good faith and had reasonable grounds for doing so.
Support bi-directional data synchronization , conflict detection and resolution automatically , automatically create forms.
大会第六十六届会议决定按照二十年周期(1976 年、1996 年和 2016 年)在 2016 年召开第三次联合国住房与城市可持续发展会议(人居三),以重振对可持续 城市化的全球承诺,侧重执行在《人居议程》、《关于新千年中的城市和其他人类 住区的宣言》和相关国际商定发展目标,包括《千年宣言》中的商定目标,《约 翰内斯堡可持续发展宣言》和《约翰内斯堡执行计划》以及其他主要联合国会议 和首脑会议成果基础上制订的“新城市议程”(第 66/207 号决议)。
At its sixty-sixth session, the General Assembly decided to convene in 2016, in line with the bi-decennial cycle (1976, 1996 and 2016), a third United Nations conference on housing and sustainable urban development (Habitat III) to reinvigorate the global commitment to sustainable urbanization that should focus on the implementation of a “New Urban Agenda”, which should build on the Habitat Agenda, the Declaration on Cities and Other Human Settlements in the New Millennium and the relevant internationally agreed development goals, including those contained in the United Nations Millennium Declaration, the Johannesburg Declaration on Sustainable Development, the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation, and the outcomes of other major United Nations conferences and summits, and requested the Secretary-General to submit to the Assembly, at its sixty-seventh session, a report on the implementation of the resolution (resolution 66/207).
The PMI Global Investor Monitor-Europe will survey over 5000 affluent and HNW investors annually in the UK, Germany, France, Spain, and Italy with a comprehensive bi-annual questionnaire.
此外,由于设立了主要有外部专家参加的监督委员会,并在每月举行两次的会 议上制定了工作计划,便可以对外聘审计员建议的实施情况给予特别监督,这将大大改善决 策过程和巩固正在进行的改革。
In addition, the implementation of the recommendations of the External Auditor was the subject of careful follow-up by a supervision committee which included external expertise and had a work programme with bi-monthly meetings; that would considerably enhance the decision-making process and help to consolidate the reforms.
(l) 秘书长应为常驻代表举行半年一次的关于前六个月甄选程序和任 命情况的吹风会,归纳面试小组按照前文第 87(g)段中的准则所撰报告中的 信息。
(l) Bi-annual briefings should be held by the Secretary-General for Permanent Representatives on the selection process and appointments made in the preceding six months summarizing the information contained in the reports of interview panels as per the guideline in paragraph 87 (g) above.
世界遗产中心继续与非洲缔约方密切合作,建立了非洲世界遗产基金,旨在为非洲大陆遗产筹备 性援助申请、保护和管理措施以及修复提供资金,动员各国政府、双边和多边捐助者、非政府组 织和企业界提供资金。
The World Heritage Centre continued to work closely with African States Parties to develop the African World Heritage Fund designed to help to finance preparatory assistance requests, conservation and management measures and rehabilitation of heritage on the African continent through the mobilization of governments, bi- and multilateral donors, NGOs and the corporate sector.
You can also use their flexible and complete the basic framework to build custom BI application suite .
要帮助员工从传统的数据思维方式转移至大数 据模式,一种有用的做法是:要帮助员工从传统的数据思维方式转移至大数据模式,一 种有用的做法是:在DW/BI 员工熟悉的领域满足他们的需求,并通过类似社会变迁的方 式帮助他们逐渐学会以不同的方式思维、使用不同的工具、发现不同的数据交互和使用 方式。
To help staff make the shift from traditional ways of thinking about data to the Big Data paradigm, it is helpful to find a way to meet the existing DW/BI staff on their own ground and bring them along through somewhat of a social change, as they learn to think differently, use different tools, and find different ways of interacting and working with data.
根据该框架的应用情况,政府将制定一项孕产 妇健康联合行动计划,以巩固部门承诺,并促进非政府组织、私营部门、双边和 多边捐助者以及联合国系统在乌干达的办事处等其他利益攸关方对加速进展的承 诺。
Based on the application of the MAF, the Government will develop a joint action plan for maternal health to consolidate sector commitments, and tap the commitments of other stakeholders such as NGOs, the private sector, bi- and multilateral donors and the UN system in Uganda, towards accelerated progress.
定价的原则如下:(i)地方 合营公司附属公司与员工店将会每半年进行价格商议;(ii)尽管前文所述,地方合 营公司附属公司与员工店将分别协定特别优惠计划的价格。
The principles for the pricing are the following: (i) the Local JVCo Subsidiary and Employee Shop will have bi-annual price negotiations; (ii) notwithstanding the foregoing the Local JVCo Subsidiary and Employee Shop shall separately agree on prices for the special offer programs.
而CLS Shooting Brake 更是首次於提供智能照明系统同时,再次证明平治於其他汽车型号中所采用的双氙气头灯已结合LED 技术。
For the first time ever, the CLS Shooting Brake provides the Intelligent Light System already proven in Mercedes models fitted with bi-xenon headlamps in combination with LED technology.
在三项项目框架下负责艾滋病孤儿,即在法国合作及联合国儿童基金 会支持下的双-多边项目、世界银行支持下的“全球基金”项目以及非 洲协同和喀麦隆项目等非政府组织支持下的《非洲儿童希望倡议》 (HACI)项目。
Taking charge of AIDS orphans in the framework of the "Bi-Multi" project with French Cooperation and United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) support; the "Total Funds" project, supported by the World Bank; and the "Hope for African Children Initiative" (HACI) project, supported by such NGOs as African Synergy and Plan Cameroon.
以色列占领军除了对巴勒斯坦人反对在 Ni’lin 和 Bi’lin 等村建造隔离墙的 每周抗议活动不断采取侵略行动以外,还在最近几周加强了针对巴勒斯坦和国际 和平活动家的行动,增加了与他们的对抗,并拘留和逮捕了许多活动家。
In addition to the constant aggression by the Israeli occupying forces against the weekly Palestinian protests against the Wall in villages such as Ni’lin and Bi’lin, in recent weeks Israel has intensified its targeting of Palestinian and international peace activists, with a rise in confrontations against and the detention and arrest of numerous activists.
(e) 加强和扩大同有关部委、机构、私营部门和民间社会的合作,推动环 保方面的双边和多边合作。
(e) Strengthen and expand collaboration with relevant Ministries, institutions, private sectors and civil societies, and promote bi-literal and multi-literal cooperation in protection of environment.
The term “Short Range Device” (SRD) covers radio transmitters which provide either unidirectional or bi-directional communication and which have a low capability of causing interference to other radio equipment.
CLS 是世界上首辆客乘车提供可选择配备的动感高性能LED 头灯,既结合了新颖颜色元素的LED技术,又与日间行车灯相同,并与今日双氙气灯技术一样拥有高实用性、高性能、高能源效益的优点。
The CLS was the first passenger car in the world to offer optional dynamic full LED High Perform-ance headlamps, which combine the exciting colour elements of LED technology – similar to those of daytime driving lights – with the performance, functionality and energy efficiency of today's bi-xenon generation.
We take the special opportunity at the STREET exhibition in 2011 Shenzhen & Hong Kong Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism³ to showcase our hidden yet consistent agenda in a series of recent architectural and urban projects – “building nature or anti-building in the process of building”.
整合的业务支撑系统框架是整个解决方案的重要组成部分,他具有预先集成的一系列子解决方案、产品和组件,包括融合计费系统 (CBS)、客户关系管理 (CRM)、IP 联络中心 (IPCC)、商务智能 (BI)、合作伙伴关系管理 (PRM)、供应、调解、以及认证、授权和计帐 (AAA)等系统。
The BSS Integration Framework is the solution's skeleton which has pre-integrated a series of sub-solutions, products and components including Convergent Billing Solution (CBS), Customer Relationship Management (CRM), IP Contact Center (IPCC), Business Intelligence (BI), Partner Relationship Management (PRM), Provisioning, Mediation and Authentication, Authorization and Accounting (AAA).
It will take an analyst no more than a few minutes to create and share a full-function BI dashboard from the scratch in RadarBI: a minute or two to describe a data source with a convenient wizard; another couple of minutes to place visual objects and bind them to data; and finally one more minute to set the appearance and save your report.
Mesli 先生与“GSPC/Al Quaida Bi Bilad El Maghreb Al Islami”这一在 国外开展活动的武装恐怖集团有关,该组织已列入根据安全理事会第 1267(1999) 号决议所设安理会制裁委员会的清单,已向此人发出了国际逮捕令。
Mr. Mesli is associated with an armed terrorist group operating abroad, “GSPC/Al Quaida Bi Bilad El Maghreb Al Islami”, listed on the list of the Security Council Sanctions Committee created by its resolution 1267 (1999), and an international warrant has been issued against him.
本校开 发了一个美丽的学校花园,每两月一次为本校社区人士(教职员及家长)在那里举行缤纷同乐日 ,让他们共聚一起,建立更紧密工作关系,把学校搞得更好。
We have developed a beautiful school garden and hold bi-monthly community garden days where staff and families come together to have fun and work together on behalf of the school.
这正是阿维格多·利伯曼外长说下面一番话时的 意思,他说,我们必须把以色列的阿拉伯人问题摆到 谈判桌上来,因为一方面要求以色列作为一个两民族 国家,另一方面建立一个没有犹太人存在的单一民族 的巴勒斯坦国,在这样的基础上无法实现持久、真正 和牢固的解决办法。
This is exactly what Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman meant when he said that we must place the problem of the Arabs of Israel on the negotiating table, for there can be no lasting, genuine and solid solution based on a homogeneous Palestinian State without a Jewish presence at a time when Israel is being asked to be a bi-national State.
对于所有高压侧双向电流检测应用,TS1103 由自身供电,并具有 2 V 至 25 V 的宽输入共模电压范围。此外,它还包括一个 SIGN 比较器数字输出,该输出会根据 TS1103 RS+ 和 RS- 输入端子的外部连接情况指示电流方向。
For all high-side bi-directional current-sensing applications, the TS1103s are self-powered and feature a wide input common-mode voltage range from 2 V to 25 V. A SIGN comparator digital output is also provided that indicates the direction of current flow depending on the external connections to the TS1103’s RS+ and RS- input terminals.
拉丁美洲和加勒比地区各国环境部长一年两次的 会议会根据区域主任提供的最新执行情况和相关政策决定,定期讨论《蒙特利尔议定书》 相关问题。
MP related issues are regularly discussed in the bi-annual meeting of the environment ministers for LAC, based on an up-date on the status of implementation and relevant policy decisions presented by the Regional Director.
PUI Audio 的 ECM 系列麦克风包括全向型(对所有方向上的信号具有完全相同的灵敏度)、单向型(对来自前方的信号灵敏度最高),双向或消噪型(对前后两个方向上的信号灵敏度高,并消除了其他方向上的所有信号)。
PUI Audio’s line of ECM microphones includes Omni-Directional, offering identical sensitivities originating from all directions; Uni-Directional, offering maximum sensitivity from the front; as well as Bi-Directional, or Noise Canceling, offering high sensitivity from the front and rear, canceling out all other directions.
我们确实非常高兴地看到,那次包容各方的会议 再次就处理苏丹面临的主要挑战的方法达成共同协 议,并且商定非盟和联合国应当召开一个双月协商论 坛,以确保适当协调整个国际社会的干预行动。
We were indeed very pleased that that inclusive meeting again reached a common agreement on the approach towards the major challenges facing the Sudan and agreed that the AU and the United Nations should convene a bi-monthly consultative forum to ensure proper coordination of the interventions of the entirety of the international community.




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