

单词 2-aus4-logik


chemical element Au


au fait


Port-au-Prince, capital of Haiti
运输司动议㆓读:「本条例草案旨在批出专营权以设计、建造及经营连接汀九与凹头的 隧道及有关连道路,并就维修专营权区域内的工程、专营权持有㆟就汽车使用该区域 收取使用费的事宜,规管使用该区域的车辆的交通事宜,以及就附带及有关事宜,订 定条文。
THE SECRETARY FOR TRANSPORT moved the Second Reading of: "A Bill to grant a franchise for the design, construction and operation of a tunnel and associated roads linking Ting Kau to Au Tau; to provide for the maintenance of the works within the area subject to the franchise, the payment of tolls to the franchise holder for the use of that area by motor vehicles and the regulation of vehicular traffic in relation to such use; and for matters ancillary to and connected with those purposes.
Several weeks ago, for example, when civil unrest rocked the country, the clinic in Port-au-Prince’s Canape Vert district found itself in desperate need of new supplies.
在执行教科文组织关于与非洲联盟/非洲发展新伙伴关系携手开展工作的决定中, 温得和克办事处和哈拉雷办事处正在更加密切地开展合作,与南部非洲发展共同体各 国携手工作。
In implementing UNESCO’s decision to work with the African Union/New Partnership for Africa’s Development (AU/NEPAD) mandate, the Windhoek and Harare Offices are collaborating more closely in working with the countries of the Southern African Development Community (SADC).
通过提高人们对表达自由和信息自由重要意义的认识,《阿克拉行动议程》 以及在非洲联盟和欧洲联盟在 2008 年在布基纳法索联合举行的媒体与发展会议成果文件中 均承认自由媒体对发展、民主和对话所发挥的重要作用。
Awareness-raising of the importance of freedom of expression and freedom of information has resulted in recognition in the Accra Agenda for Action, as well in the outcome documents of the meeting on media and development held jointly by the AU and the European Commission, in Burkina Faso in 2008, of the important role that free media plays in development, democracy and dialogue.
各位部长支持非洲联 盟呼吁安全理事会向非洲联盟驻索马里特派团提供更大的支持,并承担起对索 马里及其人民的全部责任,包括实行海上封锁和禁飞区,阻止外国武装分子进 入索马里并向反对过渡政府的武装团伙提供弹药和设备,部署联合国维持和平 行动以接替非洲联盟驻索马里特派团,以及支持索马里的长期稳定和重建。
The Ministers supported AU’s call to the Security Council to provide greater support to AMISOM and fully assume its responsibilities towards Somalia and its people, including the imposition of a naval blockade and no-fly zone to prevent the entry into Somalia of foreign fighters and the delivery of ammunitions and equipment to the armed groups opposed to the TFG and the deployment of a UN Peacekeeping operation to take over from AMISOM and to support the long-term stabilization and reconstruction of Somalia.
虽然在地震前,由于海地国家警察与联合国海地稳定特派团(联海稳定团)密 切合作,成功逮捕参与绑架儿童的武装分子和帮派头目,被绑架儿童的数量下降 了(2008 年 89 起案件;2009 年 21 起案件),但 2010 年被绑架儿童数目略有增加, 27 名儿童(包括 13 名女孩)被绑架,包括被武装分子绑架,目的是索要赎金或伤 害,这些主要发生在太子港。
Although there was a decline in the number of child abductions prior to the earthquake owing to the arrest of armed elements and gang leaders involved in child abduction by the Haitian National Police in close cooperation with the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) (89 cases in 2008; 21 cases in 2009), the numbers increased slightly in 2010, with 27 children (including 13 girls) abducted for ransom or for assault, including by armed elements, predominantly in Port-au-Prince.
A woman holds her two children in the nutrition center of the General Hospital in Port-au-Prince, Haiti.
西非国家经济共同体驻利比里亚特派团过渡为 联合国驻利比里亚特派团,部署非洲联盟-联合国达 尔富尔混合行动,即将设立联合国驻索马里维和特派 团,作为非洲联盟驻索马里特派团的后继部队,安全 理事会通过第 1809(2008)号决议,去年 4 月与非盟和 平与安全理事会举行会议(见 S/PV.5868),并随即于 去年 9 月设立非洲联盟-联合国小组,所有这些都证 明,这种合作不仅必要,而且可行。
The transition from the Economic Community of West African States Mission in Liberia to the United Nations Mission in Liberia, the deployment of the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur, and the upcoming establishment of a United Nations peacekeeping mission in Somalia as the follow-on force to the African Union Mission in Somalia, the Security Council’s adoption of resolution 1809 (2008), the meeting with the AU Peace and Security Council last April (see S/PV.5868) and the prompt establishment of the African Union-United Nations panel last September all testify not only to the necessity but also to the viability of this cooperation.
我们希望今天的辩论会和高级别参与以及稍 后将要通过的决议草案(S/2012/25)能够使非盟-联 合国的合作方式进一步具体化,并为建设性协作铺平 道路。
We hope that today’s debate and high-level participation, together with the draft resolution to be adopted later (S/2012/25) will further concretize the modalities of AU-United Nations cooperation and pave the way of constructive collaboration.
此外, 军事行动协调中心决定为非索特派团的行动采取一个非盟-联合国全面的公共关 系战略,非盟委员会在联合国的支持下,正在制订一种机制,以建立一个能充分 服务于战略、行动和战术的全面公关战略。
Furthermore, following the decision of the MOCC to adopt a comprehensive AU-United Nations public relations strategy for AMISOM operations, the AU Commission, with the support of the United Nations, is developing a mechanism to establish an overarching public relations strategy that would sufficiently service the strategic, operational and tactical levels.
但在 2007 年年中前,中国协助确 保政府同意分三个阶段部署联合国和非盟维和行动(联 合国- 非洲联盟达尔富尔混合行动组织,UNAMID)。
But by mid-2007, China helped secure the government’s consent to a three-phase deployment of a UN-AU peacekeeping operation (UNAMID).
非洲联盟委员会深表遗憾的是,上述声明和决定都公然无视并完全不提到两 个国家由于国家和政府首脑大会第十三届常会所通过的各项决定(Assembly/ AU/Dec.245(XIII))所产生的对非洲联盟的义务;在上述决定中,首脑大会“决 定鉴于联合国安全理事会对非洲联盟的要求从未采取行动的事实,非洲联盟成 员国根据国际刑事法院《罗马规约》第 98 条关于豁免的规定,对苏丹总统奥马 尔·巴希尔的逮捕和移送不予合作”,2010 年 7 月在乌干达坎帕拉举行的首脑大 会第十五届常会(Assembly/AU/Dec.296(XV)号决定)重申了上述决定。
The African Union Commission expresses its deep regret that both the statements and the decisions grossly ignore and make no reference whatsoever to the obligations of the two countries to the African Union arising from decisions Assembly/AU/Dec.245(XIII) adopted by the thirteenth ordinary session of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government, wherein the Assembly “Decide[d] that in view of the fact that the request by the African Union has never been acted upon (by the United Nations Security Council), the African Union Member States shall not cooperate pursuant to the provisions of article 98 of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court relating to immunities for the arrest and surrender of President Omer Al-Bashir of the Sudan”, which decision was reiterated (decision Assembly/AU/Dec.296(XV) at the fifteenth ordinary session of the Assembly in July 2010 in Kampala, Uganda.
在治理领域,开发计划署支持非盟的 和平和安全议程,包括支持南苏丹进程和区 域经济共同体关于小型和轻型武器的倡议。
In the area of governance, UNDP supports the peace and security agenda of the AU, including support to the South Sudan process and to the small arms and light weapons (SALW) initiatives of the RECs.
(c) 房委会会利用腾空的政府宿舍地皮作公屋发展,如前沙田警察 及消防员宿舍、前长沙湾警察宿舍、前葵涌已婚警察宿舍及前 凹头政府宿舍。
(c) the HA will use vacated departmental quarters for PRH development such as ex-Shatin Police and Firemen Quarters, ex-Cheung Sha Wan Police Quarters, ex-Kwai Chung Police Quarters and ex-Au Tau Departmental Quarters.
这包 括设立非洲发展新伙伴关系规划和协调机 构作为非盟的技术机构以取代非洲发展新 伙伴关系秘书处。
This included the establishment of the NEPAD Planning and Coordinating Agency (NPCA) as a technical body of the AU to replace the NEPAD secretariat.
贸发会议参加了这次首脑会议,旨在支持非盟委 员会和联合国-非洲经委会今后实施这项行动计划。
UNCTAD participated in the summit and aims to support the AU Commission and UN-ECA in implementing the action plan in the future.
在与供资者举行的会议上,独立专家有时的印象是,这个问题不 一定被认为是一个优先事项;然而,重建太子港的必要性提供了一个独特的机 会,即显示对残疾人的歧视已成为过去的机会。
At meetings with donors, the Independent Expert was sometimes left with the impression that this concern was not necessarily considered a priority; yet, the need to rebuild Port-au-Prince presents a unique opportunity to demonstrate that the discrimination suffered by persons with disabilities is a thing of the past.
倘於报告日港元兑澳元升值 10%,权益及溢利将减少或亏损增加以上所示之 金额。
A 10% strengthening of HK$ against AUD at the reporting date would decrease in equity and profit or increase in loss by the amount shown above.
根据本公司之公司细则第100(A)条,周伟伟先生、区庆麟先生、郭炳联先生、康百祥先生及杨杰圣先生会於即将举行之 股东周年大会上轮席告退及符合资格并愿意重选连任。
In accordance with Bye-law 100(A) of the Company’s Bye-laws, Mr. Chow Wai Wai, John, Mr. Au Hing Lun, Dennis, Mr. Kwok Ping Luen, Raymond, Mr. Hong Pak Cheung, William and Mr. Yeung Kit Shing, Jackson will retire by rotation at the forthcoming annual general meeting and, being eligible, offer themselves for re-election.
它也使乌干达及其公民能够成为联合国和非盟和平支助 团,如非索特派团、达尔富尔混合行动和联苏先遣团,以及解决该地区恐怖团伙 问题的区域努力的主要参与者。
It has also made it possible for Uganda and her citizens to be a major player in UN and AU peace support missions; e.g. AMISOM, UNAMID and UNAMIS; as well as in regional efforts to address the problem of the terrorist groups in the region.
Based on geological, structural, and alteration mapping combined with assay results of grab samples THL believes License 13602X has the potential to be a world-class epithermal polymetallic ( Ag, Au, Pb, Cu) deposits.
教科文组织从 2002 年 1 月开 始实施的新的公众宣传战略,以公众宣传办公室、月刊办公室、出版办公室/视听资料处以及新设立的一个 万维网协调科所有资源整合力量为依托,将能够把教科文组织活动中所有或几乎所有值得通过媒体进行宣传 的活动筛选出来,并把它们制作成文字或影像宣传材料,供各种媒体采用并加以传播报导。
Combining the resources of the Bureau of Public Information (BPI), the Office of Monthly Periodicals (OPM), the Audiovisual Section (BPI/AUD) and a new web unit, the new public information strategy launched in January 2002, will make it possible to identify all, or nearly all, of the initiatives suitable for mediatization, transform them into words and images so that the press can disseminate them and increase the number of media with which UNESCO maintains regular contact, in all regions of the world.
2011年,“学生饮用奶计划”将在太子港持续推进,不仅为43,000名 儿童提供生活所需的食品,还将鼓励他们上学接受教育。
The school milk programme will continue in Port au Prince, not only providing essential food to 43,000 children in 2011, but giving them an incentive to attend school.
从一个社会分化的观点来看谁 是输家和赢家,看来中国、欧盟和其他外商投资者是「赢家,而劳工们则是输家,只 是在不同的时间有不同的程度」而已(Au 2006)。
Taking a socially more differentiating look at the wins and losses, it appears that companies – Chinese, EU and other foreign investors – are “winners, while workers are losers, albeit to different degrees under different time frames” (Au, 2006).
由 即 日 起 至 2013 年 5 月 31 日 ( 「 推 广 期 」 )(1) , 客 户 经 分 行 、 电 话 理 财 服 务 或 恒 生 个 人 e-Banking 以 现 有 港 元 存 款 港 币 20,000 至 港 币 5,000,000 兑 换 澳 元 , 并 同 时 设 立 一 星 期 澳 元 定 期 存 款 可 享 高 达 5.00% 定 期 存 款 年 利 率(2) 。
From now until 31 May 2013 (the "Promotion Period")(1), customers who convert HKD20,000 to HKD5,000,000 existing deposit from Hong Kong Dollar into AUD and at the same time set up a time deposit in AUD with a tenor of 1 week, through branches, phone banking or Hang Seng Personal e-Banking, can enjoy a preferential time deposit interest rate of up to 5.00% p.a. Please click here for details.
在儿童基金会的支持下,非盟已能够加强委员会的 能力,并于 2008 年和 2010 年发表了关于非洲儿童 状况的报告,此举表明新趋势是将儿童权利和福利 纳入更广泛的国家和区域发展框架。
With UNICEF support, the AU had been able to enhance the capacity of the Committee and to issue a report on the state of Africa’s children in 2008 and 2010 which showed an emerging trend to mainstream the rights and welfare of children into broader national and regional development frameworks.
这些系 统是在开发署支持下建立的,帮助确保在托马斯飓风来袭时,太子港公民保护 部国家应急行动中心和 10 个地方中心及其训练有素的工作人员能够让民众随 时了解新的风险。
These systems were set up with UNDP support and helped ensure that when hurricane Tomas hit, a national DPC Emergency Operation Centre in Port-au-Prince and 10 local centres and their trained staff were able to keep the population informed about emerging risks.
该名官员还否定了关于海地的医疗机构不具备更换申 诉人心脏起搏器电池的条件的说法,指出在申诉人的家乡太子港,获得医疗服务 并不太困难。
The officer also dismissed the allegation that the health services in Haiti were not equipped to replace the complainant’s pacemaker batteries, noting that access to medical care was less difficult in Port-au-Prince, the complainant’s hometown.
除上文所披露外,概无任何其他与欧先生之调任有关并需要本公司股东知悉的事 宜,亦无任何资料须根据上市规则第13.51(2)(h)至(v)条之规定作出披露。
Save as disclosed above, there are no other matters concerning Mr. Au’s re-designation that need to be brought to the attention of the shareholders of the Company nor is there any information required to be disclosed pursuant to the requirements of Rules 13.51(2)(h) to (v) of the Listing Rules.
又意识到首都太子港和该国其他地方的房屋和基本基础设施受到严重损毁, 表示关注震灾对受灾国的社会、经济和发展带来的中期和长期影响
Conscious also of the huge material losses sustained in respect of homes and basic infrastructures in the capital, Port-au-Prince, and elsewhere in the country, and expressing concern over the medium- and long-term social, economic and development impacts of the disaster on the affected country




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