释义 |
Examples:the thousands place (or column) in the decimal system—recurring section of a rational decimal—the ten thousands place (or column) in the decimal system—the millions place (or column) in the decimal system—the hundreds place (or column) in the decimal system—excess code (i.e. the unused bits in binary-coded decimal)—the units place (or column) in the decimal system—method of counting (e.g. decimal or Roman numbers)—infinite decimal expansion—decimal part (of number after the decimal point)—discard four, but treat five as whole (of decimal points)—the tens place (or column) in the decimal system—system of writing numbers a base, such as decimal or binary (math)—(following a decimal or fraction) slightly less than—fractional part (after the decimal point)—the part of a number the right of the decimal point (or radix point)—Simon Stevin (1548-1620), Flemish engineer and mathematician, played a key role in introducing the decimal system Europe—the hundred thousands place (or column) in the decimal system— |