

单词 p, I and w share

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使用毛刷或其他C.I.P,用碱性洗洁剂并按照 生产厂家的建议温度和浓度,清洗所有与流体接触 的泵零部件。
Using a brush or other C.I.P. methods, wash all product contact pump parts with an alkaline detergent at the manufacturer’s recommended temperature and concentration.
2000 年,不扩散核武器条约审议大会在《最后文件》(NPT/CONF.2000/28 (PartsI andII))中通过了一系列适用于这一领域的称为“13 [...]
个实际步骤”的 措施。
In 2000, the Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear
Weapons adopted in its Final Document
[...] (NPT/CONF.2000/28 (Parts I andII))aseries [...]
of measures to be implemented in this area,
known as the “13 Practical Steps”.
It is known for using hi-tech material in classic items. The label has collaborated with Burton, KHS (the company that
develops special function clothing for German special
[...] forces) and W.L. Gore and Associates (famed for developing Gore-Tex®).
本文旨在帮助您诊断Dell V313w、V515wV715wP513wP713w能一体喷墨打印机的打印质量问题。
This article is intended to help troubleshoot print quality problems on Dell V313w, V515w, V715w, P513w, and P713w All-in-One Inkjet printers.
对于戴尔V313w、V515w、V715w、P513w和P713w多功能一体喷墨打印机,请参阅戴尔知识文库章“Troubleshooting Print Quality on the Dell V313w, V515w,V715w, P513w, and P713wAll-In-One Inkjet Printer(诊断戴尔V313w、V515w、V715w、P513w和P713w多功能一体喷墨打印机的打印质量)”。
For Dell V313w, V515w, V715w, P513w, and P713w All-In-One Inkjet printers refer to the Dell Knowledge base article, Troubleshooting Print Quality on the Dell V313w, V515w, V715w, P513w, and P713w All-In-One Inkjet Printer.
在 7 月 8 日第 12 次会议上,理事会听取了两位斯里兰卡代表——保健和营 养部长H.A.P.Kahandaliyanage 和外交部长顾W.D.Lakshman 所作的自愿国家 陈述。
At its 12th meeting, on 8 July, the Council heard the voluntary national presentations by the representatives of Sri Lanka: H. A. P. Kahandaliyanage, Secretary, Ministry of Health Care and Nutrition, and W. D. Lakshman, Adviserto the Minister for Foreign Affairs.
作为一所以「将科技与Style融合」为目标的设计公司,ACRONYM®曾与多个品牌合作设计开发具功能性的服装,名单包括Burton,为德国特种部队开发装备的KHS公司,以及发明Gore-T exW.L.GoreandAssociates。
With ‘combining technology and style’ in mind, ACRONYM® worked with numerous collaborators on functional clothing previously namely Burton, KHS (manufacturer for German Special Forces equipment) and W.L. Gored and Associates (creator of Gore-Tex).
根据新增订的13I如任何商户在就某产品(下称"有 关产品")接受付款或其他代价时,该商户意图不供应有关产品, 或意图供应与有关产品有重大分别的产品,或没有合理理由相 信该商户将能在所指明的期间内或在合理时间内,供应有关产 品,则该商户即属不当地就有关产品接受付款。
Under the new section 13I, a trader wrongly accepts payment for a product if, at the time of accepting payment or other consideration for the product, he intends not to supply the product, intends to supply a materially different product, or there are no reasonable grounds for believing that he will be able to supply the product within the period specified by him or within a reasonable period.
根据联合国损失登记册细则和条例第 11 条的规定,满足以下条件的索赔有 资格列入登记册:(a) 索赔人为自然人或法人;(b) 索赔人已实际满足提交索赔 的技术要求;(c) 索赔在损失登记册的管辖范围内;(d) 索赔人表明在声称的损 失中拥有合法的权益;(e) 声称的损失必须是物质损失;(f) 索赔人必须表明声 称的损失同在巴勒斯坦被占领土修建隔离墙有因果关系;(g) 声称的损失事实上 是持续性的;(h) 索赔的佐证文件和主张实质上是一致的(i)索赔人提交 的资料和文件,索赔已有初步证据,在某些没有相反证据的情况下假定索赔人说 的是实话,同时铭记索赔人的产权和居民身份不尽相同。
In accordance with article 11 of the Rules and Regulations, claims are eligible for inclusion in the Register if: (a) the claimant is a natural or legal person; (b) the claimant has substantially met the technical requirements for submitting a claim; (c) the claim is within the jurisdiction of the Register of Damage; (d) the claimant has established a legal interest in the claimed damage; (e) the claimed damage is material; (f) the claimant has established a causal link between the claimed damage and the construction of the Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory; (g) the claimed damage was in fact sustained; (h) the documents and assertions in support of the claim are substantially consistent; and (i) the claim has been established prima facie, based on the information and documents submitted by the claimant, giving the claimant the benefit of the doubt in appropriate cases and bearing in mind the varying circumstances with regard to title and residency status of claimants.
国家中央局还进行其他具体工 作,例如任命反恐联络员;把刑警组织I-24/7计算机系统同各警察单位联系 起来,使移徙和移民事务总局能够进入刑警组织的固定网络数据库和机动网络数 据库,检查国际机场旅客名单,以防止恐怖分子入境和过境;更新丢失和被盗护 照数据库;以及调查和登记希望在萨尔瓦多活动的各国际基金会。
The National Central Bureau carried out other specific work such as appointing the terrorism liaison official; linking the INTERPOL I-24/7 computer system and police units, giving the General Directorate of Migration and Immigration access to the Fixed Interpol Network Database and Mobile Interpol Network Database (FIND/MIND) to check passenger lists at the international airport in order to prevent terrorists from entering and passing through the country; updating the database of lost and stolen passports; and investigating and registering international foundations that wanted to operate in the country.
)WHaysParks,AirWarandthe Law of War,32 [...]
A.F.L.REV,1,4(1990)(“根据正义战争传统和战争法,即便 有可能伤害或杀死一些非战斗人员,对战斗人员进行攻击却始终是允许的。
); W. Hays Parks, Air War and theLaw of War, 32 [...]
A.F. L. REV . 1, 4 (1990) (“Within both the Just War Tradition and the
law of war, it has always been permissible to attack combatants even though some noncombatants may be injured or killed .
根据人与生物圈计划 理事会 2000 年批准的《关于跨界生物圈保留地的建立与运作的建议》,在秘书处的支持 下,贝宁、布基纳法索和尼日尔建立了非洲的首个跨界生物圈保留地W圈保留地)。
With the support of the Secretariat, the first Transboundary Biosphere Reserve (TBR) in Africa was established by Benin, Burkina Faso and Niger (the “W” Biosphere Reserve) following the recommendations for the establishment and functioning of TBR approved by the MAB Council in 2000.
(w)在批准请求时还注意到,如果厄立特里亚在常设委员会会议和缔 约国会议上提供最新资料,说明其就明确余下任务和制定详细计划取得的进展, 则厄立特里亚和所有缔约国都将获益。
(w) Also in granting the request, the Meeting noted that both Eritrea and all States Parties could benefit if Eritrea provided updates on progress made in obtaining clarity regarding the remaining challenge and in producing a detailed plan at meetings of the Standing Committees and at Meetings of the States Parties.
几个新的保护区表明重视生态系统的方法正在发挥作用(意大利的提契诺河), 该概念已经用于沿海地区(如多米尼加共和国的雅拉瓜 - 巴奥鲁科山 - 恩里基约湖)和小岛 屿(大韩民国的济州岛,俄罗斯联邦的科曼多尔群岛),并用来管理跨边界保护区(如贝 宁、布基纳法索和尼日尔的W区,它是非洲首个跨边界保留地)。
Several new sites demonstrate the ecosystem approach in action (Ticino, Italy), the application of the concept in coastal areas (e.g. Jaragua-Bahoruca-Enriquillo, Dominican Republic) and in small islands (e.g. Jeju Island, Republic of Korea; Commander Islands, Russian Federation) and to manage transborder sites (e.g. the “W” Region Beni, Burkina Faso and Niger, the first in Africa of this type).
这些事项包括下列问题:(a) 设保人是否必须与借款人同为一人;(b)担保协议是否对所有相关的义务实行担 保;(c)担保权是否必须服从任何法律限制;(d)贷款中是否必须有明确的支付时 间表;(e)是否有任何特别权利或义务(例如道路权或场地通行权);(f)是否有任 何特别义务保全设保资产;(g)是否有任何义务不得转让设保资产或在该资产上 设定另一担保权;(h)在发生违约和强制执行时如何可以通知设保人和其他利益 相关方(i)应当提及非司法执行;以及(j)是否应当有关于解决纠纷的条 款。
These matters include the questions whether: (a) the grantor has to be the same person as the borrower; (b) the security agreement secures all the relevant obligations; (c) the security right is subject to any legal restrictions; (d) there must be a clear payment schedule in the credit; (e) there are any special rights or obligations (such as rights of way or rights of access to a site); (f) there are any special obligations for the preservation of encumbered assets; (g) there are any obligations not to transfer the encumbered asset or create another security right in it; (h) ways in which the grantor and other interested parties could be notified in the case of default and enforcement; (i) there should be a reference to extrajudicial enforcement; and (j) there should be a dispute resolution clause.
就其目标和“基本原则”而言,新战略规定,轮 调“取决于本组织的需要”,对所有定期合同PD 级人员都是“强制且适用”,并 且应该看作是这些类别的工作人员的职业发展不可分割的组成部分。
In terms of its objectives and “basic principles” it states that rotation is “driven by organizational needs”, is “mandatory and applicable” to all fixed-term Ps and Ds, and should be viewed as an integral part of career development for these categories of staff.
(i)司可按董事会认为合适之有关条款向本公司、其 任何附属公司、本公司任何控股公司或任何有关控股 公 司 之 任 何 附 属 公 司 之 董 事 及 真 诚 雇 员 提 供 财 务 援 助,以令彼等可买入或认购或以其他方式收购本公司 或本公司任何控股公司股份(全部或部份缴足),而 有关条款可包括一项提述,倘董事不再担任董事,或 雇员不再受雇於本公司或有关其他公司,则以有关财 务援助买入或认购或以其他方式收购之股份须或可按 董事会认为合适之有关条款售予本公司或有关其他公 司。
(i) The Company may give financial assistance on such terms as the Board thinks fit to directors and bona fide employees of the Company, any of its subsidiaries, any holding company of the Company or any subsidiary of any such holding company in order that they may purchase or subscribe or otherwise acquire shares (fully or partly paid) in the Company or any holding company of the Company and such terms may include a reference that, when a director ceases to be a director of, or an employee ceases to be employed by, the Company or such other company, shares purchased or subscribed or otherwise acquired with such financial assistance shall or may be sold to the Company or such other company on such terms as the Board thinks fit.
(g)(i)接指定日期之前由浙江第一银行或浙江第一银行的代 名人、代理人或受托人持有而用作保证就任何法律责任付 款或履行任何法律责任的抵押权益,自指定日期起,须由 永亨银行持有、或由上述代名人、代理人或受托人(视情 况所需而定)爲永亨银行持有,永亨银行(不论是爲该银 行本身的利益,或是爲其他人的利益(视属何情况而 定))并可利用其作保证就该法律责任付款或履行该法律 责任的抵押权益。
(g) (i) Any security interest held immediately before the appointed day by Chekiang First Bank, or by a nominee or agent of or trustee for Chekiang First Bank, as security for the payment or discharge of any liability shall, on and from the appointed day, be held by, or, as the case may require, by that nominee, agent or trustee for, Wing Hang Bank, and be available to Wing Hang Bank (whether for its own benefit or, as the case may be, for the benefit of any other person) as security for the payment or discharge of that liability.
会费委员会开展工作的依据是《大会议事规则》第 160 条所载的一般任务规 定;1946 年 2 月 13 日大会第一届会议第一期会议期间通过的筹备委员会报告 (PC/20)第九章第 2 节第 13 和 14 段以及第五委员会报告(A/44)所载的委员会最 初职权范围(第14(I)A 决议第 3 段);以及以下大会决议所载的任务规定:第 46/221 B 号、第 48/223 C 号、第 53/36 D 号、第 54/237 C 和 D 号、第 55/5 B 和 D 号、第 57/4 B 号、第 58/1 A 和 B 号、第 59/1 A 和 B 号、第 60/237 号、第 61/2 号、第 61/237 号和第 64/248 号决议。
The Committee on Contributions conducted its work on the basis of its general mandate, as contained in rule 160 of the rules of procedure of the General Assembly; the original terms of reference of the Committee contained in chapter IX, section 2, paragraphs 13 and 14, of the report of the Preparatory Commission (PC/20) and in the report of the Fifth Committee (A/44), adopted during the first part of the first session of the General Assembly on 13 February 1946 (resolution 14 (I) A, para. 3); and the mandates contained in General Assembly resolutions 46/221 B, 48/223 C, 53/36 D, 54/237 C and D, 55/5 B and D, 57/4 B, 58/1 A and B, 59/1 A and B, 60/237, 61/2, 61/237 and 64/248.
虽说今年上半年晋升的工作人员数量有所增加—对此我们只能感到高兴,但不能不提 及的是,由于管理部门负责人的资源不够,而且任务总是越来越多,分配给秘书处特别是属 于专门人员类P的同事的附加工作越来越多,也越来越复杂。
Even though the number of staff members to have been promoted has risen in the first half of this year, which we can only welcome, we cannot disregard the fact that colleagues in the Secretariat, especially those in the Professional category(Ps) are increasingly being assigned more varied and complex additional duties because line managers have fewer resources at their disposal and ever-increasing tasks to perform.
把 研 发 成 果 推 出 商 业 市 场 , 例 如 目 标 用 户 , 市 场 策 略 包 括 市 场 划 分 及 市 场 营 销 4P( 产 品 , 价 格 , 地 点 及 推 广 ) 等 。
market the R&D results in the commercial world, e.g. target users, marketing strategy including market segmentation and analysis of 4Ps in marketing (Products, Price, Place, Promotion), etc.
从这种理解出发,我们对“3p类别作另一种理解,既考虑儿童 在游戏生活中的重要性,也考虑到成人在支持儿童游戏权中的作用。
From this starting point, we use alternative understandings of the ‘three Ps’ categories to consider play’s importance in the lives of children, and adults’ roles in supporting children’s right to play.
统的影响”、“毒理机制和方法”(2008 年);“产后甲醛暴露对老鼠海马状突起和
大脑半球的锥体细胞数量、细胞层体积的影响:一个体视学研究”(2007 年);“褪
[...] 黑激素可防止甲醛诱导的老鼠前额皮层神经毒害:免疫组织化学和生物化学研 究”(2007 年);“咖啡酸苯乙酯对防止老鼠因吸入香烟烟雾造成肝损伤的保护作 用”(2007 年);W-3需脂肪酸对防止甲醛诱导老鼠前额皮层神经元损伤的保 护作用”(2007 年);W-3肪酸在老鼠脑缺血再灌注模型中的保护作用”(2007 年)。
(2008); “Effects of post-natal formaldehyde exposure on pyramidal cell number, volume of cell layer in hippocampus and hemisphere in the rat: a stereological study” (2007); “Melatonin prevents formaldehyde-induced neurotoxicity in prefrontal cortex of rats: an immunohistochemical and biochemical study” (2007); “The protective effects of caffeic acid phenethyl ester (CAPE) against liver damage induced by cigarette smoke inhalation in
rats” (2007);
[...] “Protective effects of W-3 essential fatty acids against formaldehyde-induced neuronal damage in prefrontal cortex of rats” (2007); “Protective effects of W-3fatty acids [...]
in a rat focal cerebral
ischaemia-reperfusion model” (2007).
(w)在应对土着人民面临的粮食安全挑战方面的进展速度,在这方面采 取特别行动,消除导致土着人民饥饿和营养不良现象异常严重的根源。
(w) Accelerating progress on the challenges faced by indigenous peoples in the context of food security, and in this regard taking special actions to combat the root causes of the disproportionately high level of hunger and malnutrition among indigenous peoples.
(i)公司所获取或持有权益的任何土地发展和加以利用,尤其是将该等土地整理和准备作建 筑用途,建造、改动、清拆、装饰、保养、布置、装备和改善建筑物,以及进行种植、铺 路、排水、种植、耕作、以租地建筑契或建筑协议出租,并向各类建造商、租客及其他人垫 付款项,以及与他们订立各种合同和安排。
(i) To develop and turn to account any land acquired by the Company or in which the Company is interested, and in particular by laying out and preparing the same for building purposes, constructing, altering, pulling down, decorating, maintaining, furnishing, fitting up, and improving buildings, and by planting, paving, draining, farming, cultivating, letting on building lease or building agreement, and by advancing money to and entering into contracts and arrangements of all kinds with builders, tenants and others.
(i)第 1996/31 号决议,非政府组织参与联合国的活动必须遵守《联合 国宪章》的精神、宗旨和原则,以及该决议所确立的绝不破坏会员国主权的标准。
(i) According to Council resolution 1996/31, the participation of non-governmental organizations in United Nations activities must be in conformity with the spirit, purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations and the criteria established under the resolution, which in no way undermines the sovereignty of Member States.
董事亦可拒绝登记凭证式股份的转让,除非 转 让 文 件(i)妥 为 盖 印( 如 有 需 要 )并 送 交 本 公 司 的 登 记 办 事 处 或 董事会可能决定的任何其他地点,连同将要转让的股份的证书及/ 或 董 事 可 能 合 理 要 求 作 为 所 有 权 证 明 的 其 他 证 据;或(i i)与 一 类 股 份 有 关。
The Directors may also refuse to register a transfer of a certificated share unless the
instrument of transfer is: (i) lodged,
[...] duly stamped (if necessary), at the registered office of the Company or any other place as the Board may decide accompanied by the certificate for the share(s) to be transferred and/or such other evidence as the Directors may reasonably require as proof of title; or(ii) in respect of only one class of shares.
承包者若提供了管理局可用于进行环境评估和环境保护的原始数据,则评为 A 和 B 级;若提供了可用于进行区域环境保护的数据或分析,则评为 C 至 E 级; 若环境准则中某些部分根本没有被评估或所收集的资料对管理局的环境评估没 有什么用途或根本无用,则评为 FI
Contractors were evaluated at levels A and B if they had provided raw data that could be used by the Authority for the purposes of environmental assessment and protection; levels C to E if they provided data or analysis that could be useful for regional environmental protection; and levels F to I if there were components within the environmental guidelines that had either not been evaluated or where the information collected was of little or no use for environmental assessment by the Authority.
(i)将为更好地了解对移民、移民工人及其家人的暴力的趋势、形 式、原因和后果而展开的研究结果作为制定循证战略的基础,以便预防并打击 对移民、移民工人及其家人的暴力?
(i) Are the results of research on crime and victimization, in order to better understand trends, forms, causes and consequences of violence against migrants, migrant workers and their families, used as a basis to develop evidence-based strategies to prevent and combat violence against migrants, migrant workers and their families?




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