单词 |
paid |
释义 |
Examples:lit. wool comes from the sheep's back (idiom); One gets the benefit, but the price has been paid.—vehicle rental fee paid by cab and rickshaw drivers—(economics) bonus stock or share, i.e. share issued fully or partly paid an existing shareholder in a company, generally on a pro rata basis—(poorly paid) ghostwriter or substitute calligrapher—tribute paid by Han dynasty tribes—cheer on (originally esp. as paid stooge)—person paid stand in line for another—a commission paid a middleman—agricultural tax paid in grain—lose money instead of being paid (i.e. sb should pay me, but is actually taking my money)—received and paid for (business term)—pre-paid card (telephone, transport etc)—change (from money paid)—extra allowances paid government officials in the Qing dynasty—fee paid an author for a piece of writing—job paid according the amount of work done—funds paid a bank account—A debt of blood must be paid in blood.—(fig.) keep (a spy, lackey etc) in one's pay—pay bride-price (payment to the bride's family in former times)—outward devotion but inner opposition (idiom); pay lip service—pay every ten days, give tribute every month (idiom); incessant and ever more complicated demands—pay tribute that a vassal owes to his suzerain—pay one's respects by bowing with hands in front of one's chest clasping joss sticks, or with palms pressed together—pay careful attention to one's parents' funerary rites—return to one's parents' home to pay respects— |
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