Ozone depletion potential:
The ozone depletion potential (ODP) of a chemical compound is the relative amount of degradation to the ozone layer it can cause, with trichlorofluoromethane (R-11 or CFC-11) being fixed at an ODP of 1.0. Chlorodifluoromethane (R-22), for example, has an ODP of 0.055. CFC 11, or R-11 has the maximum potential amongst chlorocarbons because of the presence of three chlorine atoms in the molecule.
臭氧破壞潛勢(ozone depletion potential,簡稱ODP)是用來表示鹵代烴所造成臭氧层破坏的程度,三氯氟甲烷(R-11或CFC-11)的臭氧破壞潛勢定義為1.0。
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Ozone depletion potential臭氧破壞潛勢