将气缸 (1) 放到 旁边带软钳夹的 虎钳中。 graco.com | Place cylinder (1) sideways in a vise with soft jaws. graco.com |
如果周围的像素大 多数是白色,该像素将会变成白色,反之亦然。 graphics.kodak.com | The pixel will become white if the majority of the surrounding pixels are white and vise versa. graphics.kodak.com |
使用带衬垫钳口的台钳以防损坏塑料部件。 graco.com | Use a vise with padded jaws to prevent damage to plastic parts. graco.com |
使用台钳在出口罩 (7) 上水平夹住泵,使用 1/2 英 寸六角套筒起子松开入口罩 (6) 上的全部四颗固定 螺栓 (5)。 graco.com | Horizontally clamp pump on outlet housing (7) in vise, use 1/2 in. hex bit socket to loosen all four tie bolts (5) from inlet housing (6). graco.com |
将泵总成从台钳卸下,放在垫有毛巾的平台上或是 托盘中。 graco.com | Remove pump assembly from vise and lay on a flat surface with towels or in catch pan. graco.com |
若需 拆卸,将活塞的平面部位夹在台钳中并拧下活塞柱。 graco.com | To disassemble, place piston flats in a vise and unscrew the rod. graco.com |
法文本在 “vise à exclure” 之前使用 “il” 是明确的,清楚地表示英文中 “it”一词指的是保留者。 daccess-ods.un.org | The French version, by using “il” before “vise à exclure” is unequivocal and clearly shows that the word “it” in English refers to the author of the reservation. daccess-ods.un.org |
将 泵从其安装座上拆下并夹入台钳中。 graco.com | Remove the pump from its mounting and clamp it in a vise. graco.com |
使出口罩 (7) 面朝上,用台钳夹住喉部密封筒 (18)。 graco.com | Clamp throat cartridge (18) in vise with outlet housing (7) facing up. graco.com |
将适配器板夹在老虎钳上以修理活塞泵。 gww.graco.com | Clamp the adapter plate in a vise to service the displacement pump. gww.graco.com |
从虎头钳中取 出,并倒出止回球 (34) 和弹簧 (36)。 graco.com | Remove from vise and tip out the check ball (34) and spring (36). graco.com |
用虎头钳夹住适配器板,以维修柱塞泵。 graco.com | Clamp the adapter plate in a vise to service the displacement pump. graco.com |
福伊特内联推进器用作推进系统或推进器。 voith.com | Voith Inline Thrusters (VIT) are used as propulsion systems or thrusters. voith.com |
将活塞座夹在台钳中,用黄铜棒拧紧导套;正确的扭力 参见下表。 graco.com | Place piston seat in a vise and use a brass rod to torque guide; see the following table for correct torque. graco.com |
用台钳夹住活塞柱 (15) 密封端的扁平位置。 graco.com | Clamp flats on seal end of displacement rod (15) in vise. graco.com |
但是,最高使用压力和夹紧力随旋转压板的长度而变化。 kosmek.co.jp | Fix the swinging lever with vise or spanner and tighten it with lever fixing torque. kosmek.co.jp |
使用软夹钳将活塞 (219) 固定在台钳中。 graco.com | Secure the piston (219) in a vise with soft jaws. graco.com |
老虎钳有各种用途,包括消除顽固的螺母和螺栓,拧紧电池连接。 hkcarworld.com | There are all sorts of uses for vise-grips, including removing stubborn nuts and bolts, and tightening battery connections. hkcarworld.com |
若有必要,可将缸筒 放在台钳或类似的表面上将活塞推入缸筒。 graco.com | If necessary, rest the cylinder on a vise or similar surface while pushing the piston into it. graco.com |
例如,如果你有一个漏水的冷却液软管,用老虎钳夹着软管,并暂时停止泄漏。 hkcarworld.com | For example, if you have a leaking coolant hose, clamp the vise-grips onto the hose and temporarily stop the leak. hkcarworld.com |
将油缸固定在夹具或虎钳等的状态下,用六角扳手卡住活塞 杆顶端的六角部位,把 kosmek.co.jp | While the clamp is in the fixture or vise, use a hex wrench to bring the arm to the middle of the swing stroke and then loosen the nut. kosmek.co.jp |
福伊特内联推进器和螺旋桨让人印象深刻的地方在于迅速的转向以及可改装性。 voith.com | VIPs/VITs impress by their prompt steering and can also be retrofitted as propulsion systems or thrusters. voith.com |
将缸体 (17)侧面置于带软面钳口的台钳内。 graco.com | Place cylinder (17) sideways in a vise with soft jaws. graco.com |
将组件夹在台钳中,将活塞柱 (28) 轻轻敲入喉管 密封 (29) 和轴承。 graco.com | Place assembly in a vise, and tap piston rod (28) through throat seal (29) and bearing. graco.com |
但你应该手头上有一个基本的急救箱,所以当你使用老虎钳时砸了你的关节,你也有所准备。 hkcarworld.com | But you should have a basic first-aid kit on hand, so when you bash your knuckles after using your vise-grips, you'll be all set. hkcarworld.com |
将入口罩 (22)直着夹在台钳中,确保其处于偏心 位置,以便有足够空隙可从罩中放下填料活塞柱 (24)。 graco.com | Put intake housing (22) upright in a vise, making sure it is off-center so there is a sufficient clearance for priming piston rod (24) to be lowered through housing. graco.com |
将柱 (119) 放在台钳中,并拧下活塞 (124)。 graco.com | Put the rod (119) in a vise and unscrew the piston (124). graco.com |
产品既是日常护理保湿啫喱,在皮肤极缺水时,亦可厚敷作过夜保湿面膜的 2合1活泉深层保湿啫喱,含有与人体内水份因子NMF极爲相似之活泉水,能即时补充肌肤水份,配合透明质酸更可有效锁水及补水高达 3倍及长达24小时; 氨基酸及维他命C亦能帮助肌肤促进骨胶原再生,强化纤维母细胞,改善肌肤弹性。 aster.com.hk | Amino Acids and VIT C helps skin elasticity and activates collagen. aster.com.hk |
1992 年在里约热内卢召开的联合国环境与发展大会签署了《气候变化框架公约》、 《生物多样性公约》和《可持续发展行动计划》(《二十一世纪议程》),国际社会一致 同意和批准于建立全球海洋观测系统。 unesdoc.unesco.org | La mise en place du Système mondial d'observation de l'océan (GOOS), qui a pour organismes de parrainage la Commission océanographique intergouvernementale (COI) de l'UNESCO, le Programme des Nations Unies pour l'environnement (PNUE), l'Organisation météorologique mondiale (OMM) et le Conseil international pour la science (CIUS), vise à les développer. unesdoc.unesco.org |