将喷 型控制喷嘴的 O 形圈放入喷型控制喷嘴的槽中。 graco.com | Place pattern control tip o-ring into groove on pattern control tip. graco.com |
确认固定弹簧 (C)位于凹槽内 并盖住泵销针。 graco.com | Verify retainer spring (C) is in groove over pump pin. graco.com |
快速安装,确保O型圈槽 干燥且O型圈未被卷入或挤压入帽内。 georgfischer.jp | Make sure that O-ring grooves are dry and that the O-rings are not rolled or pinched inside the cap. georgfischer.jp |
单向推力球轴承可以承受单个方向的轴向载荷,但不能承受径向 载荷。 schaeffler.com | Single direction axial deep groove ball bearings can support axial forces in one direction, but must not be subjected to radial loads. schaeffler.com |
使用深槽轴承,因此车轮转动十分灵活,同时降低了转动声 音。 yueicaster.co.jp | Since a deep-groove bearing is used, rotation of a wheel is excellent and rotating sound is reduced. yueicaster.co.jp |
为最小化冷裂出现的可能性,在焊接 前以及焊接过程中必须时刻保持焊接表面干燥清洁。 ruukki.cn | To minimise cold cracking, the top of the groove must be kept completely dry and metallic clean before and during welding. ruukki.cz |
使用木质或塑料工具以防损坏刮环 (EB),清洗掉 密封槽上的所有涂料。 graco.com | Using a wooden or plastic tool to prevent damage to the wiper (EB), clean all material from seal grooves. graco.com |
此外,现场机械服务还包括现场开槽(Venta、人字形、螺旋式和径向沟槽)和研磨(烘缸、校正辊、卷筒和引纸环)。 voith.com | In addition, the mechanical on-site service also includes grooves (Venta, Chevron, spiral and radial grooving) and grinding (drying cylinders, guide rolls, reel drums and threading rings). voith.com |
左图: 塑料保持架的 C 系列深沟球轴承的玻璃模型 - 右图: 铆接钢保持架的 C 系列深沟球轴承的玻璃模型 C 系列可以广泛选用舍弗勒集团工业部供应的高品质油脂,从而变得更加完美,C 系列设计可把任意 密封,任意保持架,任意内部游隙和任意适宜的润滑脂组合在一起。 schaeffler.cn | - Right: Glass model of Generation C deep groove ball bearing with riveted steel cage The Generation C modular system is rounded off with a comprehensive selection of quality greases supplied by Schaeffler Group Industrial, allowing any bearing design to be combined with any seal, any cage, any internal clearance and any suitable grease. schaeffler.cn |
当沟槽与支架相符时, 滚筒轴端便会滑入支架中。 graphics.kodak.com | When the groove is matched with the bracket, the roller shaft slides into the bracket. graphics.kodak.com |
5) 杠杆压板的拆装 ●利用榔头敲击插入连接销时,一定要用比销子卡簧槽部直径小一 些的销丁垫一下,请勿用榔头直接击打。 kosmek.co.jp | When using a hammer to insert the pin, always use a cover plate with a smaller diameter than the snap ring groove on the pin. kosmek.co.jp |
2、注意勿划伤膜壳内壁,尤其是靠近壳体内锁紧槽的密封带区域。 codeline.com | 2. Be careful not to scratch the inside wall of the shell, especially in the sealing area inboard of locking segment groove near the end. codeline.com |
最新版本的无肩基台在外形高点之上大约3.0mm的位置上有一道沟槽, 为新的吸附式印模套筒或临时套筒提供固位力。 bicon.com | Current versions of the non-shouldered abutment have a groove approximately 3.0mm above its height of contour providing retention for the new snap-on impression and temporization sleeves. bicon.com.ve |
橡胶O形圈在最小和最大有效截面尺寸间公差范围较大;当有效截面较小时,O形圈有足够的初始压缩量装入沟槽,而当有效截面较大时它仍将不会被从密封沟槽间隙中挤出而失效。 tss.trelleborg.com | Elastomer O-Rings have a relatively large tolerance field between the minimum and maximum effective cross-section; where at the lower limit there will be sufficient squeeze to fill the sealing groove and at the higher, it will not extrude beyond the sealing gap. tss.trelleborg.com |
对于包括平面, RTJ 和舌-槽在内的其它密封 面, 请与您当地的世伟洛克销售与服务代表 联系来获取更多信息。 swagelok.com.cn | For other sealing faces, including flat face, RTJ, and tongue-and-groove, contact your authorized Swagelok sales and service representative for more information. swagelok.com.cn |
沿滑槽滑动上下部件,将这两部分挤在一起,然后向上滑动绿色锁定套管,并与顶部握柄的底端齐平。 bonaepi6-live.w...ngpropeople.com | Slide upper and lower pieces together following the channel groove and then slide the green locking sleeve up flush with the bottom of the top handle piece. bonaepi6-live.w...ngpropeople.com |
在研磨区,还要检查机架、表面、槽孔和沟纹。 voith.com | In the area of milling, machine frames, surfaces, slots and grooves are processed. voith.com |
检查护板 (206) 是否保留在两个盖子上的槽中。 graco.com | Check that the shield (206) remains in the grooves on both covers. graco.com |
它的突出优势包括:利用中心力传递能以机电方式设置磨浆间隙;磨片齿、槽外形能具有最大的运行灵活性;盘式磨浆机的液压保护功能可确保均匀的磨片磨损。 voith.com | E. It is characterized by electro-mechanical setting of the refining gap with central force transmission, the greatest possible flexibility with groove and knife geometry, and uniform fitting wear due to hydraulic limiting factors in the disk refiner. voith.com |
a) 提拉卡环末端的拉环(如图),使其脱离膜 壳内的锁紧槽。 codeline.com | This is accomplished by running your fingers behind the retaining ring as it continues to exit the groove. codeline.com |
它们支持的径向负载比深沟球轴承或四点接触轴承更高,并可以支持源于同一方向的轴向负载。 schaeffler.cn | They can support considerably higher radial loads than deep groove ball bearings or four point contact bearings are can support axial loads from one direction. schaeffler.us |
舌 榫 护 墙 板 的 表 面 纹 理 和 不 同 接 合 点 相 结 合 可 提 供 各 种 线 形 效 果 , 增 强 了 产 品 的 通 用 性 。 wrcea.cn | The different joints and surface textures in tongue-and-groove siding combine to provide a range of line effects that enhance the product’s versatility. wrcea.org |
B类在技术和经济层面上允许O形圈以公制和英制尺寸生产,其可以用于公制沟槽。 tss.trelleborg.com | Class B allows production of O-Rings in technically acceptable and economical metric sizes and inch sizes, which can then fit into metric grooves. tss.trelleborg.com |
如果 沙发有支脚位于套面外沿(图D),将套面从槽内拿开。 natuzzi.com | Remove the covering from the groove if the sofa has feet positioned on the outside edge (Fig. D). natuzzi.com |
对于三相感应电机,常用带J20AB 涂层的深沟球轴承来防止电腐 蚀的发生。 schaeffler.com | In threephase motors with current direction feed, deep groove ball bearings with J20AB coating are used to prevent damage due to current passage. schaeffler.com |
使用无棉绒的干净布,清除螺纹和邻近区域(包括记录仪机体上的 O 形环槽)的所有残渣和油渍。 mesalabs.com | Clean any residue and grease from the threads and adjacent areas including the O-Ring groove on the Logger body with a clean, lintfree cloth. mesalabs.com |
叶柄1-3厘米的,正面宽具槽,通常具糙伏毛至少在凹槽上具毛;叶片背面的淡绿,干燥时黑色,正面深绿色,发亮,长圆形或倒披针形, ( 7-)10-15(-24) * 2-4.5(-6) 厘米,薄革质,金色具糙伏毛,成熟时的背面无毛, 中脉通常黄,背面突出,通常具长硬毛,侧脉6-8 对,弧曲的上升,网状远离边缘,背面很明显突起,通常具长硬毛,基部楔形,先端长渐尖。 flora.ac.cn | Petiole 1-3 cm, adaxially broadly sulcate, commonly strigose at least in grooves; leaf blade abaxially light green, black when dry, adaxially dark green, shiny, oblong or oblanceolate, (7-)10-15(-24) × 2-4.5(-6) cm, thinly leathery, golden strigose, abaxially glabrous at maturity, midvein usually yellow, abaxially prominent, commonly hirsute, lateral veins 6-8 pairs, arcuate ascending, reticulate far from margin, abaxially very conspicuously prominent, often hirsute, base cuneate, apex long acuminate. flora.ac.cn |
该软件包含两种适用于液压系统的最重要的SAE沟槽标准:AS4716 Rev B 和 AS5857 Rev A。 tss.trelleborg.com | This app covers two of the most important SAE aerospace groove standards for hydraulic systems, AS4716 Rev B and AS5857 Rev A. It makes it really easy to find the size of grooves and hardware and it indicates if the groove is suitable for a dynamic seal and/or a static seal. tss.trelleborg.com |