单词 | On the pcb | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 |
商用产品与特定应用产品的大批量生产能力,加上强大的研发和垂直整合能力,被证明是 Lite-On在激烈市场竞争中的致胜法宝。 digikey.cn | High volume capacities for commodity items and application specific [...] products, combined with strong R&D and vertical integration, have proven to be key distinguishing [...] factors in Lite-On's success. digikey.com.mx |
联动的多同轴连接器MXP提供真正的 40 GHz/ 40 Gbps 的同轴到PCB传输功能,具有非常小的外形尺寸。 hubersuhner.com | The ganged multicoax solution MXP offers a true 40 GHz/ 40 [...] Gbpscoaxial-to-PCB transition with [...]a very small form factor. hubersuhner.com |
白色涂层有助于增加 LED 灯的发光效率,与白色PCB板和电路板上其它涂成白色的电子元件一起使用时,这种效果尤其明显。 digikey.cn | The white coating helps to increase the efficiency of [...] your LED light, especially when it is being [...] used with white PCBboards and other [...]white-coated components on the circuit board. digikey.be |
全面的产品范围包括电缆连接器、电缆组件、PCB连接器和具有开放标准的转换接头。 hubersuhner.com | The comprehensive product range consits of cable connectors [...] and assemblies, PCBconnectors and [...]adapters to open standards. hubersuhner.com |
这在受 DDT及PCB污染的沉积物 上形成了一层较为清洁的沉积物。 pvsfish.org | This created a layer of cleaner sediment on [...] top of theDDT- and PCB-contaminated sediment. pvsfish.org |
在联合国艾滋病毒/艾滋病联合规划署(艾滋病规划署)方面, 教科文组织仍然是积极 热忱的共同赞助组织,参与了艾滋病规划署的常会,包括共同赞助组织委员会(CCO)和方 案协调委员会(PCB)在内,同时还牵头协调和执行了艾滋病规划署的教育与艾滋病毒和艾 滋病全球倡议(EDUCAIDS)以及教育问题机构间工作组(IATT),并与全球、区域和国 家一级的其他赞助组织协同开展了工作,包括与联合国艾滋病问题联合工作队的合作。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Initiative on Education and HIV and AIDS (EDUCAIDS) and the UNAIDS Inter-Agency Task Team (IATT) on Education, and working collaboratively with other cosponsors at global, regional and national levels, including through the Joint United Nations Teams on AIDS. unesdoc.unesco.org |
但在更严苛的加工过程中,如化学气相沉积或者物理气相沉积,我们必须推荐专门为半导体工业设计的Turcon® PTFE产品或FFKM [...] 复合物配方,例如theIsolast® Fab RangeTM。 tss.trelleborg.com | But in processes like chemical vapor deposition (CVD) or physical vapor deposition (PVD), which are more challenging, we’d have to recommend Turcon® [...] PTFE based products or our FFKM compounds specifically formulated for the [...] semiconductor industry,the Isolast® Fab [...]RangeTM. tss.trelleborg.com |
PCB布线时要多加注意使传输线路的影 响最小。 analog.com | Pay special attention to PCB routing to minimize [...] transmission line effects. analog.com |
一般来说,这些标准件必须使用与测量 衬底相同的技术 ( 即相同的PCB或衬底材料,相同的材料厚度和相 [...] 同的传输线横截面尺寸) 。 books.rohde-schwarz.com | In general, these standards must employ the [...] same technology as the measurement [...] substrate (i.e. identical PCBor substrate material, [...]identical material thickness and the [...]same cross-sectional geometry of the lines). books.rohde-schwarz.com |
该代表指出,粮农组织和世卫组织在第一阶段可能考虑对鱼品消费进行定性的 危险性与益处评估,专门处理与甲基水银暴露对育龄妇女的影响有关的问题,在较后的 [...] 一个阶段,进行定量评估,包括二恶英和类似二恶英的PCB摄入量,考虑被视为有益脂 肪酸重要来源的高脂鱼类的消费。 codexalimentarius.org | The Representative indicated that, possibly at a first stage, FAO and WHO would consider conducting qualitative risk-benefit assessment of fish consumption, specifically addressing issues related to the impact of methylmercury exposure on women of child-bearing age and at a later stage, conducting quantitative [...] assessment including the intake of [...] dioxin anddioxin-likePCBs,taking intoaccount [...]consumption of fatty fish, considered [...]as a significant source of beneficial fatty acids. codexalimentarius.org |
系统信息:显示印刷电路板(PCB)的序列号和版本好、CPU 速度和 [...] 设备参考信息。 wolke.com | System Information: Displays the serial number and revision number of Printed [...] Circuit Board (PCB), CPU speed and [...]equipment reference information. wolke.com |
德键新开发的精密瓷盒四端子电阻器结合开尔文 ( Kelvin) 配置与PCB板安装性能的优势,为相对高电流需求提供了超低阻值 (低至 0.01 ohm) 的选择。 4-direct.com | Providing ultralow resistance values (to 0.01 ohm) for relatively high current requirements, new four-lead cement filling resistor from Direct Electonics combine the advantages of a Kelvin configuration with PC board mounting capability. 4-direct.com |
接触PCB47的母鼠的筑巢、蹲伏、舔仔、自发叼仔行为在幼仔出生后的第0天和6天与对照组有显着差异,而接触PCB77的母鼠仅在第15天与对照组大鼠有区别。 actazool.org | PCB 47-treated mothers showed significant differences in the duration of crouching, licking, spontaneous retrieving and nest building on PND 0 and 6,whereasPCB 77-treatedmothers [...] showed significant [...]differences in the duration of crouching and time in the nest only on PND 15. actazool.org |
包括PCB生产、感应部件生产、塑料技术、建模及工具制造、金属加工、表面工程处理以及系统整合,这些技术目前都已在Zollner公司的工厂里应用。 tipschina.gov.cn | PCB-Production,Production [...] of inductive components, plastics technology, molding and tool manufacture, metalworking, surface [...]engineering and system integration; these technologies are available at various Zollner facilities. tipschina.gov.cn |
这种片内共存滤波器技术与RFaxis的片内发射电路相结合,将可大幅削减印刷电路板(PCB)尺寸、电流消耗和物料成本,同时提高多功能无线局域网/蓝牙/WCDMA蜂窝设备如智能手机、平板电脑和其他移动互联网设备的性能,是目前此类解决方案中独一无二的。 tipschina.gov.cn | This On-Die Coexistence Filter technology, when combined with RFaxis' on-die transmit circuitry, is [...] the only solution of its [...] kind designedto significantly reduce printed circuit board(PCB) size,current [...]consumption and bill [...]of materials (BOM) costs, while enhancing the performance of multifunction WLAN/Bluetooth/WCDMA cellular devices such as smartphones, tablets and other mobile internet devices. tipschina.gov.cn |
而观察到PCB减少,则可能是由於 分散作用造成的。 pvsfish.org | The observedloss ofPCBs can be attributed [...] to dispersion. pvsfish.org |
现在,Zuken的投资组合包括一个新版本的“董事会建模精简版”,它提供了一个更高的生产力,PCB布局设计。 zh-tw.developmentscout.com | The portfolio of Zuken now includes a new version of "Board Modeler Lite", which offers an even higher [...] productivity in PCB layoutdesign. en.developmentscout.com |
为了抑制晶片电源电压产 生的杂讯,建议在PCB上适当地添加去耦电容,这是非常重要的。 holtek.com | To suppress noise on the device supply power supply, proper decoupling [...] capacitors on thePCB areveryimportant. holtek.com |
于2010年成功开发并被中国乐凯集团选购的光学级膜感光胶片涂布生产线受到了行业内外的一致好评,该机组适用光学级膜(包括扩散膜、背光膜、PCB感光胶片等)的涂布。 sino-corrugated.com | High precision coating production line, is applied in optical level film coating. Coating has even, In and Out of Drying Tunnel , wind speed of wind pressure even, to realize high wind speed/low tension operation, , finished film/paper transverse shrinkage rate is micro and deformation is small ect. sino-corrugated.com |
Molex聚醯亚胺LED电路的电路组件增强PCB组件的牢固度,重量更轻、厚度更薄,适用於紧凑的空间和严苛的环境,同时让客户能够在LED设计中加入灵活性和美观的3D效果。 ipress.com.hk | Molex polyimide LED circuits circuit assemblies offer the [...] robustnessof aPCB assembly, with [...]reduced weight and reduced thickness for tight [...]spaces and harsh environments, while enabling customers to incorporate the flexibility and artistic benefits of 3D effects into LED designs. ipress.com.hk |
该链包 括用于连接PCB扳上其它器件(由用户定义)的 某一器件的所有或部分引脚(由用户定义)的边界 扫描单元。 analog.com | The chain will include the boundary scan cells for all or some of a device’s pins (user defined) which is connected to other devices (user defined) on the PCB. analog.com |
新版目录采用新的格式和结构,共 80 [...] 页,以安装类型分类,包括面板安装、DIN 导轨安装、PCB安装和 Plug-In 安装,以及两项有关固态继电器/散热片组装和快达配件的详细说明。 crydom.com | The new catalog features a renovated look, new format and structure. The 80 page catalog is [...] categorized by mounting types including Panel Mount, [...] DIN Rail Mount, PCB Mount and Plug-In [...]Mount, plus two detailed sections on SSR/Heat [...]Sink Assemblies and the Crydom Accessories line. crydom.com |
然後再拟定预烧板的规格及要求後,再进行所有原物料的评估较为恰当。评估内容包含,IC插座(Socket)的型式及结构、PCB用料的等级及PCB的物性、电性、耐热性要求、哪些PCB板厂符合可靠度的要求及品质、设计预烧板应包含哪些功能及保护电路、主被动元件及连接器等是否符合高温下特性要求、所有使用的材料、元件是否符合高耐温及老化的要求、PCBA组装厂的组装技术是否会影响预烧板的可靠性问题、主被动元件应该选择TMD及SMD制程、各种规格的原物料是否市场有现货可取得、特殊规格的原物料之交期是需要多久时间完成备料、是否了解预烧板VS.崩应系统(Burn-in [...][...] system)的规格及限制问题….等。 isti.com.tw | The design of the Burn-in Board shall include assessment items such as [...] Type and Structure of IC Sockets,PCB material [...] criteria, PCB physical and electrical properties,PCB heatresistance requirements,PCB manufacturers [...]that conform to reliability [...]and quality requirements, functions and protection circuits that are incorporated in the Burn-in Boards, whether all active/passive components and connectors comply with high-temperature requirements, whether all materials and components meet high-temperature and aging requirements, whether the PCBA assembly plant own enough know-how to support the reliability of the Burn-in Board, whether TMD or SMD is to be selected for assembling an active/passive component, the availability of materials of all specifications in the marketplace, the exact delivery time of those materials with particular specifications, and full understanding on the specifications and limitations of the Burn-in Board vs. the Burn-in System. isti.com.tw |
Cherry 的定制设计PCB允许操纵杆设计人员在操纵杆中配备磁铁,以促动PCB中的霍尔传感器向节气门控制器发送正向或逆向工作信号。 digikey.cn | Cherry’s [...] custom designedpcb allows thejoystick designer to place magnets on the joystick in such a way to actuate the hall sensors placed on the pcbtosend a signal to [...]throttle controller for forward or reverse operation. digikey.ca |
密封式USB互连解决方案:这些坚固的插头和插座互连产品具有插销式闩锁、密封的PCB插座和包覆成型(overmolded)电缆组件特性,有助於防止灰尘、碎屑和水进入插座内。 ipress.com.hk | Sealed USB Interconnect Solutions: These rugged plug-and-receptacle [...] interconnects feature bayonet-style [...] latches, encapsulated PCBreceptacles and [...]overmolded cable assemblies to help keep out dust, debris and water. ipress.com.hk |
食典委忆及,其第二十九届会议72 要求粮农组织和世卫组织就鱼品中甲基水银 [...] (methylmercury)和二恶英(dioxins)及类似二恶英的PCB所带来的健康危险和鱼品消 费的健康利益提出科学建议。 codexalimentarius.org | The Commission recalled that its 29th Session72 had requested FAO and WHO for scientific advice on the health [...] risks associated with methylmercury and dioxins [...] and dioxin-like PCBs infish and the [...]health benefits of fish consumption. codexalimentarius.org |