单词 | Ole | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 |
本手册根据Mikaela Ståhl Högberg 和OleLind撰写的原文《水牛奶生产》编写,提供乳用水牛产奶、其适用范围及局限性的简要介绍。 delaval.cn | This handbook, developed from an original text written by Mikaela [...] Ståhl Högberg andOle Lind:Buffalo Milk [...]Production, provides an overview of dairy [...]buffalo production, its scope and its limitations. delaval.com |
因此,CFCS为您提供了功能强大的动态文档服务器( OLEServ er) ,使用它,将帮助用户在其他的视窗应用程序中电子邮寄、粘贴和处理动态的Chart [...] FX图表。 evget.com | Chart FX Client Server provides an Active [...] Document Server (OLEServer)that allows [...]your users to email, paste and work with [...]active Chart FX charts in other Windows applications. evget.com |
它可以通过OLE(对象链接和嵌入)或Postscript命令来控制。 oapdf.com | It can be throughOLE (Object Linking and [...] Embedding) or Postscript command to control. oapdf.com |
全新的高中音乐会设有特定主题,能作为新高中课程的「其他学习经历(OLE)」。 hkphil.org | NEW – Our senior secondary concerts have a specific theme, stimulating ‘Other Learning Experience’ for your classes. hkphil.org |
挪威海事技术研究所(MARINTEK)的科研主管培尔•马格纳•艾南(Per Magne [...] Einang)先生介绍了液化天然气作为船用燃料的未来前景、技术现状和船舶技术新发展,而挪威海事出口商协会的执行经理奥尔•赫内斯( OleHenæ s)先生则就合作共赢的议题做了发言。 norway.org.cn | From the Norwegian Marine Technology Research Institute (MARINTEK), Research Director, Mr. Per Magne Einang talked about LNG fuelling the ships of the future, status of [...] technology and new vessel developments, while [...] Managing Director Ole Henæsfrom Norwegian [...]Maritime Exporters spoke about cooperation as the means for success. norway.cn |
有关进一步信息,请单击这里阅读由 Tommy [...] Schack、Svend Gade和OleThorhauge 编写并发表在 [...]Brüel & Kjær 杂志上的文章。 bksv.cn | For further reading, see the original article in Brüel & Kjær magazine by Tommy Schack, [...] SvendGade and OleThorhaugehere. bksv.com |
奥斯陆大学校长兼柳叶刀-奥斯陆大学全球卫生治理委员会主席 OlePetter Ottersen博士通过视频对研讨会的召开表示祝贺,并鼓励青年学生更多地参与全球卫生治理。 norway.org.cn | Dr. Ole Petter Ottersen, Rector of the University of [...] Oslo and Chairman of the Lancet-UiO [...]Commission on Global Governance for Health [...]sent his congratulations via video to the participants and encouraged them to take an active part in issues related to global health governance. norway.cn |
通过被充分证实的的OLE接口,利用任意语言编写的程序,如Visual Basic®, [...] Visual C++®, Delphi® 和Java™的最新版本,可以轻松控制强大的分析仪及PULSE功能。 bksv.cn | The well documentedOLE-interface makes [...] it easy to control the powerful analyzers and functionality of PULSE via a program [...]written in any of the common languages that support OLE automation such as Visual Basic®, Visual C++®, Delphi® and later versions of Java™. bksv.com |
在会议开始时,提名委员会主席 Javier Barros Valero [...] 先生(墨西哥)代表提名委员会建 议由以下各位出任第 II 委员会副主席:Simon [...] Clarke 博士(牙买加),OleBriseid 先生(挪 威 ) [...], Hamda Alsulaiti 女 士 ( 卡 塔 尔 ) 和 Dagmar Kopcanova 女 [...]士 ( 斯 洛 伐 克 ) , 建 议 Bonaventure Maiga 先生(马里)担任报告人。 unesdoc.unesco.org | At the beginning of the meeting, the Chairperson of the Nominations Committee, Mr Javier Barros Valero (Mexico), recommended, on behalf of the Nominations Committee, the [...] following as ViceChairpersons: Dr Simon Clarke [...] (Jamaica), Mr OleBriseid (Norway), [...]Dr Hamda Alsulaiti (Qatar), and Ms Dagmar Kopčanová (Slovakia). unesdoc.unesco.org |
作品主人公是着名的德国建筑师OleScheeren,他设计了位于北京的中国中央电视台。 pinyinstudio.com | Pinyin has also provided the magazine [...] with portrait photography, most notably of [...] German architect OleScheeren, the [...]man who created the CCTV building in Beijing. pinyinstudio.com |
OleRogeberg使用一个模拟模型评估了社会经济地位对智商的潜在影响,结果发现这种混杂因素足以重现智商变化和接触大麻之间的联系,而该联系是由此前新西兰达尼丁(Dunedin)的一个大规模群组研究所报告的。 chinese.eurekalert.org | Ole Rogebergused a simulation [...] model to assess the potential effects of socioeconomic status on IQ and found that this confounder [...]was sufficient to reproduce the association between IQ change and cannabis exposure reported in the previous study of a large cohort from Dunedin, New Zealand. chinese.eurekalert.org |
特别是,我要感谢瑞典利拉伐公司的OleLind博士、瑞典农业科学大学(SLU)的Kerstin [...] Svennersten-Sjauna教授和瑞士伯尔尼大学的Rupert M. Bruckmaier教授。 delaval.cn | In particular, I would [...] like tothank Dr OleLind,DeLaval, Sweden, [...]Prof. Kerstin Svennersten-Sjauna, SLU, Sweden and Prof. [...]Rupert M. Bruckmaier, University of Bern, Switzerland. delaval.com |
也有“全局脚本”,它可以手动触发或通过OLE自动化。 iconics.com | There are also "Global Scripts" which can be [...] triggered manually or viaOLE Automation. iconics.com |
在社区供暖车间,热电联产提高了我们整体的燃料转化效率,” JensOleSkov “社区供热站的热电联产提高了我们整体的燃料能源转化效率。 spectrum.andritz.com | Cogeneration of electricity and heat at district heating plants raises our overall [...] efficiency of converting the energy in [...] the fuel,”says JensOle Skov“Cogeneration [...]of electricity and heat at district heating [...]plants raises our overall efficiency of converting the energy in the fuel. spectrum.andritz.com |
如果仔细研究过这段代码,会发现它同AppWizard自动生成的OnInsertObject()函数有着惊人的相似程度,事实上,上述代码只不过是OnInsertObject()的一个特例:OnInsertObject()允许用户从可用的OLE对象列表中选择其一插入到应用程序中。 oapdf.com | If you have looked carefully at the code, you will find it with AppWizard automatically generated OnInsertObject () function has a surprising degree of similarity, in fact, the above code is only OnInsertObject () of a special [...] case: OnInsertObject () allows the user [...] from theavailable OLEObject list,select [...]the one inserted into the application. oapdf.com |
在巴勒斯坦工作的挪威人OleBakke是第一个倒下的联合国人员——他在1948年7月被枪杀身亡。 un.org | OleBakke, a Norwegian serving [...] in Palestine, was the first – gunned down in July 1948. un.org |
数字化接口 (RS-232, RS-485, 100 Mbit 以太网) 和协议, 如 Modbus, 双 Modbus 和 O PC (Ole 对过程控制) 简单化的与Compass 6000 软件通讯,用于监测诊断,自动化系统的数据显示,数据存档和基于全厂的系统集成。 bkvibro.com | Digital interfaces (RS-232, RS-485, 100 Mbit [...] Ethernet) and protocols, e.g. Modbus, [...] Dual Modbus and OPC(Ole forProcessControl) [...]simplify communications with the Compass [...]6000 software for diagnostic monitoring, automation systems for data visualisation, data archiving and plant-wide system integration. bkvibro.com |
通过对该软件的使用,可以由OPC-DA服务器(OLE程序 控制——数据存取,该服务器用于真实数据传输)对设备数据进行过程可视化转换(西门子的WinCC),它使得赛德伦的设备与zedas的服务器相连并为其提供问题诊断成为可能。 siemag-tecberg.cn | Through the adaptability of this software, and the transfer of machine data from [...] the process visualization (Siemens WinCC) [...] by OPC-DA-Server (OLE forProcess Control [...]- Data Access), a specification for the [...]transfer of real-time data, it was possible to connect the plant to the zedas server for problem diagnosis in Sedrun. siemag-tecberg.com |