单词 | of the 1920s |
释义 | Examples:the Garden of the Peaches of Immortality—世外桃花源 Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva, the Bodhisattva of the Great Vow (save all souls before accepting Bodhi)—地藏王菩萨 out-of-the-way place—乡僻 the League of the Left-Wing Writers, an organization of writers formed in China in 1930—左联 at the end of the mourning period—满孝 Oceanus, Titan God of the seas before Poseidon—奥西娜斯 Pangu (creator of the universe in Chinese mythology)—盘古 get rid of the old to bring in the new (idiom); to innovate—破旧立新 tomb of the unknown soldier—无名烈士墓 head of the household —户主 get married on the spur of the moment—闪婚 the beasts of the field and the birds of the air—飛征 the "human way", one of the stages in the cycle of reincarnation (Buddhism)—人道 the final years of the Ch'ing or Qing dynasty—清末 Central Bank of the Republic of China (Taiwan)—中央银行 Ma Chao (176-222), general of Shu in Romance of the Three Kingdoms—马超 a hundred flowers bloom, a hundred schools of thought contend (idiom); refers the classical philosophic schools of the Warring States period 475-221 BC, but adopted for Mao's campaign of 1956—百花齐放,百家争鸣 inflammation of the vulva or vagina—阴道炎 the ecliptic (the plane of the solar system)—黄道 forty third year C7 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1966 or 2026—丙午 title of the temporary position in the Hanlin Academy, conferred meritorious candidates until the next examination—庶吉士 Leo (constellation and sign of the zodiac)—狮子座 Telegu, the official language of Andhra Pradesh, India—泰卢固语 Sir Thomas Francis Wade (1818-1895), British diplomat and sinologist, originator of the Wade-Giles Chinese romanization system—威妥玛 rise to action with a determined shake of the arms—攘袂 swelling of the head (physical condition)—头脑发胀 Grand View Garden, a garden in Dream of the Red Chamber—大观园 Shang Tang (1646-? BC), legendary founder of the Shang Dynasty—商汤 The person on the spot is baffled, the onlooker sees clear (idiom). The onlooker sees more of the game.—当局者迷,旁观者清 form of writing novels that comprise lots of poetry in the body of the text, popular in the Ming Dynasty—词话 Year of the Rabbit (e.g. 2011)—兔年 Beno Gutenberg (1889-1960), German-born US seismologist, coinventor of the Richter magnitude scale—古登堡 Descendants of the Fiery Emperor and Yellow Emperor (i.e. Han Chinese people)—炎黄子孙 the cat (as in "let the cat out of the bag")—马脚 of the firm opinion—认定 Lu Xun (1881-1936), one of the earliest and best-known modern Chinese writers—鲁迅 the twenty seven days after the Winter Solstice, reputed be the coldest days of the year—三九天 flight of the roc (used in names)—鹏飞 2nd earthly branch: 1-3 a.m., 12th solar month (6th January 3rd February), year of the Ox—丑 Dismiss the hundred schools, revere only the Confucians (slogan of former Han dynasty)—独尊儒术 modern history (for China, from the Opium Wars until the fall of the Qing Dynasty, i.e. mid-19th early 20th century)—近代史 Pomerania, a historical region on the south shore of the Baltic Sea—波美拉尼亚 hit home on the evils of the day (idiom); fig. to hit a current political target—切中时弊 Virupaksa (on of the Four Heavenly Kings)—广目天 forty seventh year G11 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1970 or 2030—庚戌 Ground Zero (refers the site of the World Trade Center destroyed in 9-11-2001 attack)—地面零点 state of the art adj —最先进的 adj state of the art n —最先进的事物 n lit. the fat and wealth of the people (idiom); the nation's hard-won wealth (esp. as an object of unscrupulous exploitation)—民脂民膏 jealous of the able, envious of the clever [idiom.]—妒能害贤 It's too late plug the leak once ship is in the middle of the river. [idiom.]—船到江心,补漏迟 the tip of the iceberg —老鼠拖木锨,大头在后头 the sound of the wind—翏 lit. both sides of the Yangtze River [idiom.]—大江南北 lit. examine roots and inquire at the base (idiom); to get to the bottom of sth—询根问底 lit. by the thousands and tens of thousands (idiom); untold numbers—成千上万 Siddhartha Gautama (563-485 BC), the historical Buddha and founder of Buddhism—释迦牟尼佛 inversion (rhetoric device of inverting the word order for heightened effect)—倒装句 the wolf runs and the wild boar rushes (idiom); crowds of evil-doers mill around like wild beasts—狼奔豕突 Nanling mountain, on the border of Hunan, Jiangxi, Guangdong and Guangxi—南岭 reflect (in the figurative sense: to show the nature of)—折射 fig. forge ahead in the face of hardships and danger—攀登 (classifier for the ordinal number of a crop, in the context of multiple harvests)—喷 lit. if three walk together, one can be my teacher (idiom, from the Analects of Confucius)—三人行,必有我师 panentheism, theological theory of God as equal the Universe while transcending it—超泛神论 birth name of Lord Menchang of Qi, Chancellor of Qi and Wei during the Warring States Period (475-221 BC)—田文 high in score but low in ability (as a result of teaching the test)—高分低能 wrap one's arm around (used to describe the girth of a tree trunk)—合抱 Garden of Gethsemane (in the Christian passion story)—客西马尼花园 the lip or vibrating end of a reed in a wind instrument—簧舌 The higher ups have policies while the lower downs have their own ways of getting around them. [idiom.]—上有政策,下有对策 See also:of —的 the 1970s—七十年代 the 1960s—六十年代 |
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