单词 | Nick | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 |
雅虎亚太区公共政策区域经理尼克.欧.唐奈尔(NickO’Donnell)阐述了为保障儿童上网安全以产业为主导的各项措施。 unicef.org | s Asia and Pacific Public [...] Policy Regional Manager NickO’Donnelladdressed [...]the topic of industry-led measures to guarantee child online safety. unicef.org |
家人运用家庭和社区为Nick创造学习和交朋友的新机会。 brcenter.org | The family used their home and community to create [...] new opportunities for Nick to learn and make friends. brcenter.org |
早前,有NickFraser以作者的视角为Condé Nast [...] Traveller UK2010年7月版撰文描写越南和柬埔寨的绝妙美景。 ba-repsasia.com | Writer Nick Fraser findshimself [...] pleasantly surprised by the unmeasured beauty and elegance of Vietnam and Cambodia for [...]the July 2010 issue of Condé Nast Traveller UK. ba-repsasia.com |
考察团访问了加拿大电台电视电讯管理局(下称「加拿大视讯管理局」)及 [...] 加拿大文物部,并会晤这兩家机构的高层人员,包括加拿大视讯管理局高级监督 (电视政策及应用)NickKetchum,以及加拿大文物部国际事务总监 [...]Rene Bouchard。 legco.gov.hk | The delegation visited the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) and the Department of Canadian Heritage (DCH) and met with the [...] senior directorate of the two [...] organisations, including Mr Nick Ketchum, Senior Director, [...]Television Policy and Application, [...]CRTC; and Mr Rene Bouchard, Director General of International Affairs, DHC. legco.gov.hk |
有了大量成功或失败的在线写作案例的帮助,作家NickUsborne向读者展示了如何利用网络书面语言的力量。 graphicmail.cn | With the help of dozens of examples of successful and unsuccessful on-line [...] writing, authorNick Usborne shows readers [...]how to harness the power of the written word for the web. graphicmail.com.au |
NickKoudas博士,共同创始人、总裁,拥有20多项专利,在数据库系统、文本分析和信息挖掘领域发表了100多篇研究论文。 tipschina.gov.cn | Dr.Nick Koudas, Co-founder [...] and President, holds more than 20 patents and has published more than 100 research publications [...]in the areas of database systems, text analytics, and information mining. tipschina.gov.cn |
代理主席,如果你同意NickDAVIS的意见,同样认 为传媒的主要功用是报道事实,那麽当国家做出一些不光彩、不名誉的 [...] 事情时,你认为记者是应该如实报道,还是维护国家声誉呢? legco.gov.hk | Deputy President, if [...] you sharetheview of Nick DAVIS, that the primary [...]function of the media is to report the facts, then [...]when the State has done something disgraceful and dishonourable, do you think the journalists should give a truthful account of the facts in their reports or aim only to defend the reputation of the country? legco.gov.hk |
让人印象最深刻的是Pink Floyd鼓手NickMason及Eric Clapton的对谈,两人分享了关於个人的Ferrari经验及看法。 think-silly.com | The conversation between [...] Pink Floyd drummer NickMason andEric Clapton, [...]on Ferrari, is particularly impressive. think-silly.com |
本次奖项由顾问小组监督,小组成员包括香港经贸办事处 (HKETO)处长 Agnes Allcock、英中贸易协会 (CBBC) 主席 [...] David Brewer 先生、香港协会主席 Baroness Dunn、汇丰银行集团主席 Douglas [...] Flint、英国贸易投资署(UKTI)首席执行官NickBaird、国泰航空首席执行官 John Slosar [...]以及英国韦鸣恩勋爵阁下。 bsigroup.cn | The awards are overseen by an advisory panel which includes Agnes Allcock, Director General of Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office (HKETO), Sir David Brewer, Chairman of the China Britain Business Council (CBBC), Baroness Dunn, Chairman of The Hong [...] Kong Association, Douglas Flint, [...] Group Chairman of HSBC, Nick Baird, ChiefExecutive [...]of UK Trade & Investment (UKTI), John [...]Slosar, Chief Executive of Cathay Pacific and The Right Honourable Lord Wei of Shoreditch. bsigroup.ca |
尼克•戴纳(NickDana),媒体队员:尼克•戴纳是美国顶尖的离岸青年航海运动员之一,他来自罗德岛纽波特市。 iwc.com | Meet NickDana, Media Crew Member:Nick Danais is one [...] of the United States’ top young offshore sailors, hailing from Newport, Rhode Island. iwc.com |
图一:十位康宏代言人包括(由左起):康宏理财服务有限公司联席董事吴炜龙(NickNg)、助理联席董事卢艳萍(Agnes Lo)、联席董事梁子琪(Eva Leung)、助理联席董事罗金祥(Enoch Lo)、副总监傅惠贤(Zuriel Fu)、联席董事卓啓雄(Franky Cheuk)、联席董事吴婉奇(Christine Ng)、联席董事张言铭(Edwin Cheung)、助理联席董事梁惜君(Morise Leung)以及助理联席董事林正宏(Perseus Lam)。 convoyfinancial.com | Photo 1: 10 Convoy spokespersons including (from left to right): Mr. Nick Ng, Associate Director of Convoy Financial Services Limited; Ms. Agnes Lo, Assistant Associate Director of Convoy Financial Services Limited; Ms. Eva Leung, Associate Director of Convoy Financial Services Limited; Mr. Enoch Lo, Assistant Associate Director of Convoy Financial Services Limited; Mr. Zuriel Fu, Deputy Director of Convoy Financial Services Limited; Mr. Franky Cheuk, Associate Director of Convoy Financial Services Limited; Ms. Christine Ng, Associate Director of Convoy Financial Services Limited; Mr. Edwin Cheung, Associate Director of Convoy Financial Services Limited; Ms. Morise Leung, Assistant Associate Director of Convoy Financial Services Limited; and Mr. Perseus Lam, Assistant Associate Director of Convoy Financial Services Limited convoyfinancial.com |
休维特(NickHewitt)为兰开斯特环境中心大气化学教授,他也认为,蛋型感应器能开发未来可进一步研究的领域,也为住家提供宝贵资料。 thisbigcity.net | Nick Hewitt, Professor of Atmospheric [...] Chemistry at the Lancaster Environment Centre, agrees that the Egg should uncover areas for further research. thisbigcity.net |
在访问威灵顿期间,林郑月娥与新西兰副总理兼财政部部长及基础建设部部长Bill [...] English、新西兰环境部部长兼气候变化部部长及意外赔偿局部长DrNickSmith,以及新西兰民族事务部、妇女事务部部长、意外赔偿局副部长、能源资源部副部长黄徐毓芳会面。 devb.gov.hk | During her stay in Wellington, Mrs Lam met respectively with the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Finance and Minister for Infrastructure, Mr Bill English; the Minister for the Environment, Minister Responsible for Climate Change [...] Issues and Minister for Accident [...] Compensation Corporation,Dr Nick Smith, and the Minister [...]for Ethnic Affairs, Minister for [...]Women's Affairs, Associate Minister for the Accident Compensation Corporation, Disability Issues and Energy and Resources, Mrs Pansy Wong. devb.gov.hk |
一些来自岛内的新兴作家也开始崭露头角受到认可,比如来自班戈(Bangor)的科林·贝特曼(Colin Bateman)以及来自库克斯敦(Cookstown)的尼克·利艾德(NickLaird),现在都成为家喻户晓的人物。 discoverireland.com | Dubliner Roddy Doyle and Kerryman John B Keane are internationally feted for their evocative portraits of their home towns, while the renown of Northern authors and writers, such as Seamus Heaney from County Londonderry, and Brian Friel from Tyrone, resonates far beyond Irish shores. discoverireland.com |
为了在场景中保持自然、家庭化的效果,每一件物品都是Nick&Chloe真实拍摄的,并经可能不进行修图。 ba-repsasia.com | To retain a natural, homemade [...] effect in the props,Nick & Chloe shot everything [...]on camera and performed no retouching. ba-repsasia.com |
戈德堡出演的电视剧和电视节目还包括:《星空奇遇记之 星空奇兵》、《巴格达咖啡馆》、获得艾美奖提名的 HBO [...] 戏剧《黄昏时刻》、《灰姑娘》、《凯姆洛的武士》、《爱丽丝梦游仙境》、《魔幻帝国》、《布公仔圣诞奇遇》、Showtime 的《篱笆》和NickJr的《乌比的小汉堡》。 unicef.org | Ms. Goldberg’s television appearances include: Star Trek: The Next Generation; Baghdad Café; the Emmy-nominated HBO drama, In the Gloaming; The Wonderful World of Disney’s Rogers & Hammerstein’s Cinderella; A Knight in Camelot; Alice in Wonderland; The Magical Legend [...] of the Leprechauns; It’s a Very Merry Muppet Christmas Movie; Showtime’s Good Fences; and [...] Whoopi’sLittleburg on Nick Jr. unicef.org |
学校、童军 团和课後活动都有助於Nick学习社区事务,也让大家认识他。 brcenter.org | School, Scouts and afterschool [...] programs contributedtoNick’slearningabout [...]his community and people getting to know him. brcenter.org |
参与本次产品发布会的除了来自全国各地的八十多位客户以外,还有来自德国MR公司电能质量管理部(PQM)的BernhardNick先生,Ingo Ziemke 先生,Holger [...] Kretzschmar先生与MR中国总经理Markus Klein 先生以及中国 PQM 团队。 reinhausen.com | Alongside more than 80 guests from all [...] over China, the product launch was also [...] attended by Bernhard Nick, Ingo Ziemke and Holger [...]Kretzschmar from the Power Quality [...]Management (PQM) division of MR in Germany, Markus Klein, General Manager of MR China, and the Chinese PQM team. reinhausen.com |
歌手和电视节目主持人尼克·拉齐(NickLachey)及其爱妻、 “娱乐今宵”(Entertainment [...] Tonight)节目主持人凡妮莎·米妮洛(Vanessa Minnillo)打算在辛辛那提市抚养他们今年秋天即将出生的孩子。 tipschina.gov.cn | Singer and TVHost NickLachey and his wife [...] TV host Vanessa Minnillo of Entertainment Tonight plan to raise the baby they [...]are expecting this Fall in Cincinnati. tipschina.gov.cn |
设计和制造碳纤维弓箭的Victory [...] Archery公司工程和技术支持部门NickMeinert表示:“Velocitip系统兼具功能性和简单的用户界面,是测试箭术设备性能的利器。 analog.com | The functionality combined with a simple user interface make the Velocitip System a great tool [...] for anyone testing archery equipment [...] performance,”said NickMeinert, engineering [...]and technical support, Victory Archery, [...]which designs and manufactures carbon-fiber arrows. analog.com |