单词 | nfs | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 |
在不更改访问权限的状态下,应用程序服务器在NFSmount 失败时,会话数据会被保存到应用程序服务器 的会话数据保存区域。 help.cybozu.com | If you keep the permission unchanged, the session data will be stored in the session data storage area on the application server when the application server fails to mount via NFS. help.cybozu.com |
内建的NFS伺服器也免除了购买其它 NAS 设备的额外步骤,轻而易举就省去先前实际成本的百分之六十。 synology.com | The built-in NFSserver makesthe purchase [...] of additional NAS controllers a redundant step, easily saving over 60% of previously incurred costs. synology.com |
CNS选项支持CIFS和NFS连接,在一个集群中可从2个节点无缝的扩展到8个节点,架构上远远超出满足企业成长的需求。 moderntech.com.hk | The CNS option [...] supportsboth CIFSand NFS connectivitywith seamless [...]extensibility from two (2) to eight (8) nodes in a [...]cluster and architected to extend well beyond to meet the needs of growing enterprises. moderntech.com.hk |
尼欧迪克NFS是反吹空气清洁的全自动表面过滤器,除尘器压差小,运行经济。 neotechnik.com | The NEOTECHNIK surface filter NFSoperates fully automatically [...] with a reverse air cleaning system. neotechnik.com |
在Linux或Xen中驻留的超小驱动程序用是透明的,支持跨多种存储协议高速缓存,包括SCSI(本地DAS)、NFS、iSCSI、FCoE和FCP协议。 marvell.com.cn | An ultra-thin filter driver residing in Linux or Xen is transparent [...] to applications and supports caching across all storage protocols, [...] including SCSI(local DAS), NFS, iSCSI, FCoE and FCP. marvell.com |
当你在一个非空目录的位置加载一个文件系统(任何文件系统/磁盘,包括NFS)的时候,原来目录里面的内容就都不可见了,取而代之的是加载上的文件系统。 bsdmap.com | When you mount a filesystem (any [...] filesystem/diskincluding nfs) on anon empty directory [...]then the content of this directory [...]becomes invisible and you see the mounted filesystem. bsdmap.com |
网络文件系统NFS对于想要集中备份 home 目录的多个用户很有效。 bsdmap.com | The network file system, NFS, is really good if you [...] want to have centralized backup of home directories for several users. bsdmap.com |
标签:超级跑车,超级酷车,赛车,炫赛车,竞速赛车,极速赛车,3D极品赛车,极速3D赛车,NFS,死亡赛车,夺命狂奔,夺命狂飙,终极赛车。 apkzoom.com | Tags: Game, Super Need for speed, 3D need for super speed, speed racing [...] game, speed racing car, speed 3d racing, [...] speed 3d racing car, NFS, drift game, Need [...]for speed drift game, Need for speed shift, CSR Racing. apkzoom.com |
NFS(网路档案系统) — 使用执行 UNIX 作业系统的电脑或执行NFS用户端软体的 电脑提供档案共用。 seagate.com | NFS(Network File System)—Provides file sharing with computers running Linux or UNIX operating systems, or computers running NFS client software. seagate.com |
遵循下 列指示,以设定NFS存取。 support2.imation.com | Follow the instructions [...] below to configure NFS access. support2.imation.com |
当视窗NFS伺服器无法在唯读共用中适当处理档案作业时,存在阻断服务 (DoS) 漏洞。 hkcert.org | A denial of service vulnerability [...] exists when the WindowsNFS serverfails to properly [...]handle a file operation on a read-only share. hkcert.org |
配置一套NetApp的双机存储设备作为办公系统的主存储,用千兆以太网与IBM RS/6000和NT服务器相连,IBM [...] RS/6000小型机和NT服务器分别通过NFS和CIFS协议共享存储上的Lotus Notes数据。 co-founding.com | One set of NetApp dual storage equipment is equipped with as the main storage of office system, connecting with NT server and the IBM RS/6000 through Gigabit [...] Ethernet. The IBM RS/6000 PC and NT servers can share the Lotus Notes data [...] respectivelythrough NFS and CIFSprotocols. co-founding.com |
功能强大不仅支持FTP,还支持其它协议如SMB, SFTP,NFS,HTTP等。 javakaiyuan.com | Write a JAVA FTP client program . Powerful not only supports FTP, also supports other [...] protocols such as SMB, SFTP, NFS, HTTPand so on. javakaiyuan.com |
完整的网路通讯协定支援功能 (CIFS/SMB、AFP及NFS)确保Windows、Mac® [...] 及 Linux® 等平台之间能够毫无差池地共用档案。 synology.com | Comprehensive network protocol support [...] (CIFS/SMB, AFPand NFS) assures seamless [...]file sharing across Windows, Mac®, and Linux® platforms. synology.com |
可是,通过安装NFS和NIS,你可以把连这点小的不同也 隐藏起来,放心的使用和你同在一个网络的强劲的计算机上的CPU资源。 bsdmap.com | However with NFS andNISinstalled you [...] can even hide this small difference and use the full CPU power of the fastest machines [...]in your networks without thinking about it. bsdmap.com |
在此之前,他是纳索尔金融软件套装(NFS)业务发展部(巴基斯坦,拉合尔)的副总裁,负责的工作包括:NFS产品在亚洲和澳大利亚市场的业务推广(销售和市场方面)、客户管理、纳索尔中国办事处NFS相关的战略规划、制定及执行。 netsoltech.com | Prior to this appointment, Mr. Haider served as Senior Vice President NetSol Financial Suite-Business Development at NetSol Technologies Ltd. in Lahore, Pakistan. His tenure with NetSol Technologies Limited included business development (sales & marketing) of NetSol Financial Suite of products in Asia & Australia, Account Management of Developed Accounts, NetSol Financial Suiterelated strategic planning and Strategic Building and Execution of the NetSol Technologies China office. netsoltech.com |
使用 Linux 或 [...] UNIX 计算机上的远程NFS文件服务器(Network [...]File System,网络文件系统)。 stall.goip.de | Using anNFS file server (Network [...] File System) on a Linux or UNIX computer. stall.goip.de |
然后你可以在这个文件夹里放你想要的东西,比如应用程序、照片、文件...你可以把这个文件夹视为 "全世界的"NFS(网络文件系统) ...而没有NFS的安全缺点!那就是,对一个文件夹来说,你可以赋予每个用户独立的读写权限。 bsdmap.com | It can be applications, pictures, documents... You could [...] consider this folder as a "worldwide" NFS (NetworkFile System)... without [...]its security flaws ! bsdmap.com |
如果是从一个NFS服务器中使用 ISO 映像或 Red Hat Linux 的镜像映像来安装,你可以使用这种方法。 bsdmap.com | If you are [...] installing froman NFS serverusing ISO images [...]or a mirror image of Red Hat Linux, you can use this method. bsdmap.com |
如果 ISO SR 位於NFS伺服器上,而与该伺服器的连线暂时中断,可能需要重新启动 [...] XenServer 主机,才能重新取得连线。 support.citrix.com | If your ISO SR is onan NFS server and the connection [...] to the server is temporarily lost, you may need to restart your XenServer [...]host in order to regain connection. support.citrix.com |
利用与主流供应商提供的存储复制解决方案的认证集成,支持基于 iSCSI、光纤通道和NFS的解决方案 bigsurtech.com | Leverage certified integration with storage replication solutions from leading vendors, with support for [...] iSCSI, FibreChannel, and NFS-based solutions bigsurtech.com |
课程中您会学习到:-Linux 和 TCP/IP Internetworking [...] 基础概念-使用远程管理服务和工具-在一个混合环境下创建和使用Samba服务器 - 使用基本疑难排解工具和技术 - [...] 建立和配置动态主机配置协议(DHCP),域名系统(DNS),网络文件系统(NFS),cron daemon和网络信息系统服务(NIS)。 vast-talent.com | You will also set up and configure Dynamic Host [...] Configuration Protocol, Domain Name System (DNS), [...] Network FileSystem (NFS), the crondaemon, [...]and also Network Information Service (NIS). vast-talent.com |