

单词 -ness ,-able ,-less ,-ful ,-ment


proficient (refined ability)

a little


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与此同时,联合国教科文组织倡议将文化纳入共同国别 方案制定工作的能力亦得到了加强。
At the same time, UNESCO’s ability to advocate for the integration of culture into common country programming exercises has also been strengthened.
这些 VRS 後期选项的另一个 优点是它们不依赖於面,可让您删除空白背面页面,而不会有删除资料 很少的正面页面之风险。
Another advantage of these post VRS options is that they are side-independent, allowing you to delete blank back pages without the risk of deleting a front page with very little data.
从事地下工作、对健康构成危害的工作或特殊性质的工作的雇员,如 果在此类条件工作了至少每周三十个小时,工作时间要缩短。
Working time of employees engaged in underground work, work which poses a health hazard or work of a special nature is reduced if they work under such conditions for at least thirty hours per week.
一缔约国或一缔约组织单独接受一项保留,并不 能够产生使一项不允许的保留“得到允许”的效果或对保留或条约产生任何其他 效果,这一点是不成问题的,但若所有缔约国和缔约组织都明确认可在未得到一 致接受的情况下属于不允许的保留的一项保留,情况就不同了,而这正是准则 3.3.3 中设想的情况。
While there is little doubt that an individual acceptance by a contracting State or contracting organization cannot have the effect of “permitting” an impermissible reservation or produce any other effect in relation to the reservation or the treaty, the situation is different where all the contracting States and contracting organizations expressly approve a reservation that — without this unanimous acceptance — would be impermissible, which is the scenario contemplated in guideline 3.3.3.
最重要的是加强司法机构尤其是最高法院的工作,保障其有能力独立、安 全、自由和专业地履行责任,不受限制或压力。
It is essential to strengthen the work of the judiciary, especially the Supreme Court, guaranteeing its ability to exercise its responsibilities with independence, security, freedom and professionalism, without restrictions or pressure.
代表团对外部安全和对监狱工作人员 在火灾等紧急情况下采取有效和适当行动的能力持有严重保留。
The delegation had serious reservations about the external security and about the ability of the prison staff to take effective and appropriate action in case of an emergency, such as a fire.
他请委员会特别就下列方面提出前瞻性意见:不同计划的主要优先事项和次优先事项;它们与 《中期战略》的战略目标的相互关系;如何加强跨学科和跨部门的工作方法;把非洲、最不发达国 家、妇女和青年的需要贯穿于各项工作之中。
He invited the Commission to provide future-oriented indications in particular regarding the principal and other priorities of the different programmes, their interrelationship with the strategic objectives of the Medium-Term Strategy, the ways and means of ensuring enhanced transdisciplinarity and intersectorality, the mainstreaming of needs of Africa, the least developed countries, women and youth.
价值链网络要求的 更密切一体化,受益于确定共同标准与协作管理产品及零部件设计的能力、以及 价值链上使用信通技术的进行的中间生产和销售阶段的流动。
The closer integration expected within value chain networks benefits from the ability to define common standards and to collaboratively manage product and component design and the flow of intermediate production and distribution stages through the value chain using ICTs.
此外,宽型的后期处理排屑器(选项)和淋浴冷却液(标准)的组合提供了更高的屑片处理能力,可以长期自动运 行。
Additionally, the combination of a wide rear disposal chip conveyor (option) and shower coolant (standard) offers higher chip disposal ability, enabling long-term automatic operation.
所用溶剂的量将极大地影响粘合的强度:用量太少会导致粘合强度较弱;但是如果溶剂层 太厚,溶剂完全扩散粘结往往需要好几天,容易导致局部材料降解。
The quantity of solvent applied greatly influences the strength of the bond: the use of too little solvent leads to a weak bond; if the solvent layer is too thick, however, it can take days before the solvent is diffused out of the bond and local material degradation can occur.
例如,高产但提供经济价值不多的渔业将被放置在 四分圆A中;以从水产养殖设施放养的少数高价值物种为目标的获利 丰厚的休闲渔业被放置在D中。
For example, a highly productive fishery that provided very little economic value would be placed in quadrant A; a very lucrative recreational fishery that focused on a few high-value species that were stocked from aquaculture facilities would be placed in D.
大多 数最不发达国家由于经济状况而无法作出更多努力。
The economic situation in most least developed countries impedes their ability to do more.
但是, 因为它在接收端的能力仅限于队列邮件,所以,它通常和一个或两个其 他协议:POP3 或 IMAP 配合使用,这些协议允许用户在服务器邮箱中 保存邮件,以及定期从服务器下载它们。
However, since it is limited in its ability to queue messages at the receiving end, it is usually used with one of two other protocols, POP3 or IMAP, that allows the user to save messages in a server mailbox and download them periodically from the server.
我们将於该两个备受市场瞩目的项目负责设计及兴建高档物业,藉此展示我们发展优质物业的实力以及发挥 该地段最大价值的能力。
We will be designing and developing premium properties at both of these sought-after sites to showcase our strength and ability to extract the most value out of such locations.
因此,正如我所说,我们非常、非常明白居民面对的问题,但基本㆖,谘询 文件所提出的建议,目的是询问该区居民,看看他们可否再在㆒段有限的时间内忍耐 多㆒点的滋扰。
So as I say, we are very, very conscious of that problem but in essence, the proposals in the consultation paper are asking residents in those areas whether they can tolerate a little more nuisance for a further limited period of time.
即使在她意识到她有权利不受虐待的情况下,但对她离 开发生暴力的家庭却不会有多少或跟本没有社区对她的支持。
Even in cases where she suspects that she has a right not to be abused, there may be little or no community support for her to leave a household where violence is occurring.
没有其他人类活动能够象私营企业这 样将人员、资本和创新聚集在一起,创造生产型工作机会并提供有利可图的商品 和服务,这正是财富的源泉。
No other human activity matches private enterprise in its ability to assemble people, capital and innovation in order to create productive jobs and produce goods and services profitably — the source of wealth creation.
简单来说,蒸发变体、组合太快或太慢都是主要的 危险源,因为溶剂太多或太少附着效果都不好。
In the simple, evaporating variants, assembling either too soon or too late, is the major hazard, because too much or too little solvent does not allow adhesion to occur.
ARC 还提供 RAID 类别转换 (能够很容易地转换RAID类别), 在线扩容 (扩展 容量无需使服务器断电) 和回写热备功能 (当一 个故障硬盘被替换,数据自动从热备复制到恢 复的硬盘)。
ARC also offers RAID Level Migration (the ability to easily migrate RAID levels), Online Capacity Expansion (expand capacity without powering down the server), and Copyback Hot Spare (when a failed drive has been replaced, data is automatically copied from the hot spare back to the restored drive).
还有这样的情况,由于法官同时审理两个案件,法官之间往往 没有时间进行审议和协商,因为他们几乎总是在法庭上审理案件。
It is also the case that, when Judges sit in two cases at once, there is often little time for deliberations and consultations between the Judges due to the fact that they are almost always sitting in court.
伊朗伊斯兰共和国代表团指出,造成国际金融危机的许多管理缺陷仍 然需要加以治理,而对于纠正系统的不平衡和扭转全球经济的过度金融化并 没有采取什么措施。
The delegation of the Islamic Republic of Iran noted that many of the deficiencies in regulation that had caused the international financial crisis still needed to be addressed, and that little had been done to rectify systemic imbalances and reverse the over-financialization of the global economy.
由於无机汞的毒性较为轻微, 所以食物含有无机汞不会引起太大关注。
Dietary inorganic mercury is of little toxicological concern.
目前信件仍处于保密期,保密期截止其在年度报告中发布之日,该程 序可能造成少则两个月多则近两年的延迟,完全要视报告和信件时间的偶然性而 定。
At present, communications remain confidential until published in the annual report, a procedure which might involve a delay of as little as two months or one closer to two years, depending entirely on the fortuitous timing of the report and the communication.
There are many children like Augustina Felicity, living on the plantations in Sabah, most with little or no access to education.
您可以随时向家人转让股票(受制于管限证券销售的当地法律), 但如果您选择在资格期内向家人转让股票,您就无权在这些股票上获得奖励股票。
You may transfer Shares to family members at any time (subject to local laws governing sales of securities) but if you choose to transfer Shares to family members during the Qualification Period, you will lose the ability to receive Award Shares in respect of those Shares.
一只小狐狸决定化身为人形,他承诺 100 天内在人类当中找到真爱,然後揭示自己的真实身份,为让其他狐狸迁移到城市、过上新生活铺平道路。
The hero of the story, Little Fox, decides to incarnate himself into human form, promising to find true love among the humans within 100 days, to then reveal his true identity, paving the way for the rest of the foxes to migrate to a new life in the city.
有 关‘全球经济一体化’的空谈掩盖不了这样一个事实,对一些工业品出口贸易极少并很 少(如果有的话)出售发明的国家来说,授予专利给在国外完成并获得专利的发明创造 完全是无利可图的,只能够避免其它方面一些令人不快的外交报复。
No amount of talk about the “economic unity of the world” can hide the fact that some countries with little export trade in industrial goods and few, if any, inventions for sale have nothing to gain from granting patents on inventions worked and patented abroad except the avoidance of unpleasant foreign retaliation in other directions.
国际民航组织理事会认识到制定与健康风险程度相符的应急计划的关键重要性,通过了关于甲型 H1N1 流感病毒的现行健康威胁的声明,并强化了世界卫生组织的建议,即没有理由施行旅行限制,因 为这对于阻止病毒的传播作用甚微,却会对全球社会造成严重混乱。
Recognizing the critical importance of contingency planning commensurate with the level of health risk, the Council of ICAO has adopted a Declaration regarding the current health threat of the Influenza A (H1N1) virus and also reinforced the WHO recommendation that advises travel restrictions are not warranted, as they would have little effect on stopping the virus from spreading but would be highly disruptive to the global community.
国际石油公司(根据 PFC 能 源 50 强-基于市场价值对全球大型能源上市公司的排 名,最大的公司为西方石油公司、加拿大能源和戴文能 源公司)几乎都聚焦于上游产业(勘探与生产)运营, 下游产业(炼油与销售)基本为零。
IOCs (according to the PFC 50, a ranking of the world’s largest listed energy firms by market capitalisation, the biggest are Occidental, Encana and Devon Energy) focus almost exclusively on upstream (exploration and production) operations, with little downstream (refining and marketing) activity.
犹太末世只达到在基督和使徒教学的完成,而在民族宗教末世鲜玫瑰以上的个人看法,即使是这样,往往如此含糊,这么少的约束与任何神圣的正义和道德观念就足够retribu - tion,它几乎没有值得被列为宗教教职。
Jewish eschatology only attained its completion in the teaching of Christ and the Apostles; while in ethnic religion eschatology seldom rose above the individual view, and even then was often so vague, and so little bound up with any adequate notion of Divine justice and of moral retribu- tion, that it barely deserves to be ranked as religious teaching.




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