单词 | nem | ||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 |
hssFlex测试套件提供全面的IMS测试平台,使NEM和NSP能够执行全面的设备和端对端测试。 exfo.com | The hssFlex Test Suite provides a comprehensive IMS test [...] bed, allowing NEMs andNSPs to perform [...]comprehensive device and end-to-end testing. exfo.com |
网络设备制造商(NEM)和运营商/网络服务提供商(NSP)需要验证是否符合规格、功能、性能、互操作性、体验质量(QoE)和服务质量(QoS)要求。 exfo.com | Network equipment [...] manufacturers (NEMS) and operators/network [...]service providers (NSPs) need to verify adherence to specs, [...]functionality, capacity, interoperability, QoE and QoS. exfo.com |
h323Flex测试套件旨在帮助NEM和NSP在实验室环境使用实际的信息流负载,执行H.323到SIP互通测试。 exfo.com | The h323Flex Test Suite is [...] designed toassistNEMs and NSPs to perform [...]H.323 to SIP interwork testing, using real-world [...]traffic load in lab environments. exfo.com |
这可帮助NEM和NSP节约测试时间,并使其为最终用户提供最佳的服务质量。 exfo.com | This helpsNEMs andNSPssave testing [...] time and enables them to deliver the best quality of service for their end customers. exfo.com |
网络设备制造商(NEM)和网络服务运营商(NSP)需要广泛测试IMS和LTE网络,以便降低开发与部署复杂的新技术所导致的风险。 exfo.com | Network equipment manufacturers (NEMs)and network service [...] providers (NSPs) will need to perform extensive testing of both [...]the IMS and LTE networks to reduce the risks that are typically associated with developing and deploying new and complex technologies. exfo.com |
2011年,Audet先生担任系统集团经理,领导产品线经理团队,负责上述产品线以及整个NEM和制造产品线。 exfo.com | In 2011, M. Audet became System Group Manager, [...] leading a team of PLMs, covering the above-mentioned product lines as [...] well as the entireNEMs andmanufacturing [...]product line. exfo.com |
NEM和NSP的测试团队需要清楚了解这些器件之间的信息流状态,以便迅速发现并解决网络问题。 exfo.com | NEM and NSP testing teams [...] need a clear view of the status of the traffic between these elements in order to find and fix network errors fast. exfo.com |
收购Navtel Communications(面向NEM和运营商实验室的IMS和VoIP测试解决方案)。 exfo.com | Acquires Navtel Communications (IMS and VoIP [...] test solutions forNEMs andcarrier labs). exfo.com |
接入网、城域网和核心网中持续不断的技术融合使得网络设备制造商(NEM)面临挑战,他们需要快速建立价格适中、灵活且可扩展的解决方案,以提供网络服务提供商所需的功能并应对日益增长的带宽需求。 exfo.com | The unrelenting convergence of technology across access, metro and core [...] networks is challenging network [...] equipment manufacturers(NEMs) to rapidlybuild [...]affordable, flexible and scalable solutions [...]that deliver the functionality needed by network service providers (NSPs) and address the growing demand for more bandwidth. exfo.com |
然而,用于全面系统评估的规范还未开发出来,因此网络设备制造商(NEM)和运营商正根据各自在开发传统移动网络方面的经验,采用自己的方法将设备作为系统来进行评估。 exfo.com | However, specifications of integrated methodology [...] for the system evaluation have not been [...] established,so the NEMsand operators are [...]evaluating their equipment as a system [...]with their own methodology from the experiences in legacy mobile development. exfo.com |
可铸造通用型NEM基台“Flex Star”具有用于单牙修复(左图)或牙桥修复(右图)的两种型号,丰富了SIC种植体基台的修复产品系列。 sic-invent.com | The cast-on "Flex Star" universal non-preciousalloy abutments, available in a version for single tooth replacement (illustration on left) or for bridge restorations (illustration on right), complete the prosthestic product range of the SIC implant abutments. sic-invent.com |