释义 |
negative adjective—不利 adj ()不良 adj ()正面 adj ()Examples:esp. with negative, irresistible, unstoppable etc—dare (negative connotation)—it'd be a wonder if... (following a verb phrase that is usually negative)—(often used in the negative) permit or allow (dialect)—often in negative expressions, meaning "no worries about anything"—expect (often in negative combination, I never expected...)—take seriously (often with negative expression: "don't take it too seriously")—enjoy (usually in negative combination, meaning unable to enjoy)—(usually used in the negative) answer or reply to sb's question—has sth do with the matter (also used with negative)—relevant (used with negative mean totally irrelevant)—(in a negative or interrogative sentence) be sure—(math.) pseudosphere, a surface in ordinary space of constant negative curvature—let off lightly (often with negative: you won't get away with it)—(usually used in the negative) have the possibility of—only (classical, usually follows negative or question words)—(usu used in the negative) be of importance or to matter—reaching heaven in a single bound (idiom); (esp. with negative: don't expect) instant success—sound (often with negative, not a sound)—negative influence, effect that people's doings or behavior have on others (society)—Gram negative (bacteria that do not retain Gram stain, often the more dangerous kind)— |