

单词 M V System

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要在 Unix 工作站上手动设置System V机,应创建一个虚拟 设备文件,做为竞争打印任务之间的锁定机制。
To manually configure a new SystemVprinter on a Unix station, create a dummy device file that acts as a locking mechanism between contending print jobs.
1989年5月27日,亚美尼亚公V. Min a s y a n 在一辆埃里温至巴库的火车上 被捕,并被发现持有一个爆炸装置。
On 27May 1989, on a train from Yerevan to Baku, an Armenian citizen, V. Minasyan, was arrested and found to be in possession of an explosive device.
Ryobi®品牌 One+™SystemMilwaukee®V18列均为带来集团业务增长的重要产品。
The Ryobi® branded One+™ System
[...] and Milwaukee® V18™ programs arenotable product ranges [...]
that are feeding the expansion.
如附注2(m)(v),自 2009 年 12 月 31 [...]
日终了两年期起,这三项负债 均根据由一家独立、合格的精算公司进行的精算估值确定。
As disclosed in
[...] note 2 (m) (v), witheffectfrom [...]
the biennium ended 31 December 2009, all three liabilities are determined
on the basis of an actuarial valuation, which was undertaken by an independent, qualified actuarial firm.
莫斯科I.M.诺夫医学院社会和法庭精神病学系主任(自 1992 年起);俄 罗斯精神病和麻醉学家学会副会长(自 1995 年起)V.P.尔布斯基国立社会和 法庭精神病学研究中心主任(自 1998 年起);俄罗斯联邦卫生和社会发展部首席 精神病咨询专家(自 2005 年起);“人口”及“健康”等国家项目的专家(自 2006 年起)。
Head of the Department for Social and Forensic Psychiatry, I. M. Sechenov Medical Academy of Moscow (since 1992); Vice-Chairperson of the Russian Society of Psychiatrists and Narcologists (since 1995); Director, V. P. Serbsky State Research Centre for Social and Forensic Psychiatry (since 1998); Chief Consultative Expert Psychiatrist, Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation (since 2005); expert for the national projects “Demography” and “Health” (since 2006).
西班牙在 其应诉状中声称M/VLouisa”号船是因为违反关 于保护西班牙文化遗产的法律而被扣押的。
had been detained on account of violations of the law on the protection of Spanish cultural heritage.
这意味着定义的每台打印 机都将使用一个接口文件。在配置有 NICSystem V印设置 中,系统使用 RSHD 协议将数据从主机传输到打印服务器。
This means an interface file is used for each defined printer and, in the case of any System V print setup involving a NIC, the RSHD protocol is used to transfer data from the host to the print server.
M.V.Defne Y号 的。船上的船员和乘客没有抵抗,以色列军队顺利控制了船只。
The crew and passengers on board offered no resistance and the Israeli forces took control of the ship without incident.
联合王国感谢塞浦路斯共和国显示的警惕性与 合作,采取行动防止通过M/V戈尔斯克号”船 从伊朗转让和采购军火和有关物资。
The United Kingdom is grateful for the vigilance and cooperation demonstrated by the Republic of Cyprus in acting to prevent the transfer and procurement of arms and related materiel from Iran on the vessel
悬挂圣文森特和格林纳丁斯国旗M/VLouisa” 号船于 2006 年 2 月 1 日被西班牙当局截获,并且自 那时以来一直被扣押。
flying the flag of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, was arrested by the Spanish authorities on 1 February 2006 and has been detained ever since.
卓望公司通过产学研结合的方式,帮助中国移动开发移动数据业务产品,打造面向未来的新型移动互联网产业创新能力,先后自主研发了移动信息服务中心(MISC, Mobile Information Service Center)、业务信息管理系统( SIMS, Service Information ManagementSystem多种覆盖全国的超大型业务平台;凭借丰富的运营经验和全面的支撑能力,帮助中国移动运营支撑手机报、手机阅读、号簿管家(PIM)等数十种千万级用户规模的移动数据业务,辅助中国移动发展了139社区、移动微博、移动通讯录等亿级注册用户数的互联网业务,协助中国移动打造了“全球第一个运营商移动应用商场(Mobile Market)和中国移动安全认证(CA,Certificate Authority)中心;此外,还在终端测试、用户体验(UI/UE)、云计算等新业务领域展开积极探索,形成独特的核心价值。
By means of integrating production, learning and research, Aspire aids CMCC in developing its mobile data services and products to build up CMCC’s capability of introducing new future-oriented industrial innovation on mobile Internet. It has developed for CMCC various super-large business platforms that cover the whole nation such as Mobile Information Service Center (MISC) and Service Information Management System (SIMS); By virtue of considerable operational experience and full support capacity, Aspire helps CMCC in the operation and support of tens of mobile data businesses with a 10 million-level user base, such as mobile newspaper, mobile reading, and PIM, facilitates CMCC in the development of Internet businesses such as 139 community, mobile micro-blog, and i-Contact with 100 million-level subscribed customers, and helps CMCC to build the first Mobile Market of the world for carriers and the Center of Mobile Certificate Authority (CA) in China.
委员会还从另一会员国处接获了有关 M/VFrancop”号活动的进一步情况。
The Committee also received further information from another Member State on the activities of the
我们也认 为,法庭将通过解决悬而未决的海上争端,例如 2009 年孟加拉湾海上边界的划定、2010 年M/V莎” 号案和M/V尼亚 G”号案,继续展示它的能力 和专长。
We also believe that the Tribunal will continue to demonstrate its competence and expertise by resolving such pending maritime disputes as the 2009 delimitation of the maritime boundary in the Bay of Bengal, the 2010
委员会收到了 3 份通知:一个会员国根据委员会 先前有关提供信息的请求,证实委员会综合名单上指 定的个人和实体,都未在其管辖范围内拥有公司或股 票;一个会员国通知委员会,它在另一个主管成员国 的协助下,成功地处置了M/VHans a India”号船 上被没收的货物;以及一个会员国根据第 1737(2006) 号决议第 15 段和第 1747(2007)号决议第 4 段,表示 它打算批准释出资金,以便支付在一个实体被列名之 前所签合同的款项。
The Committee received three notifications: one from a Member State confirming, in response to the Committee’s earlier request for information, that none of the individuals and entities designated by the Committee’s consolidated list had been found to own companies or sharesunder its jurisdiction; one from a Member State informing the Committee of its successful disposal, with the assistance of another competent Member State, of the confiscated cargo aboard the vessel
以十字形模式,将空气阀紧固(V)拧紧 至指定扭力。
Retorque the air valve fasteners (V) in a crisscross pattern to specified torque.
关于第 18 号案件,2010 年 11 月 24 日,圣文森特 和格林纳丁斯向法庭提起诉讼,控诉西班牙,争端涉及 悬挂前者国旗的船M/VLouisa,据称西班牙当局于 2006 年 2 月 1 日扣留该船舶,并且其后一直扣押不放。
Regarding Case No. 18, on 24 November 2010, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines instituted proceedings against Spain before the Tribunal in a dispute concerning a vessel flying the flag of the former, the
成员们会记得,2009 年 7 月 24 日的第一项《执 行协助通知》载有一份事件报告,以及关于M/VMonchegorsk 号货轮上发现的与武器相关的物资和伊 朗伊斯兰共和国船运公司卷入的结论。
Members will recall that the first implementation assistance notice of 24 July 2009 contained an incident report and conclusions concerning the arms-related materiel found on board the M/V involvement of the Islamic Republic of Iran Shipping Lines (IRISL).
(m) 联海稳定团在执行安全理事会第 2012(2011)号决议授权的减少兵 力方面所取得的进展,评估为鼓励海地对安全和重建活动拥有更大的所有权进行 规划的情况,并审查根据当地安全局势总体改善情况调整联海稳定团部队配置的 潜力,同时要考虑到社会和政治现实对海地的稳定和安全的影响,海地国家能力 的日益发展,包括海地国家警察不断加强,国家当局越来越多地行使维护稳定和 安全职责等情况。
(m) Review the progress of implementation by MINUSTAH of the force reduction authorized by the Security Council in its resolution 2012 (2011), assess planning to encourage greater Haitian ownership of security and reconstruction activities and examine the potential for adjustments to MINUSTAH force configuration based on the overall improved security situation on the ground, taking into account the impact of social and political realities on stability and security, the increasing development of Haitian State capabilities, including the ongoing strengthening of the Haitian National Police, and the increasing exercise by the national authorities of their responsibility for the maintenance of stability and security.
(m)措施在预防移民、移民工人及其家人的二次和重复受害上获得成 功?
(m) What measures have been successful in preventing secondary and repeated victimization of migrants, migrant workers and their families?
(m)无 迹象显示某 法案将在有关的法案委员会完成工作後的一 段 合 理时间内恢复二读辩论,而法案委员会倘 有 此 决定,法 案委员会主席或代表法案委员会的任何 委员须向立法会提交 书面报告,并根据《议事规 则》第 21(3)条请求立法会主席批 准其就该 报告向立法会发言。
(m) In the situation where there is no indication that the second reading debate on a bill will resume within a reasonable time after completion of the Bills Committee’s work, the chairman or any member representing the Bills Committee shall, if the Bills Committee so determines, table a written report in the Council and seek the President’s permission to address the Council thereon under Rule 21(3) of the Rules of Procedure.
她建议将委员会的工作分为五个辩论单元: (i) 对项目 5.9 -- 体育运动部长及高官圆桌会议的后续活动和项目 5.10 -- 联合国大会宣布国际 体育运动年进行辩论;(ii) 对项目 3.1-- 关于《2006--2007 年计划与预算草案》的编制事宜展开 总辩论;(iii) 对《2004--2005 年计划与预算草案》重大计划 I 展开总辩论;(iv) 对项目 5.4、 5.17、5.20、7.5 和 7.7 进行辩论;以(v)委员会就 32 C/5 草案中的决议建议及执行局的有 关建议、就项目 5.9、5.20、7.5 和 7.7 提出的决议草案以及就会员国提交的有关文件 32C/5 和其他 议程项目的决议草案所提出的建议。
She proposed to divide the Commission’s work into five debates: (i) a debate on item 5.9 – Follow-up to the Round Table of Ministers and Senior Officials Responsible for Physical Education and Sport and item 5.10 – Proclamation by the United Nations General Assembly of an international year for physical education and sport; (ii) a general debate on item 3.1 – Preparation of the Draft Programme and Budget for 2006-2007; (iii) a general debate on Major Programme I of the Draft Programme and Budget for 2004-2005; (iv) a debate on items 5.4, 5.17, 5.20, 7.5 and 7.7; and (v) consideration of the recommendations of the Commission concerning proposed resolutions in Draft 32 C/5 and recommendations of the Executive Board thereon, draft decisions proposed under items 5.9, 5.20, 7.5 and 7.7, and draft resolutions submitted by Member States concerning document 32 C/5 and other items.
地位,特别是教育、试验和学习的方式;(ii)努力寻求人与环境和谐的新契约之天性;(iii)通 过与各种形式的知识的对话,推动科技进步;(iv)以人权与民主应对殖民主义、歧视和政
[...] 治、经济、社会和文化方面的排斥现象以(v),特别是诗歌,是人与自然,人与其同 [...]
Five major themes of convergence between these three authors were identified during that first informal reflection process: (i) the place of pedagogy in their work, especially through education, experimentation and learning; (ii) nature, in the form of the desire for the search for a new covenant of solidarity between humanity and its environment; (iii) scientific and technological progress, enriched by dialogue with all forms of knowledge; (iv) human rights and democracy in response to colonialism, discrimination and
political, economic, social and cultural
[...] exclusion;and,lastly (v) artand, [...]
in particular, poetry as a form of unique mediation
between people and nature, and between individuals and their fellows.
(v)他的家族权益、上文(iii)所述任何受托人(以受托人身份行事)及/或任何 [...]
受托人权益合计,直接或间接拥有的权益资本可行使或控制行使股东大会表决 权的 30%(或香港收购及合并守则不时指定为触发强制性全面收购的其他百分 比)或以上,或控制董事会多数成员组成的公司,或身为该公司附属公司或控
(v) any company in the
[...] equitycapital of which he, his family interests, [...]
any of the trustees referred to in (iii) above,
acting in their capacity as such trustees, and/or any trustee interests taken together are directly or indirectly interested so as to exercise or control the exercise of 30 per cent (or such other amount as may from time to time be specified in the Hong Kong Code on Takeovers and Mergers as being the level for triggering a mandatory general offer) or more of the voting power at general meetings, or to control the composition of a majority of the board of directors and any other company which is its subsidiary or holding company or a fellow subsidiary of any such holding company.
(v)本公司可实现其任何宗旨或为实现本公司章程的任何变更或为可能属合 宜的任何其他目的而获得任何命令、条例、宪章或国会法案,以及反对觉得 旨在直接或间接损害本公司利益的任何法律程序或申请。
(v) To obtain any order ordinance charter or Act of Parliament for enabling the Company to carry any of its objects into effect or for effecting any modification of the Company’s constitution or for any other purpose which may seem expedient and to oppose any proceedings or applications which may seem calculated directly or indirectly to prejudice the Company’s interests.
有关重选上述董事,本公司并无任何须根据上市规则第13.51(2)(h)至13.5 1(2)(v)任 何规定而作出披露的资料,亦无任何其他须敦请本公司股东注意的事项。
In relation to the re-election of the above Directors, there is no information to be disclosed pursuant to any of the requirements of the provisions of Rules 13.51(2)(h) to 13.51 (2)(v) of the Listing Rules, and there is no other matter which needs to be brought to the attention of the shareholders of the Company.
(v)向董事会发出一般通知,而该通知指出彼为某家公司或企 业之成员,并被视为於与该公司或企业於该通知日期後可能订立之任何合约或安 [...]
排中拥有权益,或被视为於与彼或彼等有关连之人士於该通知日期後可能订立之 任何合约或安排中拥有权益,则该通知须被视为有关合约或安排之充分权益披露
声明,惟该通知须已在董事会会议上提呈,或董事已采取合理步骤确保该通知在 发出後下一次董事会会议上将获提呈及阅读,该通知方为有效。
(v) A general
[...] noticeto the Board by a Director [...]
that he is a member of a specified firm or corporation and is to be regarded
as interested in any contract or arrangement which may be made with that firm or corporation after the date of such notice or that he is to be regarded as interested in any contract or arrangement which may be made with a specified person who is connected with him after the date of such notice shall be deemed to be a sufficient declaration of interest in relation to any contract or arrangement so made, provided that no such notice shall be of effect unless either it is given at a meeting of the Board or the Director takes reasonable steps to ensure that it is brought up and read at the next meeting of the Board after it is given.
可以提及以下实例:(a)延长登记的有 效期(登记延期);(b)在已登记通知确定两名或多名有担保债权人的情况下删除 一名有担保债权人;(c)增添一名有担保债权人;(d)在已登记通知确定两名或多 名设保人的情况下删除一名设保人;(e)增添一名设保人;(f)删除设保资产;(g)
更改设保人的身份识别特征;(h)更改有担保债权人的身份识别特征;(i)有担保 债权人转让附担保债务;(j)有担保债权人排序居次;(k)有担保债权人权利排序
[...] 居次;(l)更改设保人或有担保债权人的地址;(m)对担保权可予强制执行 的最高金额(如予适用)。
The following examples could be mentioned: (a) the extension of the effectiveness of a registration (renewal of a registration); (b) the deletion of a secured creditor where two or more secured creditors are identified in the registered notice; (c) the addition of a secured creditor; (d) the deletion of a grantor when two or more grantors are identified in the registered notice; (e) the addition of a grantor; (f) the deletion of encumbered assets; (g) the modification of the identifier of the grantor; (h) the modification of the identifier of the secured creditor; (i) the assignment of the secured obligation by the secured creditor; (j) the subordination by the secured creditor; (k) the subrogation of a secured creditor’s right; (l) the modification of the address of a grantor or secured
creditor; and (m) the modification in the maximum monetary amount for which the
[...] security right maybe enforced [...]
(if applicable).
该等措施包括由 2004年起设"M"制度,表扬和支持体育总会及其他体育团体 [...]
举办的大型体育活动,例如香港国际七人榄球赛、香港六人板球 赛及香港高尔夫球公开赛,以培养可持续发展的体育文化和为社 会带来实质经济利益;以及设立"核心赞助小组",为商业机构提供
These measures included
[...] the establishment ofthe "M"Mark System [...]
since 2004 to recognize and support major sports events
organised by NSAs and other sports organisations, such as the Hong Kong Rugby Sevens, Hong Kong Cricket Sixes, the Hong Kong Golf Open Championship, with a view to instilling a sustainable sporting culture and bringing tangible economic benefits to the community; and the setting up of the Core Sponsor Group to provide a platform for commercial organisations to support major sports events held in Hong Kong.
(m)的政府机构或办公室应立即将解除担保权的文件记录在案,免费 供公众查询,查询方式最好是电子查询。
(m) The relevant government agency or office should promptly record the filing of documentation reflecting release of the security right in its records, with free public accessibility, preferably through electronic means.




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