单词 | moscrif | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 |
因为Moscrif让开 发者可以只使用一种代码库,所以就不需要为所有需要的移动操作系统迁移应用程序。 infoq.com | BecauseMoscrif allowsthe developer [...] to use only one single codebase, there is no need to port the application for all the [...]desired mobile operating systems. infoq.com |
MoscrifSDK还包含了集成开发环境和用于发布本地应用程序安装文件的工具,它可以在各种应用程序市场或者业务环境中上传。 infoq.com | TheMoscrif SDK also includes [...] an integrated development environment (IDE) and tools for publishing native application installation [...]files which can be uploaded on various application markets or business environments. infoq.com |
MoscrifSDK包含了独立的集成环境(IDE),不需要像针对Eclipse的Android开发工具那样需要安装额外的框架或者SDK,或者任何第三方的工具。 infoq.com | Moscrif SDK includesastandalone [...] integrated environment (IDE) that doesn't require the installation of an additional framework [...]or SDK such as Android Developer Tools with Eclipse, or any 3rd party tools. infoq.com |
他们计划允许对Moscrif进行扩展,增加自定义的本地编写的类,这意味着开发者有可能会创建自己的本地类。 infoq.com | It has been planned to allow [...] the extension of Moscrif withcustomnatively [...]written classes, meaning that the developers [...]will have the possibility to create own native classes. infoq.com |
在Moscrif中没有JIT编译,原因之一是iOS中禁用了可写和可执行的内存区。 infoq.com | There is no [...] JIT compilationin Moscrif, one ofthereasons [...]being the fact that writable and executable memory regions in iOS are disabled. infoq.com |
发布工具大部分是使用Moscrif编写的,使用了移动平台SDK的一些核心二进制代码。 infoq.com | The publishing tools are [...] mostly writteninMoscrif anduse some core [...]binaries from mobile platforms’ SDK. infoq.com |
不久之后也会支持桌面操作系统,像Windows和Mac OS,这样即便是最古老的学校中的PC用户也可以运行 Moscrif应用 程序。 infoq.com | Desktop operating systems such as Windows or Mac OS are coming soon so even the [...] old-school PC users can run Moscrif’applications. infoq.com |
使用Moscrif编程 只需要一位程序员,他会自动覆盖所有支持的平台。 infoq.com | Only one programmer is [...] needed to program in Moscrif, and he willautomatically [...]cover all supported platforms. infoq.com |
Jozef Pridavok是Moscrif的CEO,该家公司创建了MoscrifSDK——当前市场上针对移动开发最有效的解决方案。 infoq.com | Jozef Pridavok is the CEO of Moscrif, thecompany which created MoscrifSDK-the most [...] efficient solution for mobile development currently on the market. infoq.com |
动画、变换、粒子系统完全是是用Moscrif's脚本编写的。 infoq.com | Animations, transitions, particles system is [...] completely written inMoscrif's script. infoq.com |
另外,他们也可能会创建完整的本地应用程序或者游戏,只在某些部分使用 Moscrif:例如,创建带有本地UI控件(分别针对Android和苹果的设备)的本地应用,但是把业务逻辑放在脚本中(来支持跨平台)。 infoq.com | Also they will have the possibility [...] to create completely native applications [...] or games and use Moscrifin some parts: e.g. [...]to create a native app with native UI [...]controls (separately for Android and iDevice), but to keep the business logic in script (to leverage cross-platform). infoq.com |
Moscrif是一 种针对移动应用程序开发的跨平台解决方案。 infoq.com | Moscrifisa cross-platform [...] solution for mobile application development. infoq.com |
只有在开发者想要把应用程序发布到Google play、Apple应用商店、三星应用商店等的时候,才需要这个在 Moscrif服务 器上签名的过程。 infoq.com | This process of signing on a Moscrif server is necessary only when a developer wants to publish the application to Google Play, Apple App Store, Samsung Apps etc.. infoq.com |
只要了解流行的JavaScript就足够了,其他工作交给 Moscrif就好。 infoq.com | The knowledge of popular JavaScript is sufficient and the rest is [...] all taken care of by Moscrif. infoq.com |
本地类是Moscrif脚本编写的类的基础。 infoq.com | It doesn't require knowledge of low level languages like C, C++ or Objective-C. Native classes are the foundation for the classes written in Moscrif's script. infoq.com |
Moscrif基于强大的JavaScript引擎构建,它让你可以快速开发,同时保持高质量和高性能。 infoq.com | Built on the top of a powerful [...] JavaScript engine, Moscriflets you develop fast [...]while preserving high quality and performance. infoq.com |
Moscrif可以用于构建交互性的2D游戏,而对业务应用的支持也在日程上了。 infoq.com | Moscrif canbeused to build [...] interactive 2D games with business applications support on the schedule. infoq.com |