释义 |
Examples:cannot stand by idly and watch—fig. by the barrowload (i.e. lots and lots)—lit. convinced in heart and by word (idiom); sincerely convinced and ready concede—lit. by the thousands and tens of thousands (idiom); untold numbers—lit. heard in the morning and changed by the evening—hand foot and mouth disease, HFMD, caused by a number of intestinal viruses, usually affecting young children—putty (used by plumbers and glaziers)—chunks obtained by repeatedly cutting a vegetable diagonally and rotating the vegetable after each cut—heaven falls and earth rends (idiom); rocked by a major disaster—scorched and drenched by sun and rain (idiom); suffer from exposure the elements—ritual kneeling by bride and groom in a old-fashioned wedding ceremony—Diaoyu or Senkaku Islands between Taiwan and Okinawa (administered by Japan), also known as the Pinnacle Islands—Yuanmingyuan, the Old Summer Palace, destroyed by the British and French army in 1860—lit. fettered by fame and locked up by riches (idiom); tied down by reputation and wealth—hide by day and come out at night—replaced by Qamdo, Zhag'yab and Jomdo counties in 1999—goods in the command economy that are not graded by quality and uniformly priced—Qu Qiubai (1899-1935), politician, Soviet expert of the Chinese communists at time of Soviet influence, publisher and Russian translator, captured and executed by Guomindang at the time of the Long March—Confucius Institute, organization established internationally by the PRC, promoting Chinese language and culture—determine the root of a word by removing prefix and suffix—Liu Binyan (1925-2005), journalist and novelist, condemned by Mao as rightist faction in 1957, subsequently dissident writer—compiled and published by Imperial command (old)—lit. count by fives and tens (idiom); narrate systematically and in full detail—advance by leaps and bounds—ritual kneeling heaven and earth by bride and groom in a old-fashioned wedding ceremony—the Strawberry Generation (Taiwanese term, often sarcastic, for those born between 1980 and 1991, well off and influenced by advertising)—stand by and pay no heed—Lamivudine, reverse transcriptase inhibitor marketed by GlaxoSmithKline and widely used in the treatment of hepatitis B and AIDS—fig. surrounded by enemies, isolated and without help—food prepared by stewing in soy sauce and spices—affected by damp and cold—Jeanne d'Arc (1412-1431), French heroine and liberator, executed as a witch by the Burgundians and English—lit. abandoned by men and choked with weeds—smoke and baking fire (idiom); surrounded by flames and smoke—old worries with new hatred added (idiom); afflicted by problems old and new—Deutsch-französische Jahrbücher (published once in 1844 by Karl Marx and bourgeois radical Arnold Ruge)—wedding photos (done in studio, kit and caboodle taken care of by the studio)—be kind and love one another (idiom); bound by deep emotions—rise up by thrift and hard work [idiom.]—approve by nodding one's head and smacking one's lips [idiom.]—tossed about by the wind and rain [idiom.]— |