单词 | Michel | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 |
此外,沈先生和国际证监会组织技术委员会副主席MrMichelPRADA 提出了两个非常核心的问题,这也是法案委员会和公民党所关注的问题。 legco.gov.hk | Besides, Mr SHENG and the Deputy Chairman of the Technical Committee of [...] International Organization for [...] Securities Commissions,MrMichel PRADA,had drawn our [...]attention to two core issues, which [...]are also of concern to the Bills Committee and the Civic Party. legco.gov.hk |
法国IRCAD总裁Jacques [...] Marescaux教授、资讯科学研究专案经理Luc Soler教授、消化道外科医师MichelVix博士,展示IRCAD的所有研究及教育活动发展。 websurg.com | Professor Jacques Marescaux, President of the IRCAD, Professor Luc [...] Soler, Research Project Manager in Computer [...] Sciences, and Dr. MichelVix, digestive surgeon, [...]demonstrated all research and educational [...]activities developed at the IRCAD. websurg.com |
我的收藏中的最后一款是1993年的斯沃琪Musicall [...] - 他们的第一款含有Jean-MichelJarre的音乐铃声表。 iontime.ch | The final piece in my collection is the Swatch Musicall from 1993 – their first timepiece with an [...] alarm melody byJean-MichelJarre. iontime.ch |
也是在第 12 次会议上,下列应答人作了陈述:诺华可持续发展基金会主席 兼执行主任 Klaus Leisinger、国际制药商协会联合会代理总干事 Mike Boyd、 非洲全球卫生和社会变革中心执行主任 [...] Francis Omaswa 和全球基金执行主任MichelKazatchkine。 daccess-ods.un.org | Also at the 12th meeting, presentations were made by the following respondents: Klaus Leisinger, President and Executive Director, Novartis Foundation for Sustainable Development; Mike Boyd, Acting Director-General, International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and Associations; Francis Omaswa, Executive [...] Director, African Centre for Global Health and Social [...] Transformation; and MichelKazatchkine, Executive [...]Director, Global Fund. daccess-ods.un.org |
Jean-MichelFolo n (让•米歇尔•弗伦)是比利时艺术家,以海报和杂志插图广为闻名,他的作品总是运用各种各样的材料和媒体,这一点也相当着名。 swatch.com | Jean-MichelFolon was a Belgian [...] artist widely known for his posters and magazine illustrations but also for his work with [...]a broad range of materials and mediums. swatch.com |
演出将联合包括香港城市室乐团共69名乐师,米榭‧李葛兰担任乐团指挥,并将亲自用钢琴参与演奏几首曲目,来自巴黎歌剧院的Cathe rineMichel将担任竖琴独奏。 consulfrance-hongkong.org | The show will feature the City Chambers Orchestra of Hong Kong with 69 musicians on stage, Michel Legrand [...] conducting the orchestra and playing piano himself on a few [...] songs, andCatherineMichel,soloist harpist from [...]the Opera de Paris. consulfrance-hongkong.org |
下列小组成员作了讲述:全球疫苗和免疫联盟首席执行干事 Julian Lob-Levyt;全球抗击艾滋病、结核病和疟疾基金执行主任MichelKazatchkine; 世界银行拉丁美洲和加勒比人类发展处处长 Keith Hansen;联合国秘书长创新性 发展筹资问题特别顾问菲利普·杜斯特-布拉齐;世界卫生组织保健系统和服务 助理总干事 Carissa Etienne;加拿大总理二十国集团(8 国)峰会和二十国集团 (20 国)峰会私人代表 Leonard J.Edwards。 daccess-ods.un.org | The following panellists made presentations: Julian Lob-Levyt, Chief Executive Officer, GAVI Alliance; Michel Kazatchkine, Executive Director, Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria; Keith Hansen,Sector Director for Human Development in Latin America and the Caribbean, World Bank; Philippe Douste-Blazy, Special Adviser to the Secretary-General on Innovative Financing for Development; Carissa Etienne, Assistant Director-General for Health Systems and Services, World Health Organization; and Leonard J. Edwards, Personal Representative of the Prime Minister of Canada for the Group of Eight (G-8) and Group of Twenty (G-20) Summits. daccess-ods.un.org |
国际海底管理局专家斯特拉斯堡大学MichelHoffert 教授是海矿资源公司的 [...] 专属科学顾问。 daccess-ods.un.org | Professor MichelHoffert, an expert [...] to the International Seabed Authority from the University of Strasbourg, is an exclusive scientific adviser to GSR. daccess-ods.un.org |
在国际淡水年之际,并在第三次京都世界水论坛之前举行的这次谈话,共邀请了四位国际闻 名的专家与会:埃及水资源和灌溉部部长、世界水理事会主席 Mahmoud Abu - Zeid [...] 先生; 法国科学院院士、国民教育、研究和技术部前部长 Claude Allegre 先生;国际水事筹资小组 [...] 主席、国际货币基金组织前总干事MichelCamdessus 先生和科学家、未来展望学家 [...]Charles Vorosmarty。 unesdoc.unesco.org | This Talk, held on the occasion of the International Year of Freshwater and in the run-up to the Third World Water Forum in Kyoto, brought together four leading international experts: Mr Mahmoud Abu-Zeid, Egyptian Minister of Water Resources and Irrigation and President of the World Water Council (WWC), Mr Claude Allègre, member of the French Academy of Sciences and former [...] French Minister of Education, Research and [...] Technology, Mr MichelCamdessus, Chairman [...]of the World Panel on Financing Water [...]Infrastructure and former Managing Director of the IMF, and scientist and futurologist Charles Vörösmarty. unesdoc.unesco.org |
如果没有Michel(Devernay) 的支持,我不可能取得这样的成绩。 lamborghini.com | What I have achieved would be impossible if it wasn’t for [...] the support of Michel(Devernay). lamborghini.com |
这是我参加的第四个赛季,也是我第二次得奖,这真的令人难以置信,特别是这个赛季对我而言是一次巨大的考验,比赛非常非常困难,而这也是我如此渴望为自己、为团队和Michel赢得比赛的原因。 lamborghini.com | This is my fourth season and my second title, which is unbelievable, especially as this [...] season has been a big test, very very difficult and that's why I wanted to win so [...] much for myself, the team and Michel. lamborghini.com |
他曾从师于法国最优秀的爵士乐大师之一——MichelSardaby,学习钢琴爵士乐。 yugongyishan.com | Born in Paris, Lier studied piano jazz with one of the finest jazz [...] masters inFrance, Michel Sardaby. yugongyishan.com |
在这项工作计划下开展勘探活动期间,MichelHoffert 教授将保持海矿资源公司的顾问身份。 daccess-ods.un.org | Professor Hoffert will maintain his advisory role to GSR during exploration activities under the plan of work. daccess-ods.un.org |
在开幕仪式上,巴西总统卢拉宣布可持续移动性是“需要立即解决的巨大挑战”,并对米其林集团管理合伙人MichelRollier 选择拉丁美洲来主办本次活动表示感谢。 bksv.cn | At the opening ceremony, Brazilian President Lula declared sustainable mobility to be "an enormous challenge [...] that needs to be addressed immediately", [...] before thanking Michel Rollier,Managing [...]Partner of the Michelin Group, for choosing [...]Latin America to host the event, which is the only one of its kind. bksv.com |
WebSurg及其创办者,Jacques Marescaux教授、Didier [...] Mutter教授、Joël Leroy教授和MichelVix医 师,都是国际公认的手术领域和远距手术专家,期望透过该网站加速知识的传播以及全球科技的创新,让外科医师及其团队能够直接获取最新的手术进展,进而提高病患的舒适度与福祉。 websurg.com | WebSurg and its scientific founders, Professor Jacques Marescaux, [...] Professor Didier Mutter, Professor [...] Joël Leroy and DoctorMichel Vix, all internationally [...]recognized experts in the fields [...]of surgery and telesurgery, aim to accelerate the diffusion of knowledge and technological innovations throughout the world, in order to offer surgeons and their teams direct access to the latest developments in surgery and to improve patient comfort and well-being. websurg.com |
法国外交部人文与考古中心负责人让-米歇尔•卡斯巴里安( Jean-MichelKasbarian)认为,考古发掘现场更具典范意义, [...] “其出色使命是促进多学科研究、创新和高等教育合作,最大程度地发挥合作伙伴关系的作用,在科学技术方面产生了非常重要的影响。 consulfrance-hongkong.org | An exemplary excavation [...] according to Jean-Michel Kasbarian, head [...]of the Human Sciences and Archaeology Centre at the Ministry [...]of Foreign and European Affairs: “A good mission is one that promotes a multidisciplinary approach, innovation and cooperation between universities, brings the largest possible number of partnerships into play, and has a significant impact on science and technology. consulfrance-hongkong.org |
监於不 可撤回承诺订约方 Asian Wide 为汉登的主要股东,持有MichelRene Enterprises Limited(为本公司持有 68%股权的附属公司,而孔金康及孔仕杰为该公司的董事)的 32% 股权,亦是上市规则第 14A 章所界定的控制人,出售事项根据上市规则 14A.13(b)(i)条 亦将构成本公司的关连交易。 ygmtrading.com | Given Asian Wide, which is a party to the Irrevocable Undertaking, is a substantial shareholder of Hang Ten and it is a controller within the meaning under Chapter 14A of the Listing Rules by virtue of its 32% shareholdings in Michel Rene Enterprises Limited, a 68% owned subsidiary of the Company, and DK and KH are directors of such company, the Disposal will also constitute a connected transaction for the Company under Rule 14A.13(b)(i) of the Listing Rules. ygmtrading.com |
继江诗丹顿亚太区董事总经理柏尚文先生( Jean-MichelParay)和高登钟表(Cortina)代表杰里米·李(Jeremy [...] Lim)及江诗丹顿新加坡品牌大使的演讲之后,150多位来宾共同欣赏了一场镭射激光和击鼓表演。 vacheron-constantin.com | Over 150 guests were treated to a laser and drum show, followed by [...] speeches fromJean-Michel Paray, Vacheron [...]Constantin’s Asia Pacific Director and [...]Jeremy Lim, Cortina’s representative and Vacheron Constantin’s ambassador in Singapore. vacheron-constantin.com |
天文学奖 - 颁予美国加州大学伯克莱分校天文学教授的杰弗里‧马西教授 (Professor Geoffrey [...] Marcy)和瑞士日内瓦大学天文学教授的米歇尔‧麦耶教授 (ProfessorMichelMayor),为表彰他们最早发现太阳系以外的一个恒星的行星,了解其质量与轨道,从而引导出对行星之产生的革命性的新认识。 shawprize.org | jointly awarded to Professor Geoffrey [...] Marcy of University of California, Berkeley [...] and Professor Michel Mayor ofUniversity [...]of Geneva for finding and characterizing [...]the orbits and masses of the first planets around other stars, thereby revolutionizing our understanding of the processes that form planets and planetary systems. shawprize.org |