Michael C. Hall:
Michael Carlyle Hall (born February 1, 1971) is an American actor, known for his role as Dexter Morgan in the Showtime TV Network "Dexter", and as David Fisher on the HBO drama series "Six Feet Under". In 2010, Hall won a Golden Globe Award and a Screen Actors Guild Award for his role in "Dexter".
米高·C·賀爾(Michael C. Hall,1971年2月1日-)是一名美國電影及電視演員,因在HBO電視劇《六呎風雲》中飾演大衛·費雪(David Fisher)而漸露頭角,現時則在Showtime電視劇《双面法医》中飾德克斯特·摩根(Dexter Morgan)。
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Michael C. Hall米高·C·賀爾