单词 | Mercier | ||||||||
释义 |
若您寻觅一款既具备基本计时功能,又可充当首饰的精美时计,那么应将BAUME&MERCIER(名士表)列入圣诞节礼品清单中。 wthejournal.com | And this year's new watches are full of surprises... If you are seeking a timepiece that is both a standard [...] instrument but also a piece of jewelry down to its tiniest details, look no further for your [...] Christmas list thanBaume& Mercier. wthejournal.com |
法国国家计算机科学及自动控制研究所(INRS)的首席调查员GuyMercier博士表示,他和他的团队正在开发一个在经济上具有吸引力的过程,其将很容易地集成到现有的设施中,并使用在魁北克的简单和大量的岩石、废弃混凝土或矿山尾矿。 captureready.com | Lead investigator Dr. Guy Mercier, of the Institut [...] national de la recherche scientifique (INRS), says he and his team are [...]developing an economically attractive process that could easily be integrated into existing facilities and use simple and abundant rocks, waste concrete or tailings from mines in Quebec. captureready.com |
加拿大碳管理组织(CMC)是支持减少化石能源行业与其他大型固定排放源的二氧化碳排放的研究的一个联邦卓越研究中心网络,该组织将在2年内为Mercier及其团队提供30万加元的资金。 captureready.com | Carbon Management Canada (CMC), a federal Network of Centres of Excellence that supports research to reduce CO2 emissions in [...] the fossil energy industry and other large stationary [...] emitters, isprovidingMercier and his team$300,000 [...]over two years. captureready.com |
合伙人还选举前首席执行官布克哈德•施万克、文森特•梅歇(VincentMercier)(61岁,常驻巴黎)和斯蒂芬•沙布雷(Stefan [...] Schaible)(42岁,常驻汉堡)为监事会成员。同时入选的还有维特•施文肯多夫(Veit Schwinkendorf)(44岁,常驻杜塞尔多夫)和远藤功(53岁,东京)。 rolandberger.com.cn | The Partners also elected former CEO Burkhard [...] Schwenker, Vincent Mercier(61, Paris) and [...]Stefan Schaible (42, Hamburg) to the Supervisory [...]Board, which also comprises Veit Schwinkendorf (44, Düsseldorf) and Isao Endo (53, Tokyo). rolandberger.com.cn |