单词 | maul | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 |
如果maul第二次停止向前移动而且球正在移动,裁判员并且可 [...] 以看见球时,裁判员将允许合理时间让球浮现。 irblaws.com | Ifthe maulstops moving forward [...] a second time and if the ball is being moved and the referee can see it, a reasonable time [...]is allowed for the ball to emerge. irblaws.com |
所有卷入maul的球员,都必须被捉在其中或夹紮在其中,而且两脚 [...] 站立并朝向阵线移动。 irblaws.com | All the players involved must be caught in [...] or bound to the maul and mustbe on [...]their feet and moving towards a goal line. irblaws.com |
之 後,如果该maul固结不动或停止向前移动超过5秒钟或球成为无法比赛, [...] 而且被命令scrum时,由该接球员的队投进球。 irblaws.com | Thenif the maul remainsstationary, [...] stops moving forward for longer than 5 seconds, or if the ball becomes unplayable, [...]and a scrum is ordered, the team of the ball catcher throws in the ball. irblaws.com |
(b) 如果maul中的球成为无法比赛或maul非暴行结果崩塌而被命令scrum时,该maul非顺利结束。 irblaws.com | (b) Amaul ends unsuccessfully if the ball becomes unplayable or collapses (not as a result of foul play) and a scrum [...] is ordered. irblaws.com |
Maul开始於持球员被一名或多名敌方球员所擒捉,而有一名或多名持球员的队友 [...] 夹紮上该持球员的时候。 irblaws.com | Amaul beginswhen a playercarrying [...] the ball is held by one or more opponents, and one or more of the ball carrier’s team [...]mates bind on the ball carrier. irblaws.com |
如果该球员从最後一名队友前面再加入maul时,他是越位的。 irblaws.com | If the player [...] rejoinsthe maul infront of the hindmost team-matein themaul,theyare offside. irblaws.com |
如果裁判员无法 决定那一队占球,由maul停止前向前推进的一队投进。 irblaws.com | If the referee cannot decide which team had possession, the team moving [...] forward before themaul stopped throws in [...]the ball. irblaws.com |
(b) 当球还在maul中时,球员不许采取任何动作让对方球员以为球从maul出现。 irblaws.com | (b) A player must not take any action to make the opposing team think that the ball is out of the maul whileit is stillin the maul. irblaws.com |
只要scrum, ruck或maul被推越达阵线时,球员就可以合法压球触地,而构成挽球成立或达阵成功。 irblaws.com | As soon as a [...] scrum, ruck ormaul is pushed across [...]the goal line, a player may legally ground the ball. irblaws.com |
因此maul的开始是至少由持球员以外两队各一名合计三 [...] 名球员组成。 irblaws.com | Amaul thereforeconsists, [...] when it begins, of at least three players, all on their feet; the ball carrier and one player from each team. irblaws.com |
要构成这种情况必须是所有参加ruck或maul球员的脚都 已越过出界线。 irblaws.com | For this to happen, all the feet of all the players [...] in the ruck or maulmust haveleft [...]the line of touch. irblaws.com |
如果任何在越位线後面的球员踩越越位线 而不加入maul时,该球员是越位的。 irblaws.com | If any player who is behind the offside line oversteps it and does [...] not jointhe maul, theplayer is [...]offside. irblaws.com |
如果有类似maul的比赛在极阵内发生,这规定仍然 适用。 irblaws.com | This would apply if [...] play similar to a maul takes placein in-goal. irblaws.com |
当有防守队球员在22公尺区外操控球, [...] 而球进入该球员的22公尺区或得分区而碰触到敌方球员,或有tackle发生 或有ruck或maul被组成,而後该球被防守队球员直接踢出界时,投进是 [...]在球出界的地方。 irblaws.com | When a defending player plays the ball from outside the 22 and it goes into that player’s 22 or in-goal area and it touches [...] an opposition player, or a tackle takes [...] place or aruck or maul is formed and [...]then the ball is kicked by a player of that [...]team directly in touch, the throw-in is where the ball went into touch. irblaws.com |
(g) 如果在maul中的持球员倒地,包括单脚或双脚跪地或坐到地上时,裁判 员将命令scrum,除非球即刻可以提供比赛。 irblaws.com | (g) If the [...] ball carrierin a maulgoes to ground, including [...]being on one or both knees or sitting, the referee orders a [...]scrum unless the ball is immediately available. irblaws.com |
(e) 当maul停止向前移动以後,可以再出发向前移动,只要它是在5秒钟以内 [...] 这样做。 irblaws.com | (e) When a maulhas stoppedmoving [...] forward it may start moving forward again providing it does so within 5 seconds. irblaws.com |
(d) 球员不加入maul:所有在越位线前面而不加入maul的球员必须即刻退到 越位线後面。 irblaws.com | All players in front of the [...] offside line and who do not join themaul,mustretire behind the offside line [...]at once. irblaws.com |
(g) 参加maul的不持球方球员, 自动脱离maul集团後, 可以再参加maul,若这 时maul集团没有其他队友, 这球员必须首先夹紮持球方最前面的球员来参加maul。 irblaws.com | (g) When playersof the team who are not in possession of the [...] ball in the maul voluntarily leave the maul such that there are no players of that team left in the maul, players of that team may rejoin the maul providing that the first player binds on the foremost player oftheteam in [...]possession of the ball. irblaws.com |
罚则:对应於违犯地点,在违犯队的越位线上罚踢 (f) 参加maul不持球方的球员自动脱离maul集团後,若这时maul集团巳没有 其他队友,maul将会继续组成,这时将会有两条越位线,持球方以maul集团中最後面队友的後脚为越位线,不持球方则以持球方最前面参加maul球员的前脚为越位线。 irblaws.com | (f) When players of the team who are not in possession of the ball in themaul voluntarily leave the maulsuch that there are no players of that team left in themaul,the maul maycontinue and there are two offside lines. irblaws.com |