正如日本首相菅直人在大会讲话(见 A/65/PV.14) 中所强调的那样,日本提供援助的方式,将使阿富汗 人民能够感到生活的切实改善。 daccess-ods.un.org | As Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan stressed in his address at the General Assembly (see A/65/PV.14), Japan will provide assistance in such a way that the people of Afghanistan will be able to perceive tangible improvements in their lives. daccess-ods.un.org |
米德拉士致力于圣经的论述,结果被的halakah(comp.短语“MI -根ameru”[=“从这儿开始的先贤说” ],这经常发生在其中的tannaitic米德拉士和服务引入halakic扣除从注释)。 mb-soft.com | The Midrash is devoted to Biblical exposition, the result being the Halakah (comp. the phrase "mi-kan ameru" [= "beginning here the sages have said"], which occurs frequently in the tannaitic Midrash and which serves to introduce halakic deductions from the exegesis). mb-soft.com |
另外,正如菅直人首相向卡尔扎伊总统强调的那 样,阿富汗政府必须引导我们并继续采取坚决措施解 决腐败问题,确保在国家和省一级的善治。 daccess-ods.un.org | At the same time, as Prime Minister Kan emphasized to President Karzai, it is essential for the Afghan Government to lead us and to continue to take firm steps to tackle corruption and to ensure good governance at the national and provincial levels. daccess-ods.un.org |
上周,日本首相菅直人先生在大会讲话时强调, 日本提供援助的方式将使阿富汗人民能够看到他们 的生计得到切实改善。 daccess-ods.un.org | Last week, in his address to the General Assembly, the Japanese Prime Minister, Mr. Naoto Kan, emphasized that Japan’s assistance will be provided in such a way that the people of Afghanistan will be able to perceive tangible improvements in their livelihoods. daccess-ods.un.org |
首先,我谨代表新加坡中华总商会全体同仁,感谢黄根成副总理和各位嘉宾出席今天的就职典礼,见证第55届董事会接棒的一刻。 chinese.sccci.org.sg | Firstly, on behalf of the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce & Industry, I would like to express my appreciation to Deputy Prime Minister Wong Kan Seng and all distinguished guests for attending today's Installation Ceremony, to witness the installation of the 55th Council. english.sccci.org.sg |
今天,这份重大的责任将移交到第55届董事会肩上,非常感谢黄根成副总理再次莅临主持今天的移交仪式。 chinese.sccci.org.sg | Today, we see a shifting of this solemn responsibility to the 55th Council of the Chamber, and I would like to thank Deputy Prime Minister Wong Kan Seng for once again officiating this installation ceremony. english.sccci.org.sg |
弗兰克尔,“湿润烧伤膏, “第19A条- 22),尽管其中只有emendations,其中有在塔木德由短语引进了许多少数”萨米米根“=”从这里省略“或”ḥasurimiḥasra“=”的东西失踪“或”teni隔“=”教从而“发现的成米示拿自己的道路。 mb-soft.com | OH Schorr in "HeḤaluẓ," vi. 32-47; Frankel, "Mebo," pp. 19a-22a), although only a few of these emendations, of which there are many in the Talmud-introduced by the phrases "sami mi-kan" = "omit from here," or "ḥasuri miḥasra" = "something missing," or "teni kak" = "teach thus"-found their way into the Mishnah itself. mb-soft.com |
在 9 月 24 日的一 般性辩论中,菅直人首相确认了这一目标,强调日本 决心作为安全理事会的一个常任理事国为维护国际和 平与安全肩负起更多的责任(见 A/65/PV.14)。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the general debate on 24 September, Prime Minister Naoto Kan confirmed this goal by stressing Japan’s determined aspiration to take on further responsibilities for international peace and security as a permanent member of the Security Council (see A/65/PV.14). daccess-ods.un.org |