单词 | Makefile | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 |
这是一个Makefile风格的文件,包含解压,编译,安装和打包源代码所需要的全部命令。 zh.opensuse.org | This is aMakefile-style file that contains [...] all the rules for extracting, compiling, installing and packaging the source. en.opensuse.org |
配置Makefile是相当简单的, 我们在此建议您在开始之前看一下现有的例子。 cnsnap.cn.freebsd.org | Configuring theMakefile ispretty simple, [...] and again we suggest that you look at existing examples before starting. freebsd.org |
Ant由一些内置任务(task)和可选择的任务组成(还可以编写自己的任务),使用Make时,你需要写一个Makefile文件,而用ant时则需要写一个build.xml文件。 javakaiyuan.com | By a number of built-in Ant task (task) and the optional task composition ( you can also write [...] your own tasks) , the use of Make , [...] you needto write aMakefile , and when you need [...]to use ant to write a build.xml file . javakaiyuan.com |
这个程序的主要功能是帮助您检查Makefile的样式是否符合规范, 以及 package [...] 的命名是否得体。 cnsnap.cn.freebsd.org | In particular, you may want [...] to check if theMakefile is in the right [...]shape and the package is named appropriately. freebsd.org |
我们推荐您在Makefile定义所有的动作, 如果不是十分复杂的话, 这样, 别人能更容易明白您的 [...] port 需要执行哪些非默认的动作。 cnsnap.cn.freebsd.org | It is recommendedthat you use Makefile targetsif the actions [...] are simple enough, because it will be easier for someone [...]to figure out what kind of non-default action the port requires. freebsd.org |
一般情况下, 如果运用得当, 除主目录之外都只需要很短的Makefile。 az.48.org | Typically you only [...] need a very shortMakefile inall butone of [...]the directories if you use variables cleverly. az.48.org |
您可以在 示范的Makefile那章找到更多的细节。 cnsnap.cn.freebsd.org | You can find a more detailed [...] example inthe sampleMakefile section. freebsd.org |
标记了 BROKEN 的 port 仍然会被继续尝试, 以了解是否某些依赖关系的变动解决了其问题 [...] (这是通过给 port的Makefile传TRYBROKEN 参数来完成的)。 az.48.org | (This is done by [...] passing TRYBROKEN to the port's Makefile. az.48.org |
注意: 对于非虚拟的分类来说, [...] 您会看到在相对应子目录中的Makefile里有写在 COMMENT 里的单行描述。 az.48.org | Note: For non-virtual categories, you will find a one-line description in the [...] COMMENT in that subdirectory'sMakefile. az.48.org |
为方便起见, 这个路径在Makefile和pkg-plist 均以 WWWDIR 变量的形式提供。 az.48.org | For your convenience, this path [...] is available bothinMakefile andinpkg-plist as [...]WWWDIR, and the path relative to PREFIX [...]is available in Makefile as WWWDIR_REL. az.48.org |
您应从第三方软件的Makefile中去掉特殊的优化设置。 az.48.org | You should remove optimization flags [...] from thethird party Makefiles. System CFLAGS contains [...]system-wide optimization flags. az.48.org |
GYP可根据目标生成Makefile、Vi sual Studio项目文件或XCode文件,最近它也被V8和Chrome吸纳。 infoq.com | GYPgeneratesMakefiles,Visual Studio project [...] files or XCode files depending on the target and has also been adopted by V8 and Chrome recently. infoq.com |
对于使用 imake 的 X port, 这一工作是自动完成的; 其他情况下, 通常可以简单地将 port 所用到的Makefile脚本中出现的 /usr/local (或对于没有使用 imake 的 X port 而言, /usr/X11R6) 替换为读取 ${PREFIX} 变量就能达到目的了, 因为这个变量在联编和安装的过程中, 会自动向下传递。 az.48.org | For X ports that use imake, this is automatic; otherwise, this can often be done by simply replacing the occurrences of /usr/local (or /usr/X11R6 for X ports that do not use imake) in the various Makefiles in the port to read ${PREFIX}, as this variable is automatically passed down to every stage of the build and install processes. az.48.org |
因为这份文档不是十分详细, 您还应该再参考一下 [...] /usr/ports/Mk/bsd.port.mk, 所有 port的Makefile文件都会包含它。 cnsnap.cn.freebsd.org | When this document is not sufficiently detailed, you should refer to [...] /usr/ports/Mk/bsd.port.mk, whichall port Makefiles include. freebsd.org |
在Makefile中的第二部分是描述用于联编 port 所必需下载的文件, 以及到什么地方去下载它们。 cnsnap.cn.freebsd.org | The second partof the Makefile describes thefiles [...] that must be downloaded in order to build the port, and where they can be downloaded from. freebsd.org |
在Makefile中给出信号, 表示由于某种外界因素 (例如, 用户指定了无效的联编选项) 而无法安装的方法是将变量 [...] IGNORE 设为一非空值。 az.48.org | The correct way for a Makefile to signal thatthe port [...] can not be installed due to some external factor (for instance, the [...]user has specified an illegal combination of build options) is to set a nonblank value to IGNORE. az.48.org |
即使不是每天都去摆弄Makefile,您也会从那个文件里面获得很多知识, 里面的注释非常详细。 cnsnap.cn.freebsd.org | Even if you donothack Makefilesdaily, itis well [...] commented, and you will still gain much knowledge from it. freebsd.org |
虽然使用这些变量是可选的, 但它们能显着减少 port的Makefile复杂性。 az.48.org | Although their use is optional, they can help to reduce the [...] verbosity of the portMakefiles.Each of themis styled as USE az.48.org |
您可以在自己的Makefile中改变 PREFIX 变量的值, 也可以通过用户环境变量来影响它。 az.48.org | The variable PREFIX can be [...] reassigned in your Makefile or in theuser's [...]environment. az.48.org |
务请使用正确的 make 变量, 因为每一个都表达了截然不同的意义, 而且许多自动化系统, 例如 port 联编集群、 [...] FreshPorts, 以及 portsmon, 都依赖于Makefile的正确性。 cnsnap.cn.freebsd.org | Please use the correct make variable as each make variable conveys radically different meanings to [...] both users, and to automated systems [...] that depend on the Makefiles, suchas theports [...]build cluster, FreshPorts, and portsmon. freebsd.org |
注意: 这一设置并不影响您在Makefile中定义的 MASTER_SITES。 az.48.org | Note: This does not affect the [...] MASTER_SITES you define in your Makefile. az.48.org |
在这份手册里也有一个Makefile例子, 照着里面变量的顺序来写能使得您的 port 更容易地被其它人看懂。 cnsnap.cn.freebsd.org | Also, thereis asample Makefile in thishandbook, so [...] take a look and please follow the ordering of variables and sections [...]in that template to make your port easier for others to read. freebsd.org |
静态装箱单 是指在 Ports Collection 中以 pkg-plist 文件 (可能包含变量替换), 或以 [...] PLIST_FILES 和 PLIST_DIRS 的形式嵌入到Makefile出现的装箱单。 az.48.org | A static package list is a package list which is available in the Ports Collection either as [...] a pkg-plist file (with or without variable substitution), [...] or embedded into the Makefile viaPLIST_FILES and [...]PLIST_DIRS. az.48.org |
在这个例子中, 我们将要移植的应用程序用到了 Qt4 图形用户界面函数库、 Qt4 核心 (core) [...] 函数库、 所有 Qt4 代码生成工具以及 Qt4的Makefile生成器。 cnsnap.cn.freebsd.org | In this example, the ported application uses the Qt 4 [...] graphical user interface library, the Qt 4 core library, all of the Qt 4 code [...] generation tools and Qt 4'sMakefile generator. freebsd.org |
我们建议您使用 portlint 来检查Makefile。 az.48.org | We recommend that you use [...] portlintto check the Makefile. az.48.org |
即使它是由工具或Makefile中的某个 target 在经由 committer 加入到 [...] Ports Collection 之前 自动生成的也是如此, 因为可以在不下载或编译源代码包的前提下对其进行检视。 az.48.org | Even if the contents are auto-generated by a tool [...] or a target in theMakefile beforethe inclusion [...]into the Ports Collection by a committer, [...]this is still considered a static list, since it is possible to examine it without having to download or compile the distfile. az.48.org |
例如, 如果希望安装除了Makefile之外的其他所有文件, 可以使用下述命令。 cnsnap.cn.freebsd.org | For example, to install all files from the [...] first example exceptMakefiles,one can usethe following [...]command. freebsd.org |
任何Makefile都应该简单并理性地行事。 cnsnap.cn.freebsd.org | TheMakefile should do things simply [...] and reasonably. freebsd.org |
举个例子, 如果您在您的Makefile里定义了post-extract, 并在 script [...] 目录里放了一个 pre-build 脚本, 那么在 tar 包解开之后 post-extract 将被调用, pre-build 脚本会在默认的编译之前被执行。 cnsnap.cn.freebsd.org | For example, if you have a post-extract [...] target defined in your Makefile, and a filepre-build [...]in the scripts subdirectory, the [...]post-extract target will be called after the regular extraction actions, and the pre-build script will be executed before the default build rules are done. freebsd.org |