

单词 21-aug-09



American International Group (AIG), insurance company
AIG 预期将使用所得款项以进一 步减少应付美国财政部的债务余额 (如 AIG 就此项潜在配售而於 2012 年 3 月 4 日发布的新闻稿所 载)。
AIG is expected to use the proceeds to further reduce the balance of its indebtedness to the US Department of the Treasury as set out in its press release dated 4 March 2012 with respect to this potential placing.
本公司认为,暂停买卖本公司股份以待刊发有关 AIG 潜在配售的进一步公告乃符合本公司及股东利 益。
The Company believes that it is in the interests of the Company and the shareholders that trading in the shares of the Company be suspended pending release of a further announcement regarding AIG's potential placement.
Majeed 二级总监告诉委员会,他认为没有必要确定截获电话的 真实性或对其进行分析的依据,包括语音甄别和把这一对话解释为是指暗杀布托 女士。
AIG Majeed told the Commission that he saw no need to establish the authenticity of the intercept or the basis for its analysis, including the voice identification and the interpretation of the conversation as a reference to Ms. Bhutto’s assassination.
Since mid-September 2008, a full-blown financial crisis has erupted in the United States, with well-established financial institutions like Lehman Brothers filing for bankruptcy and AIG (American International Group) requiring a massive US$85 billion bailout from the US Federal Reserve.
作为该次任务的一部分,我进行了大量必须尽快完成的资产剥离工作,以便最大限度地提高所得款项,用于偿还 AIG 的政府贷款。
As part of that assignment, I worked on a number of divestitures that had to be completed very quickly in order to maximize proceeds to repay AIG’s loans from the government.
由于 AIG 全面确认所得税的能力有限,AIG 递延税项资产估值准备金的变动抵消了期 内活动的美国联邦所得税影响,因此本新闻稿中的所有数据均为所得税前的数据,除非另行 注明。
The U.S. federal income tax effects of current period activity are generally offset by changes in AIG's deferred tax asset valuation allowance due to limitations on AIG's ability to fully recognize income taxes; therefore all amounts in this press release are before income taxes, unless otherwise noted.
在问及此事时,二级总监 Majeed 解释说,已传唤这些人面谈,但他们拒绝出 面。
When asked about this, AIG Majeed explained that those persons had been summoned to be interviewed, but they refused to appear.
在加入 FMCP 之前,他是 AIG Trading Group 的副总裁,任职期间,他建立了公司范围内市场风险及限制的计算与报告方法与标准并管理着负责中台事务及市场风险管理的团队。
Prior to joining FMCP, he served as a Vice President at AIG Trading Group, where he established firm-wide methodologies and standards for the computation and reporting of market risk and limits, and managed a team responsible for middle office and market risk management.
AIG 通过 Hadid Industries Complex 进行大多数采购活动。
AIG conducts the majority of its procurement activity through Hadid Industries Complex.
自 2007 年以来,Miyasaki 先生一直致力于在亚洲构建 Blackstone 的房地产业务格局,包括在东京就以 12 亿美元出售 AIG Building 事宜为 AIG 提供顾问服务以及在澳大利亚和日本收购 36 亿美元的不良房地产贷款。
Since 2007, Mr. Miyasaki has worked to build Blackstone’s real estate business in Asia, including advising AIG on the $1.2 billion sale of the AIG Building in Tokyo and the acquisition of $3.6 billion of distressed real estate loans in Australia and Japan.
本新闻稿中的技术信息已由Pangolin董事长、AIG成员、哲学博士、理学士Leon Daniel博士审核并通过。
The technical disclosure in this news release has been reviewed and approved by Dr. Leon Daniels, B.Sc.
这些所 谓 “迷你债券”,其实是衍生投资产品中的“结构性票据”,它的抵押品是 一堆高风险的衍生工具,包括了抵押债务证券(CDO)及差点就令AIG百 年基业一朝丧的信贷违约掉期安排(CDS)等。
These so-called "minibonds" are actually "structured notes", a kind of derivative backed by a basket of high-risk derivative instruments, including collateralized debt obligations (CDO) and credit default swap (CDS).
在 Blackstone 担任唯一全球协调人期间,他就几十个资产剥离及其他交易为 AIG 提供咨询,包括 2009 年与纽约联邦储备银行 250 亿美元的债转股交换,以及 2010 年有关 AIA 首次公开发售(募集逾 200 亿美元)以及出售 Alico(给 MetLife,售价为 160 亿美元)的相关决议。
In Blackstone’s role as sole global coordinator, he advised AIG on dozens of divestitures and other transactions, including the $25 billion of debt-for-equity exchanges with the Federal Reserve Bank of New York in 2009, as well as related decisions in 2010 to pursue the IPO of AIA (raising over $20 billion) and the sale of Alico (to MetLife for $16 billion).
例如在技术上已经破产的AIG,一 方面接受美国政府1,700亿美元的注资,另一方面却向令公司陷入绝境 的金融部门发放1.65亿美元巨额花红,引起朝野譁然;同样要美国政府 挽救的房利美、房贷美,以及美林、花旗、通用汽车等大型企业,或继 续向公司高层发放巨额花红,或安排奢华的酒店度假,甚至出动私人飞 机接载开会的高层,与企业的困境形成巨大反差。
For instance, there was a public uproar when the AIG, which should be regarded as technically bankrupt, on the one hand accepted the injection of US$170 billion by the United States Government and, on the other, granted a colossal sum of US$165 million in bonuses to its finance department, the culprit for plunging the group into dire straits. Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and such major enterprises as Merrill Lynch, Citibank and General Motors, which are similarly in need of rescue by the United States Government, have either continued to grant colossal sums of bonuses to their senior staff or arranged vacations to be taken in luxurious hotels, or even used private jets to ferry their senior staff to meetings, in stark contrast to the plight faced by the enterprises.
联合调查队由旁遮普省二级总监 Abdul Majeed 先生领导。
The JIT was headed by Mr. Abdul Majeed, Additional Inspector General (AIG) for Punjab.
美亚保险很有可能会将其收集的个人资料(包括由其澳门分行收集的资料)转移至香港以外的地方(例如AIG 或Chartis的保安资料中心、Chartis的联营公司、服务供应者、合作伙伴及政府或监管机构)以达到收集此等资料之目的,或直接与其有关之目的。
Personal data collected in Hong Kong by Chartis HK (including data collected by its Macau branch) is likely to be transferred to places outside of Hong Kong (such as to AIG or Chartis secure data centres, Chartis affiliates, service providers, business partners and governmental or regulatory authorities) in order to carry out the purposes, or directly related purposes, for which the personal data were collected.
AIG万一出事,所掀起的冲击可能会比雷曼迷债事件所造 成的有过之而无不及。
If AIG collapsed, its impact would possibly be stronger than that of the Lehman Brothers Minibonds incident.
Majeed 二级总 监在联合调查队成立之时不在国内,联合调查队头两天由队里次一级的最高级警 官领导,即由拉合尔刑侦处的副总监 Mushtaq Ahmad Sukhera 领导。
At the time the JIT was established, AIG Majeed was out of the country and, for the first two days, the JIT was headed by the next most senior police officer on the team, the DIG/CID in Lahore, Mushtaq Ahmad Sukhera.
Over a 25-year period between 1980 and 2005, he held various senior positions within the AIG Group in Singapore, initially as AIA Singapore’s Vice-President and Chief Investment Officer managing the investment portfolio of AIA Singapore and later as AIG Global Investment Corporation (Singapore) Ltd’s Vice President of Direct Investments.
AIG 现时持有 32.89% AIA 发行普通股。
AIG currently holds 32.89 per cent of AIA’s outstanding ordinary shares.
我所指的是建 设 基 建 的 大 财 团 , 包括国 际 公司例如 AIG。
I mean international infrastructure construction consortiums such as AIG.
Prior to joining Prudential in October 2006, Barry was President of Accident & Health Worldwide for AIG Life Companies, based in Hong Kong and overseeing more than 100 operations across six continents.
我只 是 说如果 双方政 府在讨论 跨 境基建 项目时 可以早 点 找 例 如 AIG、新世界基 建 、 长江基建 等承造基 建 的 大 财 团 商讨的 话 , 在 道路和 桥 梁的兴 建 方 面 , 便可以少走 “ 冤枉路 "。
I only said that in the course of discussing cross-boundary infrastructure development between governments of the two places, they might approach infrastructure consortiums such as AIG, New World Infrastructure Limited and Cheung Kong Infrastructure Holdings Limited at an earlier stage, then certain wasted efforts could be saved as far as highway or bridge construction works are concerned.
正当「挪亚方舟国际事工」保持缄默的当儿,反对派阵营的行动比前更为明显,其中参 与的有美国规模最大的创造论机构 Answers in Genesis (AIG) 总裁 Ken Ham,亦高调地反对方舟发现, 而大部分在网上搜寻方舟资讯的群组也脱下了假装中立的矫饰。
These assemblages at other sites in the Near East have calibrated radiocarbon dates between 13,100 and 9,600 B.C. Located at elevations above 4,200 meters on Mount Ararat and covered by layers of ice and stones, he states: “The site is wonderfully preserved, exhibits a wide array of plant materials including structures made of cypress and one room with a floor covered by chickpea seeds.
In particular, this Case looks at the experience of American International Group (AIG), the first foreign insurance firm to open a wholly owned subsidiary in China since 1979, and the difficulties it has encountered in developing its Mainland businesses.
据美国规模最大的创造论机构 Answers in Genesis (AIG) 总裁 Ken Ham 报导,AIG 的地质学家 Dr. Andrew Snelling 告诉他,至今为止,那些「支持方舟发现的扞卫人士」选择不理会他的文章。
Though I have demonstrated increasing interest in this new discovery, until this point I have not declared whether I believe these remains to be the very Ark that the Lord God instructed Noah to build some five thousand years ago.
雷曼於2008年9月15日在美国申请破产保护前,当时 市场憧憬当局会以某种形式出手拯救或援助雷曼,情况一如贝 尔斯登及其後的美国国际集团。
Before LB filed for bankruptcy protection in the United States on 15 September 2008, the prevailing market expectation was that some form of rescue or bail-out would take place, as in the case of Bear Stearns and subsequently with AIG.
香港,2012 年 3 月 5 日 – 友邦保险控股有限公司(「本公司」或「AIA」)董事会已获美国国际集团 (「AIG」)知会,AIG 已开始潜在配售其於本公司的很大部分股份。
HONG KONG, 5 March 2012 – The Board of Directors of AIA Group Limited (“the Company” or “AIA”) has been informed by American International Group, Inc. (“AIG”) that AIG has commenced a potential placing of a significant proportion of its shares in the Company.
美国规模最大的创造论机构 Answers in Genesis (AIG) 总裁 Ken Ham 论到 Dr. Snelling 的报告文章:「当 中关於细节的仔细解释,获得了那些接受圣经所记载的洪水事件为真实历史和认同普世性洪水的人的赞 赏。
I invited the NAMI representatives to my hometown in Charlotte, North Carolina to present their information before a small delegation of biblical archaeologists, university professors, scientists, seminary officials, and interested individuals.
在此之前,伍先生就任于一家在中国进行私募股本项目投资的美国知名对冲基金公司,并参与管理美国国际集团(AIG Investments)高达十一亿美元的亚洲基础设施建设基金,相继对中国联通,韩国Hansol PCS和 BTSC,以及曼谷高铁的建设进行投资。
Previously, Mr. Eng had worked with a major US hedge fund on structured private equity deals in China and with AIG Investments managing the US$1.1 billion Asian Infrastructure Fund, which invested in firms such as China Unicom, Korea's Hansol PCS and BTSC, Bangkok's elevated rail.




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